
Finishing the Fight

The unusually large hobgoblin roared in defiance as it recovered from the shock of its shoulder plate being fractured by Alex's submission. Though it could no longer move its right arm, the tenacity it displayed was enough to gain Alex's respect.

The creature struggled to lift the massive battleax with only its left arm. Despite its best efforts, it was only capable of dragging it across the pavement and making clumsy swings at the blood-stained youth who had gravely injured it. However, this was enough to harass Alex and aid their comrades who desperately tried to bring the human down.

Meanwhile, the stalemate which had formed in the battle between the goblins and humans had begun to shift in humanity's favor. The goblins had been forced into a corner by the new arrival of dozens of slayers, and though they fought desperately to hold their position, allowing a brief respite. The little monsters could not hold out against the superior strength of the human slayers.