
Do we have a deal?

The crimson eyes set their sights on Alex, who was once more in the repetitive process of wrapping his hands. The doll-like woman with the appearance of a teenage girl appeared behind Alex and sat atop the counter, waiting to see how long it would take for the youthful human to notice her presence. Several moments passed before the young man heard a giggle from behind, which instantly sent shivers down his spine as his body instinctively took a fighting position while turning around.

In his sights was the same albino vampire girl who had stolen a large quantity of his blood not long ago. Though he took an aggressive stance, the girl did not seem to care in the slightest. She gazed upon him as if she were looking at a mouse, something which posed no threat to her whatsoever. The porcelain girl uncurled her legs as she stood up and approached Alex.

"We meet again, handsome; tell me, what is your name?"