
Fractured Hearts

Akai's heart beats solely for her best friend, Ryder, but her secret love remains locked away, hidden from the world. Their friendship is her sanctuary, her safe haven. However, a deceitful third party, masquerading as Akai's friend, shatters this sanctuary, manipulating Ryder into believing Akai committed an unthinkable betrayal. "You're a traitor,Akai," Ryder speaks, his eyes blazing with anger. "You're dead to me." Akai's world crumbles, her heart splintering into a million pieces. "Ryder, please listen—" "No, Akai, you listen," Ryder interrupts, his voice cold. "You're nothing to me now. Nothing..You're a liar, a cheat, and a fraud." Akai's tears fall like rain, her body shaking with sobs. "You're really going to believe her lies over our friendship?" Years later, Akai returns to the city, her heart still heavy with grief. Working as a waitress, she struggles to rebuild her life. Then, fate delivers a cruel blow: Ryder and his fiancée, Savannah, walk into the restaurant, their happiness a stark contrast to Akai's enduring pain. As Ryder's eyes meet hers, the past comes flooding back, and the old wound reopens. His harsh words, "Didn't I say you previously not to appear in front of me?" cut through her like a dagger. Akai's response, "Don't worry about it, Mr. Thompson. I know my place. I didn't think we would meet here," barely conceals her anguish. Ryder's expression twists in disgust. "You're still here? I thought I made it clear I never wanted to see your face again." Akai's heart races, her emotions swirling like a maelstrom. "I-I just wanted to move on, Ryder. I didn't mean to hurt you." Ryder's laughter is cold, cruel. "Hurt me? You destroyed me, Akai . You ripped out my heart and stomped on it." "I hated you for what you did to her," Ryder speaks his eyes blazing with anger. "How can you hurt my woman?" "I'm sorry, Ryder," Akai whispers, her voice barely audible. "I'm sorry for everything." Akai's heartbreak is palpable, a heavy weight crushing her chest. She knows that their love is lost, trapped beneath the surface of their pain and regret. Ryder's eyes blazed with a fierce intensity, his gaze piercing through Akai like a dagger. "If you ever appear in front of me or try to harm my woman, I am going to make your life a living hell!" he growled, his voice low and menacing. Akai's eyes locked onto his, her heart racing with fear. She saw the raw anger and possessiveness in his gaze, the unbridled fury that threatened to consume her. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she realized the depth of his emotions, the ferocity of his protectiveness over Savannah. As she gazed into his eyes, she saw a glimmer of the boy she once knew, the boy who had been her best friend and confidant. But that boy was gone, replaced by a man consumed by rage and a thirst for revenge. Akai felt a pang of regret and sorrow, knowing that she had lost him forever. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she beheld the stranger before her, the man who had once been her everything. She knew that she had to look away, to break the spell that held her captive. But she couldn't tear her gaze away, transfixed by the intensity of his emotions. The air was heavy with tension. Akai's heart raced with fear, her soul trembling with sorrow. She knew that she had to escape, to flee from the wrath that threatened to consume her. But her feet seemed rooted to the spot, unable to move, unable to escape the fury that blazed in Ryder's eyes.

Audenzia_16 · Urban
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28 Chs

The Sweet Sting of Jealousy

As she entered the library, Akai's eyes scanned the room, searching for a familiar face. And then, she spotted Charlotte, sitting by the window, her nose buried in a book. Akai approached her.As Charlotte looked up, her eyes locking onto Akai's, and a bright smile spread across her face.

Akai smiled back, her feet moving towards Charlotte as if drawn by an invisible force. "Hello,Charlotte," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Did I disturb you by calling you suddenly?" Charlotte asked, her eyes sparkling with concern.

Akai shook her head, her ponytail swishing behind her. "No, not at all," she replied, her eyes locked onto Charlotte's. "I was thinking of doing this project with you." Charlotte's face lit up, her eyes shining with excitement. "That sounds amazing!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Akai took the leaflet from Charlotte's hand, her eyes scanning the page. The project was an art competition, themed "Artistic Expression". They were to create a mixed-media piece that represented their personal artistic style and expression.

This art competition was a highly anticipated event in the art world. It was a platform for young artists to showcase their talents, creativity, and unique perspectives. The competition was open to students from various schools, and the response was overwhelming.

A panel of renowned art experts and critics would judge the submissions, looking for originality, technique, and emotional resonance. The winner would receive a prestigious award, a cash prize, and a chance to exhibit their work in a prominent art gallery.

The competition was divided into three categories: painting, sculpture, and mixed media.

"This is incredible!" Akai exclaimed. "I love the theme!" Charlotte beamed with pride. "I knew you'd like it!" she said. "We can use recycled materials, paint, markers, anything we want to create our piece." Akai's eyes sparkled with creativity. "The possibilities are endless!" she said.

Charlotte grinned, her eyes shining with excitement. "That's great then," she exclaimed. "We can start brainstorming and get to work!" Akai nodded, her heart racing with anticipation. "Let's do it!" she said, her voice filled with determination.

After discussing the project with Charlotte, Akai decided to head to the grocery mall, "FreshMart", to pick up some ingredients for dinner. As she walked through the sliding glass doors, she was greeted by the familiar sight of neatly stacked shelves and the hum of friendly chatter. Her stomach growled with anticipation as she made her way to the meat section.

"Hey there, Akai! What brings you in today?" asked Mr. Jenkins, the friendly butcher. Akai smiled, "Hello, Mr. Jenkins! How do you do ?I'm going to make a special recipe tonight that my grandma loves, and I need some fresh ingredients." Mr. Jenkins' face lit up, "Ah, that's great! Your grandma's recipes are always a hit! How is she doing, by the way?"

Akai's eyes warmed with fondness, "She's doing great, thanks for asking! I'm actually making this dish for her." Mr. Jenkins nodded, "Well, I've got just the thing for you. Let me grab some fresh goodies, and I'll even throw in some tips for that recipe." Akai's face lit up with gratitude, "Thanks, Mr. Jenkins! I appreciate your help. Have a great day!"

She couldn't wait to see the look on her grandma's face when she presented her with the finished dish. She made her way to the checkout counter, her heart full of warmth.

As she was walking through the mall in the limited edition of the chocolate section, she saw Ryder accompanied by another woman, her face she couldn't see as her back was towards Akai. Ryder hadn't noticed her yet. Akai decided to greet him. She was upset that when she went to his house he was absent, but now on seeing him her mood improved. As she stepped forward, she saw the woman accompanied him was holding a chocolate towards his face. After sometime, he took the chocolate from her hand. The woman giggled on his action. As Akai saw her side profile, she came to know it is not other than Savannah.

Akai's eyes widened as she took in the scene - Ryder and Savannah standing close together, their faces inches apart. As she approached them, Akai felt a pang of jealousy and sadness wash over her. She saw how happy Savannah was, standing close to Ryder, and how carefree they seemed together. Akai's eyes pricked with tears as she realized she was witnessing a moment she had hoped to share with Ryder herself. She had been excited to show him the new chocolates ,the gift she got but now it seemed like he was too preoccupied with Savannah to even notice her.

Feeling a lump form in her throat, Akai decided not to interrupt them. She didn't want to intrude on their moment, and she didn't feel like forcing her presence on Ryder when he was clearly engaged with someone else. With a heavy heart, she turned towards the exit, her eyes brimming with tears. She had hoped to share a sweet moment with Ryder, but it seemed like that was not meant to be.