
Fractured Hearts

Akai fell in love with Ryder who is her childhood best friend.She kept her feelings hidden.A deceitful third party involvement manipulated Ryder into believing that Akai had broken his trust. "Ry..Ryder please listen."Akai begged, grasping his hand. Ryder yanked his hands from her grip and his expression turned cold. "I don't want to hear anything from you.You are nothing to me now." "You are going to believe her?"Akai's eyes welled up with tears. "I don't want to believe you.In future don't appear infront of me."he left after saying those hurtful words,Akai fell to the ground sobbing. Years passed Akai returned to the city working as a waitress to support her life. But fate delivered a cruel blow when Ryder and his fiancee walked into the restaurant. "Didn't I say you better stay away from us?How dare you appear in front of us?" "Mr Thompson I didn't think we would meet here." "I made it clear previously that I never wanted to see you again."His words were too hurtful to bear for Akai. "I didn't mean to hurt you Ryder."Akai said, trying to explain. Ryder scoffed,"Hurt?I hate you for what you did to her.How can you hurt my woman?" Akai looked at his eyes to find the glimmer of the boy she once knew.But that boy was gone replaced by a man consumed by rage and hatred for her. She knew she lost him forever.Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes. Will Akai and Ryder ever find their way back to each other, or is their love lost forever, a casualty of misunderstandings and hurtful words? Will they be able to overcome the lies and betrayal that tore them apart, or will their hearts remain forever fractured? ---------- This Novel is not translated but an original work written by author Audenzia_16.

Audenzia_16 · Urban
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109 Chs

Quite Understanding

At first, she tried to brush it off as mere paranoia, but the sensation only intensified as she walked. She quickened her pace, her heart beating slightly faster, and that's when she knew for certain - the person was keeping pace with her, their footsteps mirroring hers in a way that sent a shiver down her spine.

Akai's instincts screamed at her to move faster, and she did, her feet carrying her swiftly down the sidewalk.

Akai's ankle seared with pain as she attempted to flee, her feet pounding the pavement in a frantic bid for freedom. But before she could escape, a hand clamped down on her wrist like a vice, jerking her to a halt.

Fear exploded through her veins as she spun around, her heart racing with terror. "Why are you running faster?" a voice thundered, the words dripping with disapproval. "Just a few days ago, you sprained your leg, and now you're recklessly running?"