
Fractured Hearts

Akai fell in love with Ryder who is her childhood best friend.She kept her feelings hidden.A deceitful third party involvement manipulated Ryder into believing that Akai had broken his trust. "Ry..Ryder please listen."Akai begged, grasping his hand. Ryder yanked his hands from her grip and his expression turned cold. "I don't want to hear anything from you.You are nothing to me now." "You are going to believe her?"Akai's eyes welled up with tears. "I don't want to believe you.In future don't appear infront of me."he left after saying those hurtful words,Akai fell to the ground sobbing. Years passed Akai returned to the city working as a waitress to support her life. But fate delivered a cruel blow when Ryder and his fiancee walked into the restaurant. "Didn't I say you better stay away from us?How dare you appear in front of us?" "Mr Thompson I didn't think we would meet here." "I made it clear previously that I never wanted to see you again."His words were too hurtful to bear for Akai. "I didn't mean to hurt you Ryder."Akai said, trying to explain. Ryder scoffed,"Hurt?I hate you for what you did to her.How can you hurt my woman?" Akai looked at his eyes to find the glimmer of the boy she once knew.But that boy was gone replaced by a man consumed by rage and hatred for her. She knew she lost him forever.Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes. Will Akai and Ryder ever find their way back to each other, or is their love lost forever, a casualty of misunderstandings and hurtful words? Will they be able to overcome the lies and betrayal that tore them apart, or will their hearts remain forever fractured? ---------- This Novel is not translated but an original work written by author Audenzia_16.

Audenzia_16 · Urban
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109 Chs

Healing the Heart

The park was bathed in a warm glow from the sun, which illuminated the vivid flowers and beautiful green grass. A curious twelve-year-old boy named Ryder spotted her while perusing the playground.

Even though she was only eight years old, he was fascinated by her sweet smile and sparkling eyes. The young girl, Akai, was in the park with her grandma to celebrate her birthday. She was overjoyed to be taken to the park as a special treat by her grandmother. Her pigtails bouncing with every movement as she played on the swings, drew Ryder in with her happiness and laughter.

Ryder felt an unexplainable connection with the little child he had never seen before, the instant their eyes met. With his pulse accelerating, he drew closer and introduced himself.

Both would spend every free moment in the park together after that. They swapped secrets and dreams, played hide-and-seek, and chased each other across the playground.

As the days turned into weeks, Ryder found out that Akai was staying with her grandmother after being bereaved. He was astonished by how someone so vibrant and affectionate could have overcome so much pain in her young life. Nevertheless, Akai's demeanor never changed, and Ryder was struck by her courage and perseverance.

Ryder remained ignorant of Akai's growing romantic attachment to him. She prized his ability to lift her spirits, his care and concern for her well-being, and his enthusiasm for her goals and desires. However, she was too reserved to express her emotions, fearing that he might not feel the same way.

The connection between them became stronger as the days stretched into weeks. They were four years apart in age, yet they understood each other very well, and their relationship got closer every day. Akai was adored by Ryder's mother, an exquisite and gentle woman.

She would frequently ask her to playdates in their magnificent estate, where they would play for hours in the expansive gardens and sumptuous playrooms. Watching them with a warm grin on her face, Mrs. Thompson was pleased to see her son happy.

"Akai, you're such a sweet girl," Mrs. Thompson would give her a firm hug. "I'm so glad Ryder has you as a friend." Feeling appreciative of the affection and acceptance she was shown by Ryder's family, Akai would blush and grin.

With a global corporate empire, the Ryder family had immense fortune. With marble flooring, glittering chandeliers, and precious artwork all over the walls, their mansion was a monument to their wealth. As the heir apparent to the Thompson fortune, Ryder's parents were preparing him to eventually take over the business.

Their conversations became more in-depth as they became older. They would discuss their hopes, anxieties, and dreams.

"Akai, I'm so glad we have each other." Ryder would add, thankfulness shining in his eyes. "Me too, Ryder." Akai would say in a heartfelt voice.

She understood they could always rely on one another through thick and thin as they negotiated the ups and downs of youth.

One beautiful afternoon at the park. Sandwiches, fruit, and cookies were all in a basket that Ryder's mom had prepared. Beneath a towering oak tree, they stretched a blanket and took a seat to eat. "Akai, what do you want to be when you grow up?" With a gleam in his eyes, Ryder enquired. "My goal is to become an artist .I love to draw and paint, and I want to create beautiful things that make people happy."

"You have such talent. One day, I'm sure you'll be a fantastic artist." Akai grinned and flushed, feeling uplifted and inspired. After their picnic was over, Ryder took a little gift package out of from his pocket. He exclaimed, "I got you something."

When Akai opened the box and saw the exquisite silver bracelet inside, her eyes sprang wide. She said, "Ryder, it's gorgeous!"

Tears filled Akai's eyes as she gave Ryder a firm embrace."You're my best friend , and I love you."she said, her voice quivering with passion. Ryder gave Akai a hug in return, and felt his heart fill with joy and love. He was aware that their friendship was unique and would endure a lifetime.

He was aware that their friendship was priceless and something he would always value. Ryder looked at Akai, his heart full of love and protectiveness, and his eyes gleamed.She had always been like his little sister, and the idea of someone abusing her made him feel revolted.

His family loved Akai as if she was one of them, and they felt the same way. But there was also a deep grief in Akai's eyes, a longing for the parental affection she had not had as a child. Her five-year-old self had been forever scarred and her heart was always hurting. She missed a mother's warmth so much and the guidance of her father's hands.

The only surviving relative she had, her grandma, had tried her hardest to replace the vacuum by showing Akai so much love and attention. But the pain persisted, a constant reminder of what she had lost, even in the face of her grandmother's unflinching support.

Akai felt a knot rise in her throat as Ryder gently encircled her in his arms. She was reminded that she was not alone in this world by his compassion and kindness, which were a balm to her soul. "Ryder, I miss my parents so much." she uttered in a tearful whisper. Ryder's voice became empathetic as his grip tightened. "I am aware, Akai I really apologize for what you had to endure. However, I'm always here for you. You're like my little sister and best friend. I will never let you feel alone."

Tears pricked at the corners of Akai's eyes as she looked up at Ryder. His words were a salve to her wounded heart, a reminder that she had found a true friend, a true family, in him.


This is a fictional piece. All names, characters, companies, locations, events, and incidents in this book, unless otherwise noted, are either imaginary or the result of the author's imagination. Any likeness to real people, living or dead, or to real things is entirely coincidental.