
Fractured God

16 years ago, Tibaut Agirow was born with the soul of a 26-year-old NEET. He was born into a noble family and very much enjoyed his cushy life in a new world. 12 years after this he had to make his way through the world by himself. 4 years after that he soon encountered a blonde lady that would change the course of his life.

NeetRonin · Fantasy
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275 Chs

Chapter 128

Relief washed over O'Reilly's face when he saw Tibaut jump into the air; however, the action also caused some of those in the bar to turn their attention his way. Realizing the growing looks that were coming his way, Tibaut grabbed Grace's hand and quickly walked his way over to the officers. They all opened a path while staring at him and the woman next to him. As they walked to O'Reilly, a man with brown hair and blue eyes slowly walked down the stairs. He had stubble all over his face and his hair looked wet. His eyes were those of a warrior and he focused his gaze on the men at the entrance and Grace. He looked massive, it was as though his pale skin was trying to cover the muscles of three men stuffed into one body. If this behemoth was in his Tibaut's old world no one would be fooled into believing he was natty. He was easily the second tallest person he had seen in his life and towered over the men around him when he reached the first floor. The steps he made as he approached weren't very loud in reality but the sight of him made Tibaut's mind perceive the steps as being as loud as the gong of a church bell. He readied himself for what this monster was going to do but O'Reilly stepped in front of him and raised his hand as if telling him to yield.

The man kept walking and Tibaut was half convinced the man who stood before was insane. Before he could get the words he wanted to leave his throat, the man built like he had consumed nothing but whey, chicken breast and protein shakes for the last ten years, lowered his head down to O'Reilly's level and looked quite smug, wearing an unnerving looking smirk on his face. 

"Oh it's you lot. What do we have the honour of being graced with the presence of dogs like you." He said. His voice sounded primal and Tibaut felt his core being shaken as he spoke.

What amazed Tibaut, was that even though he was behind O'Reilly, the giant's breath reeked so strongly of booze, he was convinced he would get drunk off the fumes if the giant spoke for long.

"Just here to gather some sightseers. And to make sure you're not making a ruckus as usual."

O'Reilly seemed undaunted by his presence and spoke to him with familiarity. How he was able to speak on par with this man was beyond Tibaut.

"Haheee, ruckus!?" He said with a laugh that was ipecac to the ears. "Me and my men here are lawfully paying for drinks. If there's any ruckus, well the bastard over there shouldn't have opened up a pub if he can't handle it now, should he?"

"Keep up this behaviour and we'll have to kick you out. Just cause it's a pub doesn't mean you treat it like your personal retreat. Have some courtesy for the other folks who come here."

He put his massive hand on O'Reilly's shoulder. 

"Now, you little pooch, surely you can give me and my boys here some leniency. After all, we just had some of our men tragically pass away, we do have to give them a good send-off after all."

He tapped his shoulder and gave him a stare that'd make any child cry.

O'Reilly walked to the side and let his shoulder fall off.

"Boy, don't you touch me. And celebrating for a bunch of terrorists is something people do behind closed doors, not out in a peaceful village."

The large man didn't react to the provocation.

"Is that so, then it's more so the case. They were terrorists after all so wouldn't anyone be happy they're gone? Officer, I really think you should be doing better things with your time, after all, who knows how people would feel if something happened here in this quaint ole village and you were stuck in here with a thumb up your ass because you liked harassing honest men."

"Just know the second you lot misbehave, you'll have no excuses." 

O'Reilly nodded to Tibaut and both walked with the other guards and Grace kept an eye on the men before they left.

But the big man couldn't help but get one last word in.

"I see you even got a manky little tart your master gave you. You must want to do a good job with benefits like that, eh? The boys must have fun with her on a weekend."

The men inside bellowed in laughter and Grace turned around in response, still holding a smile, but the veins on her face all looked like they were about to pop. She took a step forward.

"Lass, contain yourself, if you caused any trouble I'd have to take you in," O'Reilly commented from outside.

Grace showed them the middle finger before leaving.

"Oi give me a swig already, we're not gonna stop drinking until our boys reach the promised land!"

"OOOIIIIII" The men all shouted before showering the giant in their alcohol.

"Who the hell was that?" Tibaut asked. He was out of the atmosphere and felt a lot more comfortable.

"I say we throw him into a pig pen when he gets drunk. Sounds fun doesn't it, Tibaut?" She said with an unconvincing smile.

"Stop it, it'd be better not to antagonize him." O'Reilly commented. "That man is Cormac Healy. He's an upstart delinquent in this parish and as far as we know the leader of the group that hates that lord you work for."

Tibaut stopped in his tracks. 

"He's been responsible for all those kidnappings?" 

Tibaut was distracted by his breath earlier and wasn't paying too much attention to what they were saying. 

As soon as he heard this he looked like he had half a mind to go back there.

"Stop it, boy, that's not going to help us."