
Fractured God

16 years ago, Tibaut Agirow was born with the soul of a 26-year-old NEET. He was born into a noble family and very much enjoyed his cushy life in a new world. 12 years after this he had to make his way through the world by himself. 4 years after that he soon encountered a blonde lady that would change the course of his life.

NeetRonin · Fantasy
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275 Chs

Chapter 126

"Is something up?" Tibaut asked. All of them standing up as soon as they got a letter from the lord piqued his curiosity.

"No, it's nothing." As she replied he opened up the letter. "It's just that when he sends us letters," His eyes started going through the letter. "Sigh, It looks like we do have work." 

The other men there groaned before pushing their chairs into the table and entering a room in the back.

"(Is everyone in this parish lazy?) Is that a big deal? To get work from him? I mean isn't he essentially your boss?" Tibaut asked while trying not to sound condescending.

"What are you talking about, Tibaut?" Grace asked at the entrance.

Tibaut looked at her confused by her reaction. "Is that not how it works?"

"Oh, I see. It's an honest mistake." The man at the table commented before getting up. "That lord isn't our lord."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well I'm not sure his reason but apparently he's the lord for a parish that borders ours, I think that's the reason he renovated the old border fort. I've heard the fort is technically in that parish."


"Wait a minute then why are you taking orders from him?"

The man raised his hand and shook his head.

"Who said we were taking orders? Consider it… an alignment in interests. Rest assured it's nothing shady boyo. By the way, I never knew that man had the ability to hire men. Are you a butler perhaps?"

With his white shirt and black pants Tibaut could vaguely see how someone could interpret him as that, although he didn't imagine many butlers were running around in only their dress shirts.

"No, I'm just a guard he hired."

The man placed his hand on his shoulder and shook his head.

"There are better ways to make a name for yourself. Listen I know it may seem like surviving something like this would launch your career but it isn't worth it. I can count with the fingers on one hand how many adventurers have survived working for him."

"(Don't worry old man, we have the Immortal Elizabeth-chan with us.) Don't worry about it. In fact, the reason I came down here was that I wanted to help you guys and see if I could get some experience with this group beforehand."

"Hmmm, alright then. Come on, I'll show you the way."

"That easy?"

"Well, we'll just be observing them for the time being so there shouldn't be anything wrong. Besides I can probably convince you to drop this guard business by the time we reach."

A man left from the back room with some leather armour though he was wearing some himself. He handed it to the man talking to Tibaut and nodded his head before going outside.

He then began strapping on the armour. 

"By the way lad, what's your name?"


"Call me O'Reilly. I'd prefer it if you called me by my first name but that's all the bastards around here ever call me."

He finished strapping up and quickly ran to the back.

As Tibaut was about to exit to wait outside he realized Grace was still in the room. 

"I'm surprised you haven't ditched me to return back to the mansion."

"Why would I do that? As long as you're around I don't have to work, so I'll stay around you as much as I please." She said. As carefree as she looked Tibaut wasn't so certain about bringing her along.

"You can stay here if you want." He said.

This immediately caused her to raise an eyebrow.

"Don't tell me you're afraid of me getting abducted. Hehehe," she patted him on the back, "You got a real heart of gold under there don't ya."

"No, it'd just be a hassle if anything happened there with you with us."

She got behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders, all smiles.

"Don't worry Tibaut, with how strong you seemed fighting against that pink-haired gorilla, you have enough strength to protect me 5 times over. Plus, don't guys fantasize about protecting a beautiful damsel in distress?"

"I'd prefer one with a better personality." 

"With an attitude like that, you'll have to settle for me." She said while pushing her face over his shoulder.

"Oi, is your lord alright with that?" O'Reilly asked as he returned.

She put her finger over her lips and went shh.

("Don't give people the wrong idea you carefree paintbrush.") Tibaut thought but he felt saying anything would only put him in a worse spot.

"Wow, you got some skills boy. I tried my luck with one of those maids and she wouldn't spare me the time of day."

"Can we just leave already?" 

He looked at the man and noticed a sword now sheathed at his side.

"No plate armour?"

"Realistically we shouldn't get into altercations, so it's better to wear the light stuff. Alright boy, now let's go."

They went outside and the other men soon came out.

"By the way… where are we going?"

"Didn't your lord tell you what was on the letter before you came here?"

Tibaut shook his head.

"It's information on their whereabouts," O'Reilly responded.

Tibaut's eyes and mouth widened before going "Huh!?" He fixed his face before continuing, "Why does he have that information?"

"Why wouldn't he?" O'Reilly asked. "Anyone in this parish can tell you that they're that Lord's enemy through and through. Would you just sit around doing nothing if a bunch of wankers showed up every so often trying to get your head?"

"I… no it makes sense it's just hard to see that guy thinking that far ahead."

"Come on now, there's more to that man than keeping a harem around himself."

"(Like forcing me to wear a maid outfit!?) He could have fooled me."