
Family? and first level up.

Following them in what looks like a village made of wood and mud, unlike the walls outside which was made of stone, the rest of the village was poor to the point it looks like one really strong gust of wind will knock down all the housing.... such poor nature.

They took me which seemed to be a few hours away from the actual gate, where there was a solo stone building, which looked like it was freshly made, that seemed to have a higher noble pressure coming from it.

Once we got to the door it seemed to come alive with two eyes looking down at us. The tiger man told the door that they found a lost Fox girl around the age of six that fit the description of the lost girl they were looking for and the door opened with a woman with long white hair and four fox tails behind her with long solid white fox ears looking eagerly at me.

"Is this the girl you found?" Lady

"Yes, it is, though not as weak as you described, she helped us run the slave traders away with a few arrows." Guard

"Very well, Girl follow me." Lady

She then turned around expecting me to follow her and made her way back into the stone house, with not much else to do I followed her into what seems to be candle lit and aside from a few wooden chairs and a table, with a few beds, there wasn't much here at all.

"Well it seems the one we were looking for wasn't the only lost fox.... but you do remind me of one of my Guards, maybe you're her lost daughter." Lady


"Well then let me introduce myself, I am Elina Silverwind" Elina

Nodding to her without saying anything really since I don't really have a name.

She seems to understand that fact without even asking for my name she just smiled and lead me into the basement where there was another lady laying down there in what looked like crimson armor with golden trim, aside from that fact she looked similar to how I looked... oh I didn't describe my looks did I?

I had long silver hair down to my lower back even the tips of it was black similar to my ears and tail, I look like a normal six-year old girl only with fairer skin with a bit of small muscles easily visible, with sharp golden eyes that look similar to one would see in draconic beings now that my dragon bloodline is there my eyes seem to rotate between slits and normal depending on my emotions... though keeping them in check is easy since I never was very emotional, well aside from a temper... which is easy to keep to myself.

"Mary, I think we found your lost daughter inside the Forest of Time, looks like she's still six, like the time she was lost since time there is random, she may have been in there one moment and teleported to this time without much danger, but from the damage on her clothes it seems she might have had to fight for survival" Elina

Mary jumped up from her laying down position showing she had only three tails one less then Elina and rushed to me picking me up without my permission and raising my already damaged clothes up showing that there was indeed a fire shaped mark on my left thigh....

Weird I missed that...

Mary then started crying and hugging me saying things I didn't even understand... Well that was too the system decide to give me the language...

'Learned Spiritia language'

Seems the skill doesn't have a level, but glad the system was helpful in this case cause if I didn't know what this bodies supposed mother spoke it would end up wrong, but it turns out she was only saying she was sorry over and over again....

"it's... okay"

I spoke in the language too her to see how she would respond.... but her hug only got tighter so I tapped her back for what looks like a few hours to my stomach seemed to growl...

Elina then coughed "It looks like the little one needs some food"

Mary then got up without even letting me go and carried me to what looks like a kitchen.... with a male fox in there with only one tail in what looks like chef gear.... and asked them to cook something for me soft if possible. Before taking me back to her area cuddling me and brushing my hair.... talking nonsense that I didn't seem to care for since I was looking at the system

'Host has gotten over 5,000p form killing 5 bandits which was in the slave trade.

Host has gained 10,000p for finding the crimson angel, and is considered her lost daughter.

Host has gained 25,000exp from both events please assign them where you want them.'

'How do I assign the exp? And where?'

'Host can assign exp to skills, level, stats, and cultivation parts'

'Show me all parts I can assign it too and the amount needed to rank them up'

'Level: 0

100exp = level 1, 150 = level 2, 200 = level 3 and so on.

Body Stats: 100 exp = 5sp

Strength: 20

Constitution: 20

Dexterity: 25

Agility: 30

Intelligence: 19

Wisdom: 18

Charisma: 25

Body Cultivation: 40% 500exp = 1% to 50% per part max is 700%

Muscle Strength: 3%

Bone Strength: 10%

reaction Speed: 1%

Brain Cell Strength: 5%

Eye Strength: 1%

Organ Strength% 10%

Blood Cell Strength: 10%

Skills: 100exp per level to level 5, 1,000exp per level to level 8, 1,500exp per level to level 10.

'Stealth level 3 learned' 'Learned Cutthroat level 3

Learned Assante level 3

Learned Dagger Arts level 3'

Archery level 2

It seems that leveling up is the best bet...at least that's try that one level up is only 100exp but it raised all my stats by 2sp so I decided to go to level 10 for another 3,750exp which raised all stats by 20sp total leaving me at

Strength: 40

Constitution: 40

Dexterity: 45

Agility: 50

Intelligence: 39

Wisdom: 38

Charisma: 45

I figured raising my skills won't be that great at the moment since I think they can be raised at their own with some practice easier than other things... right now I have 21,150exp left... not that it is good to put them all into leveling since even with stat points raised my body cultivation didn't raise at all... so it's best to put them in there.

Muscle Strength: 10% +35strength

Bone Strength: 10%

reaction Speed: 10% +20 dexterity, +20 Agility

Brain Cell Strength: 10% + 25 Intelligence, + 25 wisdom

Eye Strength: 10% +10 dexterity, +10 Agility, + 5 strength, +10 Intelligence, +10wisdom

Organ Strength% 10%

Blood Cell Strength: 10%

So, my stats have then increased even more, and I feel the stress from quickly increasing my stats, so before I fall asleep from the quick increase.... I checked my stats one more time

Strength: 80

Constitution: 40

Dexterity: 75

Agility: 80

Intelligence: 74

Wisdom: 73

Charisma: 45

'Host's cultivation has reached 70% thus has reached stage 1, gaining a stage 1 weapon of your choice between a sword, spear, dagger, or bow with a skill that matches it, but do note it isn't the Art skill but a unique skill for set weapon. Any more then this will cost points.'

Was the last thing before I fell asleep...?

Word count 1,259.

The next chapter I will try to raise it to 1,500 words.

If there is any mishaps i have had in this chapter, please do comment on it, I really am not one to push for reviews or your stones. All I want is the enjoyment of others reading my story. If it's good then your stones will naturally come, if it's bad then they won't.

Anyhow I think I should name our little girl the next chapter? any good names would fit? comment if you can think of one, my naming sense isn't that great.

KuroSonacreators' thoughts