
Her Name (3)

The rest this time was rudely interrupted by a loud noise. For a moment, Iris was confused as to where it was coming from, but the man was already standing up and putting her on the bed. He told her to continue sleeping and closed the bedroom door behind himself.

Still half-asleep, Iris just blinked at the commotion outside and closed her eyes. Might as well rest a bit longer. She felt as if she hadn't slept for ages, her mind sluggish to the point that thinking was a chore.

But just as she was about to drift away again, there was a loud voice in the living room. The person, clearly male, was shouting something about finding somebody and rushing around the room in elephant-like steps. Each one vibrated through the whole apartment.

Iris covered her ears, disgruntled by the clamor. Having guests was fine, but do they have to be so energetic and loud? She just wanted a moment's peace.

Right then, the bundle of energy from the living room threw the bedroom's door open and ran in. He quickly sized the room and zoned in on Iris.

"Ha! I finally found you!" he shouted out and rushed toward her.

'Dream on, pretty boy,' she replied, her voice screeching as she fell into a fighting position. That didn't seem to deter him, so she screeched again and, dodging his reaching hands, jumped off the bed.

Did he really just think that he could come in and pick her up? Start petting and whispering sweet nothings into her ears? What a playboy! The worst! And freaking loud too. Couldn't he just shut up for a moment?

She hid under the bed, but that didn't stop him. While chattering non-stop, he went on his knees and went after her.

'The hell?' He was sure persistent. The moment he was about to reach her, she pulled away and ran out the other side. He was still half under the bed, so she soon stopped and turned around to show him her tongue, then calmly went toward her guy.

Now that she thought about it, he really needed a name. It was fine calling him 'the man' when they were alone, but with other people around, it might get awkward.

"Kyro!" the newcomer complained upon pulling himself from under the bed and leaning against it for the moment. "Your new pet is mocking me!"

"You're imagining things," Kyro—so that was his name, thanks newcomer, right on time—dismissed.

The newcomer shook his head, glaring at Iris who had started cleaning her right paw by Kyro's feet. She might not like that giant furball, but it had the right of it - feigning nonchalance with the cleaning was sure a good feeling.

"I saw it show me its tongue right after it ran away! And look at how it's playing innocent now!" the new guy complained, his voice growing loud once again.

Instinctively, Iris fell into a pouncing position and screeched at him. 'Quiet down, you big child!' His voice was like a radio turned on at full volume for her. She could still hear stuff, but her ears hurt from the loudness of it.

It was sort of surreal. His words sounded to her as if they were passed through a megaphone, even if she could see that he was just talking loud. He was simply exited, not shouting.

"What's wrong with it?" the guy asked, still leaning against the bed while on his knees. "I thought it was recipient to humans?"

"It was," Kyro answered, also sounding puzzled. He bent down, and Iris let him pick her up. He at least wasn't trying to blow her ears off with his screaming.

"Show off," the newcomer said and stood up while dusting himself off. "You could have just picked it up from the start."

"It was sleeping…" Kyro said, then it seemed like something dawned on him. "You startled it."


The newcomer didn't seem convinced, so Iris screeched at him again to emphasize the point. You don't drop on a girl uninvited and then expect her to welcome you with her hands wide open. Learn some manners. Please.

"Yeah, I read that fennec foxes aren't fond of new people and loud noises. Your enthusiasm must have scared it stiff."

'Excuse me?' Iris asked in disbelief, looking up at Kyro with wide eyes. 'On whose side exactly are you? I wasn't scared, he just barged into my room unannounced!'

"Be more low key next time."

"Can I come now then?" the new guy asked. "Slowly," he added swiftly after seeing Kyro's frown.

"You can try."

Iris rolled her eyes and looked away. 'Men, they're all neanderthals,' she complained to herself. 'Who invites their friend to share the girl they just met a day ago?' She shook her head. 'You guys are hopeless. No wonder you're closing in on thirty and still alone.'

Hey, I saw us hovering near the top 100, but still a tad bit away, so what about trying to see if we can enter it? To motivate everyone, I promise a mass release on the weekend!

SteelCrowncreators' thoughts