
Familial Bonds (8)

The apartment was quiet. There was no sound but for the low rumbling of the refrigerator. Iris woke up by Lucifer's side, feeling more refreshed than she'd had in the last couple days. For the first time, she truly felt like this wasn't that bad and she could make something of it.

Her movements were slow and calculated as she extracted herself from the cat and jumped off the sofa. Her stomach was growling for food, and she went to the now disgusting dry cat food. If Kyro didn't share his dinner with her today, she was going to start a riot. For sure.

Once she ate, she looked around, thinking what to do now. The computer was in the study, but she still didn't know its password. It was a great loss, but she couldn't really do anything about it. Kyro hadn't turned it on yesterday at all.

Since there was nothing good here, she returned to the living room. The cabinet under the TV was quite high for her, but after five tries, she managed to get up. This was still not enough, so she stacked the game boxes one onto another and put one of the controllers on top.

The pile was stable, but easy to topple when trying to get on it, so it took Iris a bit of time, but she managed to get up. From this height, she could finally turn the TV on!

The big screen lit with color, and she saw the channel Kyro had watched yesterday. It showed some action flick again, and feeling in the mood for one, Iris let it be. She adjusted the volume and retreated back to the sofa. The height wasn't perfect, so she ran up the backrest and lay down there.

Moments later, she rushed down and then to the bedroom where she picked up a mouth full of the dry food. It was a bit uncomfortable to carry it all up, but she managed, and placed most of the granules down on the backrest. Now, she could watch with the best approximation of chips and popcorn available to her.

After all, even if there had been such things around, she couldn't touch them. For animals, they were extremely poisonous. If Iris didn't want to face an early death, she had to avoid all sorts of snacks that were favored by humans.


During lunch break, Kyro wondered about his pets. Was the fox all right? He had let it have the whole of the apartment this morning, but would it remain friends with Lucy? If the two had an argument…

It was better not to think about it. His apartment wasn't close enough for him to go and check up on them himself, and he didn't trust anyone else to not let the fox escape if they came to his place. He would see whatever happened in the evening, once he was done with work.

Maybe he should buy Lucy some treats for being nice? They should have remained at least neutral to each other, despite all the incredibly worrying scenarios his mind was coming up with. It would then be good to reward the cat. That old man hadn't had anything nice for a while now.

The little fox probably needed some change in its diet as well. He couldn't just keep feeding it cat food. Before leaving, he should call the pet shop and ask if they had small insects and the like. If not, he'd have to look for some new place to do his shopping in. Maybe he should call Gale and see what he knows. That guy was always a fountain of seemingly random information.

Kyro just hoped he wasn't too distracted by that random knowledge collecting to answer. Now that he thought about surprising his pets, he really wanted to do that. It would be a great evening to lift his mood up.