
Fox in disguise

A Fox princess fell in love with a human.. which was against the rules of the supernatural creatures, The Fox, it was considered an atrocity and a taboo..

Dani_Ella_1760 · Urban
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6 Chs

chapter {2}: Lecturer

Speaking of his pocket he works as a professor...

He earns his money from working as a lecturer in Springfield university, despite coming from a wealthy back ground which lack nothing except from heaven of course..

Lost in his thoughts he didn't notice the door of the restroom open revealing his step mother..

" Easton " she called jerking him off his thoughts as she placed her hands on his shoulder, rubbing it seductively..

" What do you want mary-anne " he said through clenched jaw, as he glared at her reflection through the mirror..

honestly speaking the truth he didn't know why her parents bother naming her Mary Anne because she doesn't look nor act like one, I mean who go ahead to marry a 79 years old man, when you are just 29 maybe to get his wealth obviously, he thought, but that was over Eastons dead body...

he was pulled out of his thought when she wrapped her hands around his torso, whispering in his ears

" Oh my love don't..." Within a swift move he grap her neck pinning her to the wall,

" You might be my father's wife, but know not to step on my boundary, and the next time you play that stunt you did back there, I won't exitate to kill you " he told her before walking off, leaving her alone, pale, and stunned Mary Anne rubbed her sore neck slightly of the pain as she watched his retrieving figure going,*ugh stubborn idiot, what was she expecting * she groaned " i will get you all to my self one day, just watch and see " she whispered


Meanwhile in tones and i city road Easton drove like a mad man..* this is the first and last time he would go to a restaurant invited by Samantha his cousin hosted by his father" because clearly he wasn't invited, if he had known he could have just stayed at home and check out his schedule and topics for the year semester and practice on it..

All of a sudden* BAM * he halted as if almost felt like he had just hit something, and checking through the review mirror he couldn't see anything, so stepping down from his car, he walked to the back of his car to the place where he had felt he had just hit something, his line of sight followed till his gaze fell on a, a blue and white animal, which he hadnt seen before, going towards it, he picked it up, as he checked on it closely, and found out it was a fox, a baby one...

He was shocked and stupify he hadn't could have thought a fur like this exist it looked way to magical, he thought, to him self, he only knew and have seen the brownish red fur of a fox and not a blue and white, sighing like getting a head ache already, he contaplated on whether to drop it and pretend as if he didn't just run-over it, but damn that would be heartless of him, deciding to bring it home, and tend to his wound he took it to his car and straight to his home...


After a while a black car arrived at night sky apartment where he stayed, stepping down from his car he made his way to his apartment..

Inside he turn on the light and made his way to his spare room which he had upstairs so he could take care of the Fox.

staring at the little fox he placed her on the bed and walked away to bring warm water and which he would use to dab on her body for her to wake up, well dumb idea but that was the least he could do to make this cute creature wake up, after all he doesn't know much about animals..

Sprinkling the water on her face he sat down staring at her not moving body..

Honestly this wasn't a pet control store, he mumbled since he is just doing what he can.. but he kind of liked it unique apearance though he wouldn't lie, after a lot of thought he concluded of keeping it for a while until it heals then he would free it..

Suddenly it stirred as it woke up stunning Easton, a pare of rare violet colored eyes for a fox stared at him unblinkingly not only was it fur unique it's eyes as well...

" How more strange can you be ? Foxy " he rubbed it's fur tantalizingly...

Suddenly when the little fox stood up it fell because of it aching feet and Easton Easton felt bad after all the Fox couldn't and wouldn't have been in this position if not for his reckless driving..

He carries the Fox back to his kitchen where he thought he could feed it but strange enough what ever he brought from the fridge the Fox refused to eat it...

He choved the Fox face into the pizza gesturing for it to eat, but it refuse, seeing this he groaned, because no matter what he do to it, it refused to eat ...

" Do you know foxy like yourself always die of hunger for not eating hmm? Do you want to die ? Because if you are earning for death I would freely give it to you, with out seeking for anything in return, after all cute things like yourself would be good for the stomach, I don't mind eating you " he said jokingly

" Now be a good fox and eat what ever food I give especially this one Infront of us " he said pointing at the food before him..

instead of eating, the cute little fox just titles her head to the other side and jumped of the island stool before limping away..

Sighing he walked towards it, rubbing his forehead repeateadly, as he made his way to it, obviously to pick it up, but the little thing just clawed at his neck making him sigh, as he used a noodles bag to tie on his legs and hands, picking up his phone he decided to call on one of his younger cousin Jenna since she was into animals like this .

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