
Fox in an inverted world

Did you ever imagine ... What would happen if the roles of men and women were reversed? That it is women who persecute men? Wouldn't this be every man's dream? Well let me tell you that not everything is what it seems, since I was reincarnated in this troubled world, as a fox. PS: English is not my mother tongue, sorry for grammatical errors

DE_LEON · Eastern
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151 Chs

Chapter 82: Monsters

"Origin Realm, Rank Two ..."

Muttering Arthur put a hand to his chin, after Akagi sent this information to his brain, Arthur couldn't help but sigh.

Twelve full years and he is barely in the Origin realm, how slow the magic veins are to collect magic power, it is no surprise that Humans reach their limit lifetime before entering the Transcendent Realm, it was honestly not worth it and it was something that couldn't be compared to a Mana Core.

What Arthur did not know is that for his age, reaching the rank 2 Origin realm, was quite outstanding among humans and would be considered a genius of every thousand years, and the fact that he is a man-made him more valuable after all most of them stay in the Origin Realm ...

"Akagi, can you imitate those battle suits?"

Another issue that Arthur had to take care of is his battle suit, Akagi is far superior to Wunder, not to mention that she tailored Arthur and his tails, with his human appearance the battle suit had to change otherwise it will be called too much attention and there was a high probability that they would find out before leaving this Secret Realm ...

"I can, but ... do you want me to copy that junk?"

Akagi disdained a bit, she did not like that lowering the level of her technology and imitating something underdeveloped, Akagi is a machine that contained life, which, unlike Wunder, could think, could eat, and even give birth to a new life, there were two Completely different species and imitating a machine without consciousness hurt Akagi's pride ...

"Just do it..."

"Guuu ~ it's fine, but you should give me a little kiss ~"


A leopard doesn't change her spots, so even if Arthur changed his appearance, Akagi kept requesting the same payment, so with no other choice, Arthur gave in to her demands ...


* Bom, Bom

After an hour, the number of humans entering the Secret Kingdom reached thousands, likewise the number of Scorpions that came out of the arena increased, which led to a battle between humans and scorpions ...

Humans having Wunder could fly so there were no human casualties so far since they kept fired from the air, but they couldn't do much against scorpions either, they had high defense and a quite lethal attack, so even when They attacked from above, they could not break the armor.

This led to a stalemate between humans and Scorpions ...

"Humans are weak ..."

Shaking his head, Arthur watched the human with the highest energy level and he was in the Earth Kingdom, which was equal to a Violet level Elemental Core.

You must know that in the territory of the foxes, there are too many violet elemental cores, so Arthur felt a little bad for the humans, fortunately for them with Wunder they could boost their battle level, however they were still useless even against the Scorpions ...

Looking through the augmented reality of the drone hologram, these humans were bombarding a scorpion, trying to kill it.

"Yes, they are very weak, they are not a threat to us ..."

With Akagi as a companion, Arthur did not fear any humans, only the Transcendent could do something to him, unfortunately, humans did not have that power, at least not in those present, but even without Akagi, Arthur was still superior to these humans, so he began to suspect if he was being too cautious with humans ...

"Let's choose a suitable candidate and steal his identity ..."

Perhaps because she no longer wanted to be transformed into a Wunder, Akagi urged Arthur to choose, but ...

"They are all women ..."

All humans in these secret realms are women, which made Arthur a bit saddened, men even among humans were still protected by women and unfit for battle, which was very sad.

And sincerely Arthur did not want to change his appearance with a woman, although it would be momentary, it did not feel good to do so, not feeling his little friend between his legs, it was not a good sign.

"Not all are women, I have found a man ..."

Suddenly the image changed and a man appeared in a custom battle suit, he seemed to be much more advanced than the women and also the magical quality of him was superior ...

"Hm? Interesting .."

This man was in the Earth Kingdom, rank 3 and he was one of the most powerful humans in this secret realm, but what caught Arthur's attention was the appearance of this human man, for some strange reason they felt so familiar that Arthur couldn't help himself look at it twice through Augmented reality ...

"He is the only human man, let's steal his identity and get out of here."

"No, wait ... Let's watch a little more ..."

Stopping Akagi who was ready to activate her weapons and knock out this human, Arthur raised his hand, he was quite curious about this human, he reclined comfortably on an artificial cloud high in the sky and continued to watch ...

Fortunately, the micro-drones were not discovered by the human Wunder, Akagi was still half a living being, so their Microdrones were similar to mosquitoes, they sent life signals and not machine electrical signals, the Wunder scanner did not she could detect them as threats, they regarded them as rarities of the secret realm.

"Good ~"

Akagi shrugged and sat next to Arthur, she didn't know why Arthur decided to keep an eye on this human, but she obeyed anyway and didn't ask.

Arthur's privacy was taboo, they may now live together and are almost the same being, but not even Akagi had access to Arthur's memories.

Years ago when she asked her if he could access his memories, after all, every piece of information was valuable in the memory bank and was used to calculate and manage, Margareth's memories and those already stored were valuable, but Akagi wanted to be more intimate with Arthur dared to ask, however, Arthur rejected her without hesitation.

Arthur was too sensitive with his memories that Akagi was very curious, unfortunately only Level Upper had access to that memory bank and Akagi could not access Level Upper without Arthur's authorization, not to mention that the permissions Akagi had with Level Upper were strict and the latter could not hack into this powerful Software.

Level Upper has a fairly high level of defense that mental attacks were useless and also external and internal connections, Level Upper only allowed a single path of information and this was only a direct flow.

In the end, Akagi gave up and decided to wait until Arthur is ready and fully trusts her.


* Shuaaa

Flying through the Secret Realm, Elias was looking for the entrance to the next level, this Secret Realm is too extensive so he has been flying for more than an hour and had not yet reached the other side of this level ...

(Fortunately, they are only scorpions ..)

Likewise, Elias sighed in relief, the ground was dangerous since these Scorpions are very hard, he simply had to see the other humans find out, but he did not have to worry in the air, the scorpions could not fly otherwise it would be a hard fight for survival, so this was a good walk through the air ...


Suddenly there was a buzzing in the distance and a black spot began to appear, causing Elías to stop abruptly.

<<Wunder-Lapis>> quickly scanned the area and what he found terrified him ...


That spot in the sky was locusts of approximately 20 centimeters in size and they flew at high speed since they appeared in a few seconds and Elias had no alternative but to flee ...

Arthur on the other hand bowed slightly and the information from this new monster was sent to his brain.

[Scanning ...]

[Starting related search in the Database]

[Name: Voracious Lobsters

Type: Insect

Attributes: Earth, Wind

Rank: B

Characteristics: A monster created by the Secret Kingdom, they have a voracious appetite eating everything that gets in their way, their defense is low and their maximum flight speed is 220 meters per second.

They are quite weak by themselves, but their danger lies in the number, a swarm of the can comes to possess millions of locusts and they are quite skilled in group combat.

Eating these monsters is not recommended, their taste is unpleasant and causes stomach pains]

Lobster plagues were a problem even in Arthur's previous life and were described as one of Egypt's worst misfortunes, but now these locusts were not only voracious, they also possessed surprising speed and magical power, they were natural and voracious hunters.

A real challenge for these humans.

(Really, because it's all about eating ?!)

But this was not the point, Arthur retorted in his mind for that useless comment at the end of the information sheet.

Eat a lobster? Arthur wasn't that desperate to do it, plus did Akagi eat them? Arthur could imagine it, as this woman ate it with a sour expression on her face and after a few minutes her stomach was roaring, the real ravenous in this Secret Realm was Akagi since even a plague could not stop her.


Sighing, Arthur again scanned the Secret Kingdom and then found problems, new monsters were appearing, giant snakes, armored lizards, and even a plague of beetles, the Secret Kingdom was revealing its fangs, and humans will very soon suffer ...

Fortunately for Arthur, Akagi provided him with optical camouflage, hiding his magical and material presence, to avoid being seen by the monsters and the Wunder, so the swarm of locusts passed calmly without noticing it at all.

Back then when Arthur was in the ultra-dangerous region, he always kept his camouflage, and even so several monsters managed to find him, which was a challenge, fortunately, the locusts were not on the same level as those monsters ...

"You want to do?"

"Let's keep watching ..."


Resuming spying on him, Arthur crossed his arms, while Akagi adjusted the image further.


"Ha ... Ha ... That was close ...."

Breathing hard, Elias found a small safe place to land, after avoiding that swarm of locusts, which he did not want to get into, since of all the monsters in the secret kingdom, swarms were the most troublesome ...


Suddenly as he took a breath, the sand under his feet sank and a huge snake rose, opened his large jaw to reveal his huge fangs.


Propelling himself quickly, Elias evaded the first attack, however again at his feet he sank and another snake opened his mouth ...

* Bam

Dodging again, the sand began to sink and dozens of snakes began to appear one at a time ...

* Shuaa

Having no choice, Elias had to rise again to the heights ...

* Gyaaaa

Unfortunately, the moment he flew, so did the snakes, huge wings appeared on his back and chased Elias ...

* Ta-ta-ta-ta

Elias did not hesitate and decided to attack with his submachine gun, magic circles appeared in the barrel of his weapon, propelled his attack, but there was a mana barrier protecting the body from the winged serpents and they continued with his onslaught...

[Scanning ...]

[Starting related search in the Database]

[Name: Najash

Type: Reptile

Attributes: Earth, Wind, Poison

Range: B ++

Characteristics: A monster created by the Secret Kingdom, they hunt in a herd and their fangs contain a rather dangerous poison, their magic power is highly concentrated, their defense is extremely high and their resistance is very good, they can fly and also live on land, they are considered the dominant species at this level of the Secret Realm, as the monsters with the greatest attack power and speed.

They are quite delicious steamed, quite a rare delicacy, and their skin is coveted by fashion merchants]


Again Arthur was speechless by this information sheet, he looked at Akagi through Augmented Reality, this woman has surely eaten all the Monster species in this place, to know how to cook them and know their taste ...

Advanced chapters here https://www.pat reon.com/emperadordeltiempo

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