
Fox in an inverted world

Did you ever imagine ... What would happen if the roles of men and women were reversed? That it is women who persecute men? Wouldn't this be every man's dream? Well let me tell you that not everything is what it seems, since I was reincarnated in this troubled world, as a fox. PS: English is not my mother tongue, sorry for grammatical errors

DE_LEON · Eastern
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151 Chs

Chapter 70: Pitiful Akagi

Arthur couldn't believe it, after all, he thought that if he couldn't break the seal with his current strength, he wouldn't go into despair He would train for a while He had enough food in his space ring to last for a few years He almost formed the fourth tail and would try once more when he formed, but this result was not expected, even by increasing his magic power, he could not break this seal.


Without giving up, Arthur modified the data again and tried a new simulation.

[Setting data from 4 queues to 5 queues]

[Simulation Finished]

[Chance of breaking the seal is 0.0%]

[Setting data from 5 queues to 6 queues]

[Simulation Finished]

[Chance of breaking the seal is 0.0%]

[Setting data from 6 queues to 7 queues]

[Simulation Finished]

[Chance of breaking the seal is 0.0%]

[Setting data from 7 queues to 8 queues]

[Simulation Finished]

[Chance of breaking the seal is 0.0%]

[Setting data from 8 queues to 9 queues]

[Simulation Finished]

[Chance of breaking the seal is 0.0001%]

Only when his power reached the ninth tail, Level Upper could find hope, although it was the probability was too low, not even 1%.

Even using his third Innate Skill to the database, he still couldn't break the seal.

His dominance in << Break Weaknesses >> was too low even in the ninth tail to break the seal.

Seeing this Arthur fell to his knees, this was too much, how many years will it take him to reach the ninth queue? Each level is even more difficult to train and requires more time and still, there was no 1% chance of breaking the seal.

As for the Transcendent level, Arthur did not even think about it, with the rations in his space ring, Arthur could barely last 3 years, beyond that his food will run out and consequently he will starve, there is nothing apart from Akagi in this room stamp.


"Ha ... Ha ... Ha .."

Breathing hard, Arthur held his head in pain, Level Upper's side effects were coming.

"I've tried everything and I haven't been able to break the seal, my power weakens every day ... I understand how you feel ... You can't break the seal, neither of you can .."

Raising her head from the ground, Akagi looked at him sadly, she had spent so many years locked in that seal that she had almost lost all hope until Arthur suffered the same as her.

It was a shame, but this was Arthur's fate unless they both joined together ...

"Maybe .... Together, success is probable..."

Changing her expression to one of happiness, Akagi smiled from ear to ear, what Akagi meant was clear.

Form a contract ...

"It can't be helped! We're going to form a contract, the faster, the sooner we can get out of here!"

Again insisting on her goal, Akagi's eyes shone with greed and lust as if in front of her was the most delicious of cakes.

"Eh? I don't want to ..."

Sincerely Arthur distrust Akagi, that penetrating look that does not hide his objective made his hair stand on end, it is not that Akagi is bad, just having someone looking at you as a sexual predator was uncomfortable, although Akagi is cute, this was a defense system of Arthur, not trusting women, with everything he lived in his past life it is obvious that he did not trust women, especially now where his virginity is valuable and his magical power is the same.


As if Arthur's words were an arrow in her chest, Akagi's face fell back to the ground.

This was too much, her bad luck with her men is so bad, that even having no other choice and being locked up next to her, the men refuse to form a contract with her.

(Is it because I'm a Virgin ?!)

She even blamed her virginity, since before being locked up in this seal she collected data, where experienced women were more desired by the opposite sex, since at the time of intercourse, the most experienced guide their partners to have a pleasant night, unlike the inexperienced ones where the only thing they are interested in is having a penis inside their vagina and most of the time due to their inexperience, they cannot excite their partners and scare them, so their partner does not they are stopped, resulting in a failed night.

Of course, this depends on the race and the man, because Arthur was different, he does not need anyone to guide him, he has his pride from his past life and he was not going to be scared, the only drawback of Arthur is his body that loses magical power.

"Hick ... Hick ..."

Suddenly Akagi began to tremble, likewise, the sound of her sobs was heard, with her face still on the ground, Akagi suddenly stood up.

"Wahhhhhh! I'm going to die a virgin!"

With her tears running down her face, Akagi discarded her pride and began to cry like a little girl, her rare tears from hers fell to the ground very similar to a computer chip ...

Akagi was already old enough to stop throwing tantrums, yet she still couldn't help crying over her bad life.

"Nobody loves me! Men run away from me! My sisters have already had their first time, but I don't even know what it's like to kiss a man!"

She had spent so much time locked in this room that the last she talked to anyone was a long time ago, even when she was free, she could not enjoy the forbidden fruit.

In this world for a woman of thousands of years to remain a virgin was considered a disgrace.

Was a target of society's ridicule, well if Akagi were taken to Arthur's old world, she would be similar to a 40-year-old virgin man, she would be seen as a weirdo and ridiculed, of course, Akagi is young physically, so It wouldn't be too much, but people who know her are sure to make fun of her.

Thinking about this, Arthur couldn't help but think that Akagi is a pitiful woman.

"Don't cry anymore, you are more beautiful when you smile ..."

Pulling out a handkerchief from his space ring, Arthur approached the pitiful Akagi and wiped her tears ...

"Liar, if she was pretty she wouldn't be like that, besides ... Hick ... You ... No ... You love me ... Hick"

Still sobbing, Akagi voiced her complaints, which of course Arthur understood, her suffered from the same in his previous life, although not at the level of Akagi where no one was interested in her, at least Arthur knew what it is Being rejected.

"Well, we just met, don't wait too long, besides, it's not good to ask for sex the first time ..."

There were many cases of desperate people who scare their partners by being so direct with what they wanted, Akagi was one of them, no man in this world would agree with her, even if she is a World Artifact, although perhaps human men would be okay as they don't lose anything, but they would still hesitate, however, this doesn't take away from the fact that you had to be tactful when making those requests.

After all, if she wasn't Arthur and another man took her place, she would surely not even look at her and run.

"So ... If we meet ... Will you accept?"

Regaining hope, Akagi looked at him with glassy eyes.

"I did not say that..."

"Wahhhh! I knew it, you don't love me!"

Crying again, Arthur could only sigh ... How many years does it take for a woman to despair for sex?

In the end, Arthur couldn't take it anymore and decided to accept, Akagi was in his Strike zone although it is quite regrettable, he was still a World Artifact, it would be quite beneficial if his family increases the number of World Artifacts, so the power of his family will be closer to the Royal Family, besides what Akagi said was true, the chances of breaking the seal is higher if both unite.

[Setting up World Artifact data << God Hunting Machine >>]

[Simulation Finished]

[Chance of breaking the seal is 4.1%]

Adding Akagi to his power, Arthur's chances right now had increased from 0% to 4.1%, worthy of being a World Artifact, Akagi was not weak at all.

Arthur's only option now was to join Akagi and form a contract, although he had to spend some time in this barrier, at least there is hope, he still did not know where he was and if it is dangerous outside when he leaves. This seal, for added security, needed Akagi's help, it is a World Artifact after all.

Arthur no longer hesitated and spoke.

"Okay, I'll agree to form a contract with you, but it will be on my terms ..."

"Yeah! Of course!"

As if a light was going to illuminate, Akagi smiled widely as she grabbed Arthur's hands.

(At last, I will stop being a virgin!)

Seeing that perverted expression on her face, Arthur was speechless, this woman was in urgency.

"I will not agree to have sex with you, this is absolute, at least not for now"

Without first solving his problem, Arthur would not touch a woman, not to mention Damaris's virginity tattoo, although it was sealed by Lucifer, this seal is weakening and very soon the tattoo will work again, so shortly, having Sex with Akagi is a no, try after a few years.

"Mouuu ~ ..."

Akagi puffed out her cheeks and lowered her head, at least she still hoped to lose her virginity, so she didn't dare to comment, since Arthur didn't directly reject her again.

"Besides, I want you to tell me everything. What is this place? Why are you here? Where am I? What is your power? Everything ..."

"Um! Um!"

Attending, Akagi had no problem with this, even if Arthur didn't tell her, she would tell herself.

"As for the payment ... A kiss, is all I can offer"

If Akagi was as desperate as Arthur thought, she wouldn't hesitate to do this.

"Yes, yes! I accept! One kiss is enough!"

And just as she thought, Akagi didn't even think about it, she closed her eyes and prepared her lips, thus waiting for the desperate sensation of having intimate contact with a man.

Seeing her in such a state, Arthur began to regret it, however, a deal is a deal, so he slowly approached her before hitting his lips against Akagi's.


Who upon feeling the softness, held him tightly and quickly tried to invade his mouth with her tongue, Akagi's desire was strong enough that despite being inexperienced in colliding her teeth against his, she refused to let go and tried to savor as much of his saliva.

Akagi was intoxicated, her cheeks turned deep red, and even after a few minutes, they both parted, leaving a bridge of saliva between them ...

(This woman ... I thought she would be a peck kiss)

Wiping his lips, Arthur nearly gasped from Akagi's intense desire.

"Incredible, it was better than she expected"

Touching her lips, Akagi thought about the feeling from a few seconds ago, it was a wonderful experience, likewise, she couldn't help but lick her lips ...

(I've been missing something so good!)

Arthur's saliva was quite sweet and addictive, that Akagi couldn't help but look at his lips, it was quite nice that it was quite difficult to contain herself, at least now if she was with her sisters, she could boast that he kissed the most beautiful man in the world...

"Hehe, Thanks for the food ..."

Bringing a hand to her lips, Akagi's eyes glazed over, likewise, a series of commands appeared inside her ...

"Don't forget the contract ...."

Remembering why he agreed to kiss her, Arthur narrowed his eyes.

"Don't worry, I have received the payment ..."

* Fummmm

With a magic circle covering them both, several series of commands were quickly executed and Akagi's eyes began to spin and small circular machines began to float around her.

"Starting today, you are my contractor, whenever you need me, I will be there for you, as your armor ...."

Creating a connection between them, Akagi began to disappear as well as Arthur's magic power began to increase, at the same time that the fourth tail began to form ...

"I am the << God Hunting Machine >> ... don't forget! And the payment for using me is ....."

Thus ending the contract, Akagi disappeared and a strange blue diamond-shaped tattoo appeared on his forehead, as well as light blue pigment marks on each eye, further increasing his charm.


The fourth tail finished forming and an overwhelming magical power ran through his body, Arthur opened his eyes surprised to feel such overwhelming power, however, this had not finished yet, then his entire spiritual core was changing, increasing in size and purity in magic power ...

He was transforming into an irregular core, likewise, his << infinity eyes >> activated and various strange patterns appeared on his body...

So many changes were happening in his body that Arthur was unable to maintain consciousness and slowly closed his eyes.

What Arthur did not know, is that the moment he closed his eyes, leaving his diamond style tattoo on his forehead, millions of nanodevices began to cover him, similar to a cocoon made of machines.

Advanced chapters here https://www.pat reon.com/emperadordeltiempo

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