
Fox in an inverted world

Did you ever imagine ... What would happen if the roles of men and women were reversed? That it is women who persecute men? Wouldn't this be every man's dream? Well let me tell you that not everything is what it seems, since I was reincarnated in this troubled world, as a fox. PS: English is not my mother tongue, sorry for grammatical errors

DE_LEON · Eastern
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151 Chs

Chapter 28: Protector

"As you can see, the nobles from all over the continent have come"

"This is undoubtedly the biggest party, overshadowed the one of two years ago, the party of the Highness of him Prince Carter"

The gigantic hall was bustling, with thousands of people coming and going, as well as thousands of employees roaming the great hall.

Maria and Yuri waved their foxtails and got excited, there were too many nobles.

The camera was not enough to go around and film all the nobles.

Another thing that impressed the nobles and commoners is that the number of men at this party was astonishing.

Each spiritual family made sure to bring their male descendant to this party, after all, the fortune of a male Spirit Fox is not only for women, it is as Claudia had said, good luck smiles on the family and friends of a male spirit fox.

And since ancient times, men also unite like moths in flames, a male spirit fox, he was the elite of the male elite, both in power and beauty.

Because of this, the nobles brought their children with the hope that Arthur would welcome them as good friends and also create a dating group.

His daughters may not have a chance with Arthur, but what about his friends?

"There are too many people..."

Nora Seymur blinked her beautiful surprised eyes.

She still remembers her party and the number of people who attended, it was not even 20% of the people gathered in this place.

Not to mention the number of men at her parties, there were more adults than children her age.

But now 30% of the population at this party are children.


Phenelope Seymur, on the other hand, did not respond to her daughter's comment and narrowed her eyes, as she looked at her competitors.

She ignored everyone with a lower rank than Conde and focused on the royal family and the other 3 great families.

Unlike the other nobles, these four families were the strongest competitors and it was unlikely that the other noble families would have a chance to bring home a marriage proposal.

Phenelope, could see that each of them brought her offspring, however when she thought about her relationship with the Van Panthohime she calmed down.



Opening her mouth in disbelief, Hatsumi had to admit that the reputation of a male spirit fox is very good.

At first, she thought that such a gigantic room would never be crowded and that it was a mere facade.

But now, this room was almost spitting people out, there were too many, that it looked like a market.

She was also amazed to discover quite a few important characters in the story, an example would be Beta Doman, the Countess of Blood and the children of the 5 great families, each of them was important in the story.

"Remember brats, don't let your guard down, there are too many nobles and the competition is tough, but you guys have the upper hand, so you have to make a good impression."

"Yes, mother"

Responding enthusiastically to his mother, Ludi wagged her tail, she will obey all her mother's arrangements, although she had previously presumed that she could deal with any child, I never expected Arthur to be on a completely different level from the children with whom he played, even now, after looking around the hundreds of children, he could not find one that is at Arthur's level.

The difference is huge.

She only now understood what it means to be the most beautiful race in the world.


Hatsumi who looked at her sister could only sigh, just like in the novel, her sister fell in love at first sight with Arthur, that fact has not changed.


[Side mission activated]

[Task: Invite Arthur Van Panthohime to dance, the competition is fierce, but as the host of the system, it is unacceptable for her to be left behind]

[Reward: 20 origin points]

[Penalty: - 30 Origin points, Loss of taste for one week]


Suddenly the sound of the system echoed in her mind.

"What about this mission ?!"

[It's how I hear Master, please do your best]

Responding to her question, Lupeta yawned as she ran her gaze over the nobles, because of Arthur, she didn't dare to leave, so she continued to stay in the system.

"What ?! That's impossible!"

Although for Lupeta, this mission was easy, because Hatsumi is a relative of Arthur, for Hatsumi this was crazy, since she did not want to enter the fire, especially to compete with her sister, unfortunately, the System did not allow it.

"Hiyaaa ~ hahaha ... Hello everyone!"

Suddenly a laugh was heard throughout the event hall, this made the nobles turn their eyes, towards their origin.


And when they found the cause of this, the guests opened their mouths, after all, a girl of about 12 years old, suddenly appeared in the center of the dance floor, the lights illuminated her body and her beautiful honey-colored tail glowed, sending a little the undulation of Mana.

This girl is Margareth ...

No one could detect her, even those people in the Transcendent rank, began to sweat, Margareth was too terrifying.

"Thank you for coming to my humble abode ~, seeing you makes this old woman very happy .."

With her voice amplified by mana, Margareth smiled as she brought one hand to her waist and used the other to point to those present.

"However we all know why they have come, Guyaaaa ~ I honestly do not mind, this is natural, but as nobles, they must have confidence and the ability worthy of belonging to the spiritual race, however, there are always those who overestimate their abilities, it is because that, let's select them .... "

Activating her magic, a magic circle appeared at Margareth's feet, that instantly the floor of the hall froze, causing the guests to open their eyes in shock, everything was too quickly unable to react, since the activation of Margareth's spell It took a millisecond, at the same time several children could not get a foothold and slipped.

There is a rule of etiquette for nobles, for a 6-year-old, Artist, or dance on land.

For a 12-year-old, Arctic Artist or Ice Dance.

And for a teenager of 18, Water artists or dance in the water.

However, at this party, Arthur and Cristie had mastered ice dancing so the difficulty increased and it was not worth having girls who cannot dance on ice, this was a selection method where only the most outstanding would be left.

"All those girls who cannot walk, please come out, it is no longer necessary for you to stay ..."

Squinting, the smile on Margareth's face widened, likewise the pressure of her hand spread throughout the room.

This was arrogance in all its glory, after all, Margareth gave these nobles no face and forced them to leave.

However no one dared to say a word, Margareth was feared for being a battle maniac and it was not a good idea to provoke that old woman, especially with her status and her power.

This made many nobles begin to tremble, Margareth's bloodlust is so thick that the children began to cry, hugging their mothers or fathers, so the weak nobles had no alternative, they took their daughters who could not walk immediately.

This was power suppression at a Transcendent level.

Even Damaris closed her eyes, likewise lazily leaned back in the VIP area that was prepared for her, not caring about her shock, her teacher as always was not normal, her battle power was at the top world.

[What vast magical power! This woman is amazing!]

Claudia who looked at all these, opened her eyes in shock, the magical power stored in Margareth's body was as vast as the ocean and we are not talking about any ocean, but the ocean of a planet the size of a star.

It was almost infinite ...

And Claudia being a lesser God, could not help but praise her, even in ancient times, women who reached the level of Margareth were counted on their fingers and doing calculations, Claudia even in her best moment, she may not be able to defeat Margareth.

Maybe if she made use of her artifacts and her innate abilities, she would have a chance, however, Margareth also had artifacts and more than thirty innate abilities, the difference was huge.

[The protector of this generation is very strong! You'll have a hard time Charlotte!]


Swallowing and shaking, Charlotte still heard Claudia's words and although she played the game and read the novel, it was the first time she had heard about the 'Protector'.

[That's right, every time a male Spirit Fox is born, the world will grant him a protector, to prevent the child from suffering or dying prematurely, it can be his own family or his fiancée, no matter who it is, but the protector will have a bond special with the male spirit fox and because of the aura of this spirit fox woman, there is no doubt that she is the protector of this generation]

It was as Claudia said, in ancient times there were many protectors and each of them was outstanding, however, Margareth was on another level, her power has far surpassed the previous protectors, for this Claudia said that Charlotte had it difficult since the protector's duty was sometimes to select the best women, just as he had done, but this was normal even before Arthur was born, Margareth had already become his protector, the world itself selected her, that's why her power and abilities they were much beyond.

And the bond they shared was nothing less than the 'Eyes of Infinity.

This powerful innate ability united them, Margareth knew, so she did not hesitate to deliver her legacy.

"Alright, let's continue with this party ~ ..."

With all the weak girls leaving, which was about a third of the guests, Margareth applauded, as well as a smoke bomb in front of her A part of the room opened, which automatically vanished after a few seconds, leaving three people to take the spotlight.

She was a beautiful woman with nine foxtails, while two children clung to her legs.

The children covered their faces with her mother's tails, making them look very shy and cute, like scared little animals.

"Thank you all for coming, on behalf of the Van Panthohime Family, we welcome you, I am the Duchess, Elizabeth Van Panthohime, I hope you enjoy this party dedicated to my children"

Opening her arms, Elizabeth scanned the room with her gaze, as well as several artificial lights made of mana, adorned the night sky.

These lights were the signal for the beginning of this party, likewise, the music began, the soundtrack had finished preparing for a long time and at the signal, they began to play.

"These children here are my blessings, Arthur Van Panthohime and Cristie Van Panthohime, the real stars of tonight"

Looking down, both Cristie and Arthur released her mother's legs, took two steps forward on the ice, and bowed gracefully.

"Thank you very much for coming, we Van Panthohime siblings feel honored, hoping that this party is to your liking" x2

Looking up, showing their faces for the first time, the siblings held both hands and brought their bodies closer, butting heads, while smiling at the guests.

This simple action made the crowd cheer, the brothers made use of their beauty and cuteness, which was a fatal blow of tenderness, that the adults received an arrow of love, that their maternal and paternal instincts will be activated.

These kids were just too adorable, they had the instincts to hug them.

However, this was not the most important ...

"Three tails ?! This must be a joke!"

"I must be hallucinating, there's no way I'm a three-tailed!"

"Hahaha, 6 years old and he's already a three-tailed? What a terrifying talent!"

That's right, the important thing was Arthur's power advance, they knew that a male spirit fox is very strong from birth and although they were prepared to see a two-tailed, never even in their wildest dreams did they think that Arthur had already advanced.

With this talent, Arthur instantly became the greatest prodigy of his generation, there was no need to compare, he was several steps ahead of his companions.

Take Cristie for example, she still has a tail, but that doesn't mean she's bad, no ...

Cristie has superior talent, because of that she was at the top along with the other superior girls, such as Lilian, Nora, and Charlotte.

However, Arthur had broken the rules and had surpassed even those who are older than him, such as Prince Carter, Nora, and Ludi.

"I'm moving forward ... This... It's impossible ..."

Charlotte who knew the plot well knew that something must have happened, many things changed and she could not help but think if it was her actions that led to this abrupt change in the future.

[That boy ... He has a very strong potential, he may be one of the greatest powers of the future]

Arthur's talent had broken a record that even his male Spirit Fox ancestors had set, because of that, Claudia couldn't help but think about what kind of existence he will be in the future and who will be the woman who will have him as a husband.

* Clap

Suddenly, Elizabeth applauded, the ceiling of the Hall changed darkening, likewise, multiple stars appeared, imitating the night sky, the music began to change and with this, Arthur and Cristie walked forward, the reflectors focused on them, they bowed towards them themselves, while with elegance, Cristie extended her hand towards Arthur, requesting the hand in the dance.

Arthur took her hand, accepting her invitation, bringing their bodies closer. Arthur brought a hand to Cristie's waist, he also took command and they moved to the beat of the song, skating and moving elegantly on the ice, Cristie's hairy dress flailed, while Arthur's three tails moved rhythmically, creating a small wave of mana, leaving particles of light with each swing.

There was an unwritten rule, the first dance of a man is the mother, who would have the honor of holding her hand, however, there are rare cases where twins are born.

Because of this, the first dance the honor would go to his sister.

And this intentionally caused the envy of many girls in the public.

The crowd fell silent as they watched the pair of siblings dance on the ice.


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