
Fox in an inverted world

Did you ever imagine ... What would happen if the roles of men and women were reversed? That it is women who persecute men? Wouldn't this be every man's dream? Well let me tell you that not everything is what it seems, since I was reincarnated in this troubled world, as a fox. PS: English is not my mother tongue, sorry for grammatical errors

DE_LEON · Eastern
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151 Chs

Chapter 100: Little Sister

"Oldster, you lied to me... You never told me an Angel would come home!"

Indara's expression was full of resignation and complaints towards her mother, Nataly on the other hand rolled her eyes, her daughter sure has a great imagination..

"What angel? Are you high?"

"Of course not!"

"Then stop talking nonsense! There are only humans in this house!"


There was no way that such a pretty boy could be a human, it was impossible....

Humans are the least popular race in the whole world, they are weak, their appearance is not outstanding among the races, not to mention that when men have sex they don't lose their power and their partner can't take advantage of it...

Although this was true, the main reason why human men are not welcome is because of the lack of vitality and stamina, when an ordinary average race has sex it usually takes approximately 3 or 4 hours of intercourse.

The High Elves, Angels and most of all the spiritual races of the Amaru continent take 6-7 hours...

While high libido ones like succubus demons, vampires, Spirit Dragons and Demon Emperors, it takes up to 9 hours...

It is literally half a day in intercourse and according to what Arthur knew, the spirit foxes take between 6 and 7 hours for women, as for men... Well, that is not yet confirmed, male spirit foxes are very rare and when they do, their wives don't divulge information about intimacy, so it wasn't known, but their average must be between 7 and 8 or so...

Even so, the human race that only takes an average of 15 to 30 minutes in intercourse, are a disappointment for all races, even the succubi only when they have a need is that they kidnap humans, otherwise they would not look at them twice...

Even so the appearance of humans are also factors that make the difference, Arthur is a great example, Indara thought that she was seeing an Angel without wings.

"Don't say stupid things and help me, this day is very special..."

Nataly no longer continued with the topic and finished preparing the dishes...

"Honey~ thanks for waiting..."

Arthur, with his good hearing, heard everything these two women had talked about, but he didn't care, he looked curiously at the food that Nataly prepared and unreservedly thanked...

Nataly on the other hand was quite happy to have a man in his home again and not just one, but two, it had been a while without the male presence and a change was good.

But Indara was another story, she peeked her face through the door and looked at everything cautiously, she was very hesitant about joining or not, she was ashamed and also angry at herself for being such a coward.

But after hesitating for a few seconds she decided to join in, dinner was a bit strange especially with Indara stealing glances at Arthur.

Arthur was already used to this kind of attention, so he didn't care, he just ignored him and continued with his food, caring too much was bad for his health....

"Indara takes Liam to her room..."

After dinner, the loving couple was flirting while the two young teenagers went up to the second floor...

"Yes... Follow me... I mean if you want, no... Of course you want... No, wait... I didn't mean it that way... Ahhh..."

Indara's hands were sweaty, she was getting more and more nervous especially when they were both alone, she gulped and tried to start a conversation as least suspicious as possible, even so she failed miserably...

Arthur didn't mind playing along so she responded naturally.

"Of course, little sister...."


Indara felt like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, not even in her wildest dreams did she think that one day she would be called 'Little Sister', on the streets she was called 'Big Sister', if anyone managed to listen to Arthur she would surely have a heart attack. the impression that this delinquent is tamed with such a nickname...

"That's right, I'm older by a month..."

Holding up a finger, Arthur smiled as Indara was dumbstruck...

Although his family was different, Arthur was still the eldest, this was definitely a good thing, after all he felt weird when his half-sister Nora pampered him...

He is an adult in mind and no matter how hard he tries, he still can't get used to being called that by someone younger.


Indara on the other hand did not know what to say, she has been an only child so suddenly she has an older stepbrother, it was something that did not make her feel good, but she could tell that she was enjoying it, especially if her stepbrother is well endowed and beautiful ...

"Hm? What a nice room..."

Arthur's room is ordinary, there was no special detail in it, in fact by Arthur's standards it is still very small, he has been living in the Pantohime Mansion with a huge room, but this was not a problem, since he could expand the room with spatial arrays, he had been doing these during the time he was on the Human continent so he was already used to it...

"Huh? Ah... Yes, it's the same as mine... hehe... I even think it's mine... no... don't think badly... I don't mean it that way, I'm not planning to enter your room... You can rest easy... Yes... Don't worry... I won't do anything!"

For Arthur this stepsister is a bit funny, she worries too much and he had the impulse to mess with her, annoy her and see how embarrassed she is, however he had other things to do so he did not continue, even if he had some perverted idea against him, Arthur didn't care, he wouldn't lift a single finger, rather it's possible that Akagi would be the one to take action, therefore Arthur was never worried about being attacked.

"Okay, I understand..."

Smiling at last, Arthur no longer cared about this girl and entered her room, he still had to remodel it to her liking, even if it was for a period of time.

"Oh me..."

Indara raised his hand and wanted to say that he would like to help him unpack, but remembering that men are very sensitive to their things especially if it is their underwear or some other intimate thing, Indara's face reddened with embarrassment, if for some reason she is wrong, it is possible that Arthur ends up upset, therefore he could only see how the door closed...


He continued looking at her for a few more seconds, since this door now had another meaning and seemed like a wall or a sanctuary....


Arthur on the other hand began to modify his room, he had already obtained Nataly's permission so if he wanted to be comfortable in his room he had to work, the spatial arrays were placed and from his spatial ring, his things as well as various robots began to tidy up your room...

The nano-machines began to change the material in the room and even reinforced the door with magical material.

Akagi definitely wasn't going to let a fly into this room so the security system was still paramount.

"Prepare teleportation coordinates to headquarters..."

"Are you sure? It's okay not to work, I can take care of everything, you should rest..."

During Arthur's time on the Human continent he was not sitting idly by, using Elias as camouflage and having Akagi a world Artifact, as well as having sufficient funds, he founded a high-tech company...

'Deus Ex Machina'

It would be a waste not to take advantage of this opportunity especially since he decided to hide from his family...

Arthur wanted to return home not as a trophy that a woman can win and show off, he did not want to be a Vase like most of the men in this world...

No, he wanted to return home as a winner, someone that even high-ranking Nobles would respect because of his ability, not his beauty or his family's power...

This was his pride as a reincarnated man.

He wanted to be the richest and most powerful man in the world, a man among men.

But for that he had to start in a place and what better than to do it in the human continent, the weakest continent in the world.

And until now, although he had political problems with the families that control this continent, they still could not stop his expansion, after all his company is dedicated to weaponry and the creation of more powerful Wunder.

If the human leaders were not stupid, it is obvious that they would not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, that is why they allowed it to exist and continue squeezing this company, until now its expansion has been smooth and it has even started to create the headquarters in the central continent.

However, what the humans did not know, is that Arthur only needed a start, since Deus Ex Machina, very soon he will become a giant that even the government is allowed to touch recklessly.

"I don't need to rest, you should know by now that my seventh Innate ability allows me to stay awake..."

Because the company entered a critical period of expansion into the Central Continent, it was vital that Arthur supervise everything, not that he doesn't trust Akagi, rather Arthur was bored and he's also a bit of a workaholic.

Not to mention how chaotic the Central Continent has been for the last few years.

The tension of a possible war that could break out, led this continent to be the most unstable at the moment.

The Angels, the Bartholomes, the Seymurs and the Van Pantohimes have been in a critical relationship.

For Arthur, this was the perfect opportunity for his company to take root.

War is always the trigger for new technologies and with Akagi he was confident that his company would make a lot of money if he managed to make the Wunder popular with the spirit races...

Arthur already smelled money, so his seventh Innate Skill 'Inexhaustible' was perfect for him.

An ability that allows him to consume magic power in exchange for increased stamina and nullification of sleep, Arthur no longer needs to sleep and could continue 24 hours a day.

"Hmm, I think I shouldn't force you, even if you have my help, you should still let me handle it or leave it to Elias..."

Everything has a limit and Akagi was proud of her as a woman, she did not want her future husband to collapse one day due to overwork.

Also if her sisters find out that her future husband is the one who brings money to the home, she would be ridiculed.

Her reputation is on the line here!

"Don't worry, I know when to stop"


Akagi didn't believe him, yet she had no choice but to obey him and build the portal, at least she would make sure not to let Arthur work too hard...


Author Note: Thanks for your support, I will continue as usual, but I will accumulate chapters in the Patreon before continuing with two weekly chapters