
Fox Fire (BL)

Hyeon Falken travels abroad for work to escape his toxic home. Instead, he strolls right into the wolf’s den—literally. The aurora is the afterlife for animal spirits. The good souls are sent to the northern lights, but Hyeon finds himself its counterpart with the malicious souls in the south. Those terrifying animal deities that were worshipped by people for over a millennium? Yeah, those are real. And the person Hyeon works for? He’s a rough-headed canine that’s supposed to initiate the end of the world—Ragnarok. Rather than gaining experience at a normal job, it becomes Hyeon's burden to serve his soul to this untamed beast on a silver platter. Will he be eaten by the wolf, or will the wolf be ravaged by his new assistant? Warning: Some chapters contain strong language, sexual themes, and fighting violence. If you like my stories, please consider donating ink on Tapas! I'm currently creating a separate website and a ko-fi for readers who don't have a Tapas account.

GiveMeThatBread · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
101 Chs

First Kill

One of them disappeared into the bushes. There was a scream followed by blood-curdling snaps of crunching bones. The smell of fresh blood filled the air. It made the pack stop attacking Hyeon completely.

"Thomas, get back here!" the leader barked. There wasn't a response. Instead, someone in a black servant's coat stepped out from the darkness. His yellow-beige hair was slicked into a mullet and his white gloves were stained with red.

He sang:

La pequeñita araña (Incy wincy spider)

al caño subió (climbed up the waterspout)

vino la lluvia (down came the rain)

y se la llevó (and washed the spider out)

The centipede on the opposite side of his tail ate loudly. Its mandibles were gradually chewing into a decapitated head. The face was petrified.

The dingos were confused at first.

"T-Thomas..." one of them stammered in disbelief. "Do you know him, Marcus?"

The alpha, Marcus, barred his teeth in anger from losing a pack member. "No, I don't. He'll know us, though."

The group eyed each other and wordlessly spoke a message between themselves. They nodded and split into two groups. Marcus and another went towards the centipede while the other pair aimed at Hyeon.

Hyeon never moved from the ground. He didn't acknowledge the gory sight of the beheaded dýr. If he was his old self, he probably would've puked. Two dingoes circled him before making the final blow. The cat-and-mouse game was over. Weirdly enough, he wasn't afraid. There was just emptiness. No pain. No emotions. Just a warm feeling from deep within his chest.

*Why do I feel so numb?* he thought to himself.

Because you've already experienced a fate worse than death. These dogs are nothing, the voice answered. It was the first time hearing the phoenix since Fenrir's relapse.

*What should I do?*

*Your body still can't handle the ability, but you can accept ME.*

A dingo dove at Hyeon to kill him.

Hyeon swung a long stick at the man's cheek, which splintered in half. His head snapped to the side. Obviously, a fragile piece of wood couldn't stop them, but it was enough time for Hyeon to go on offense. He did multiple roundhouse kicks from the front, back, and side. The defense blocked each one with raised fists, like a boxer fighting with martial arts. In between their punches and jabs, the second dýr snuck to the back for a surprise ambush.

*I didn't forget about you.* He aimed at the first dingo's knee with a joint kick. When they went down, Hyeon cartwheeled to the right to avoid the punches from behind.

He pivoted behind the other dýr and used his weight to throw them on the wet dirt. His arm wrapped tightly around the enemy's neck while kneeing deep into their lower back. They squirmed from the illegal wrestling move.

Pure instincts took over. What would the phoenix do? Hyeon placed his hand across the person's eyes. The heat from this chest shot to his palm, like a heart pumping blood through the arteries. The color of his hand went from red to yellow instantly. The worm underneath him yelped in agony.

Hyeon stared into the forest without sympathy.

"Hey!" the first dingo said with distress for his friend, but couldn't get any closer. Hyeon's body was boiling with intense radiation. Anyone within yards of him would get scorched themselves.

The inhuman cries stifled into quietness. Hyeon let go and looked down. A handprint charred through the dingo's eyes and skull in a charred black and pus mess. The rest of his body was fried. Whether he was alive was unknown.

*Barely,* the phoenix said. He walked away.

The first dingo went to his partner to check on their condition. While feeling for a pulse, the centipede spirit suddenly pounced on the dýr and pierced him with its venomous mandibles.

He continued singing loudly as he played with his prey:

Salió el sol! (Out came the sunshine!)

y la lluvia secó! (and dried up all the rain!)

He didn't watch the obvious outcome. A third dingo was lifeless nearby in a shredded heap. The fourth one...

A furious roar ran at him from the side. Marcus wanted to rip out Hyeon's heart but clumsily missed by biting into his clavicle instead. It was impressive that he could withstand the volcano-like heat, but it was in vain since Hyeon was already healing. Actually, it looked like Marcus gained even more dingo traits. There was more ginger fur on his skin and his facial structure was more narrow. The grief from losing his small pack probably brought them out.

When the alpha retreated, it was plain to see his fatal condition: a missing arm, lethal scratches, and soaked in blood.

The phoenix remarked, *What a shame. His ability is high quality, but he used it cruelly.*

"You fucking demon bastards!"

"You brought this upon them," Hyeon said indifferently. "So remind me, mate, who attacked who first?"

"SHUT UP!" Marcus jumped forward but lost balance. He kneeled and sobbed into his lone arm. "It's not what I wanted."

*He's dying.*

A craving overpowered Hyeon's senses and wouldn't be satisfied until he had it. Is this what pregnant women feel when they suddenly desire pickles on Oreos or a childhood snack they haven't eaten in years? No. It was more desperate. He HAD to have it.

He stood in front of the dying dingo. I shouldn't do this, but why does it feel right?

His body moved on its own. Hyeon bent over and put his forehead against Marcus's, who couldn't fight anymore. There was an urge to suck...something. When he breathed deeply, new energy coursed through him. There was exhilaration, fullness, and euphoria. At the same time, this particular energy also had malice. He had fleeting visions of Marcus killing dozens for power and pleasure in the desert.

The temporary high sizzled as if sucking the bottom of an empty drink with a straw. When Hyeon let go, the dingo alpha's pale and limp body collapsed. He was dead.

*Is he really...?*

His beast clued him in. *You just absorbed your first soul. Not a bad choice, but you should avoid tainted ones. Their hostility can reflect on yourself, too. Do you feel stronger? Other dýrs cannot do this; only phoenix blood can. It's one of the main reasons why the gods were threatened by our kind, amongst other things. A living being with the ability to consume any soul energy generally goes against the laws of nature. You have the choice to use it responsibly or risk going to war with—*


Sani ogled at the scene: the centipede spirit eating body parts, crispy blood that covered just about every surrounding plant, and the obvious addition to Hyeon's energy. Where did he come from? How did he know where to find them?

"Hyeon...What have you done?"

Sani's expression was a mixture of fury, disgust, and disappointment.

"We're all fucked. I hope you're ready to face the music. We need to return to Festr Castle NOW before they come for their dingo pups."

"There's more?"

"YES! This world is full of 'em! Families who stop at nothing to protect their bloodline! And you and your friend just wiped out the dingo clan's next generation.

"They attacked me first."

"But it was done so...gruesomely. Do you truly comprehend what just occurred here? You're lucky my little spies saw you first before anyone else. Are you in shock again? Either way, I hope they'll think the culprit is a rogue spirit. Let's just collect the two drunkards and go home. Tonight. Master Fenrir needs to know about your first kill and your future as a phoenix."