
Trying out renewed powers

Aria walks around the neighborhood that evening listening and watching those around her. For the first time in centuries she can see their intentions. Looking at Kati's house she sees all the dead that have been sacrificed to Izeal. It is far more than she imagined. The yard is littered with the spirits of the souls she has given to him. She knows many of them from living here so long. Not wanting to give herself away she walks calmly to her house, keeping her eyes averted so that the spirits do not notice she can now see them. Once inside she opens the portal to Aisling's house.

"Hello Aisling , it's Aria is it ok if I enter?" Aria waits on her side of the doorway for an answer.

"Aria , it's ok come in. We are so used to the others showing up at anytime, that to walk in and find someone in the house is not a surprise. Aisling went to the store to pick up a few things." Astila greets Aria from behind the desk .

Turning towards him Aria smiles.

"I hope I am not disturbing you to much I just wanted to tell her that the father gave me back my powers and I can now see spirits again. I was too excited to wait till they arrived later. " Aria tells him nervously.

"It's fine that is why there is a door way so that you can come when you need to. She told me about rose incident from earlier. That is something that I have never imagined could be done. When Onacona heard about it he told a us that it is very dark evil magic. So please be careful especially when you are alone. " Astila tells Aria standing up motioning for her to follow him. Aria follows Astila looking around the house. They head to the kitchen where Astila gets water on for tea. Aria hears the bus stoping outside and hears the girls coming in from the bus. It still amazes her that the girls are twins but look so different.

"Aunt Aria welcome is Shiro ok has something happened?" Lilli asks anxiously. While Lotus laughs at her sister.

"No it's nothing like that I was hoping to see your mom . My powers have been given back to me and I am a little nervous of using them after so many centuries." Aria tells the girls.

"Oh we have the perfect solution, when each of us were little we were given special crystals to harness our gifts till we could control them. Morrigan had them given to her by the father. When they became clear we knew we mastered our gifts. As you can see ours are not yet completely clear which means we still have gifts that we either have not mastered or unlocked yet. I'm not sure if it will work on a celestial one though. Maybe you just need a safe place to practice. We can let you practice here so that way the ones where you live do not catch on." Lotus takes Aria's hand and started to take her outside. Yona comes in as they reach the door.

"We have a problem, Jiro is worried about Shiro. He wants to meet us at his place on the weekend. How are we supposed to portal to the airport to pick up the cars if he doesn't see any of us come through the gates. " Yona asks Astila.

"Uncle really did you lose all common sense over the years. We buy a few emergency tickets and a few of us go by plane and a few of us portal. Since there are so many of us it would be understandable that we all could not get the same flight. Did you tell him that mama and aunt Maureen were already there . We just make sure that when he arrives at the gate that there is at least one full family for him to meet. We can have our luggage and arrange to meet you at the rental car place. So when he arrives with you it's not so unusual. The only thing we need to make sure of is that there are more than one flight arriving from here to there and that you guys are on the last one. " Lilli shakes her head at her uncle thinking grown ups are so hard to raise. Aria hearing her thoughts begins to laugh.

"You could say that they arrived at different airports, we do have several you know." Aria looks at Yona and shrugs her shoulders as if to say not that serious.

Yona sighs and gives the girls a stern look.

"You brats are spending to much time with Alex, but you make a good point. Every time something like this happens I get to anxious and act like I don't have a brain. I will go now and check the flights and see what is available from the different airports . I know we can even go to London and take the train to Cambridge. Sometimes I think I just need to have a vacation. Aria would you mind when this is all over that possibly you could help us plan one in England. None of us have ever really visited there before?" Yona asks Aria . Giggling at him the twins nod vigorously in agreement.

"Absolutely, it would be my pleasure to help you . I will just need to know what you want to do." Aria feels much more at ease now after being with them for these short moments. Especially since she has been practicing her gift of knowing on them. Feeling less nervous Aria says goodbye and goes back to the sunroom. Walking through the portal back into her home Aria sighs with relief.

Sitting on the floor Aria begins to meditate and open her senses to the area around her. She can hear the neighbors in their homes and outside. Each one distinctive so she is not overwhelmed. Listening closely for Kati she sensed a shadow outside of her house. Using her light barer gift she leaves her body and floats above her house. Looking around the neighborhood and her house she sees a ghost of a young man . Someone she has never seen before. He is a young Japanese man in his early twenties. He is confused and waving his hands in front of everyone. He is trying to get someone's attention but is not able to. He sees Shiro and follows him. As he passes Kati's house the ghost stops and looks sad. He just stands there looking at her with tears streaming down his face. Aria whispers to the ghost.

"Why do you cry? Who are you?" The ghost looks around but does not see her.

"I am sad because she is my love. I have tried to get her attention for so long but she cannot see me. I wish I could show her what happened so many years ago , that way she can move on and know that my friend was not at fault. Is there a way to show her and to stop her. She is planning something very bad." The ghost looks pleadingly around looking for Aria.

"Do you know where she takes her victims?" Aria asks quietly.

"The witches cauldron , is one place I'm not sure if she has taken anyone elsewhere. " the spirit says to the air hoping that whoever is talking to him. Kati comes out of the back yard carting a wagon filled with dirt. Afraid that she could get caught Aria goes back to her body and calms herself . After a while she gets up and looks out the window towards Kati's house. Seeing her just working in the garden Aria sighs with relief that she wasn't caught. Moving to the kitchen Aria begins dinner for when the others arrive. Aria's door bell rings and Aria begins to panic . What if it's someone that is expecting to see Aisling and Maureen. What is she to do they have not arrived yet .

Shiro walks over to Aria's house, he wants to see what time Lilli and the others are coming on the weekend. Walking up the porch he rings Aria's doorbell. Waiting patiently fir her to answer he stands at the door.

Aria giggles at herself that she forgot she can just vibe whoever is at the door to see if it is safe. Using her gift she looks to see it's Shiro. Smiling Aria walks to the door to open it. Welcoming him in .

"Shiro I was just starting dinner come in, you may join us tonight if you like." Aria ushered Shiro into her house.

"I was a little anxious because Aisling and Maureen have not arrived yet. As of tonight they will be staying until the other leave after our mission is complete. I have news though I got my full gifts back so I will be able to help more. " Aria excitedly tells him.

"That is wonderful news. Do you know what time Lilli will be arriving?" Shiro asks Aria but it's Aisling that answers.

" she will be arriving on Friday , your uncle Jiro is coming to surprise you on Friday as well. It seems he has been worried about you since he heard that Kati lived next door. So that sent Yona into a temporary tizzy but all is figured out now. Thanks to Aria they have a full proof travel plan in place." Aisling hugs the two as she explains.