

Ryu an orphan in sunagakure has set his sights on KazeKage. Watch his rise

Ryyuuuuu · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs


The three individuals stepped forward as Ryu held out a hand.

Ryu: Put your hands in

The three confused did as he asked. Ryu smiled as he grabbed them tightly with his hand.

Ryu: Don't blink


In a grey flash the four disappeared shocking everyone. The jonin shook their heads while Pakura snorted.

Pakura: Show off

Sand border, Near the sea.

Four figures appeared on the sandy shore. These four are Ryu and his new students. Ryu looked at them as he said

Ryu: This is my relaxation and training area. This is where I'll be bringing you all to train as you're not fast enough to make it here on your own just yet.

Hina: Where are we?

Ryu: The sand border next to the sea. Now let's introduce ourselves. Names, dreams, likes and dislikes. I'll go first. My name is Ryu my dream is to become Kazekage to change the villages living situation. I like training, fighting and spending time with my family. I dislike hypocrites and overly foolish individuals. Now you the sick one.

Nori: My name is Nori. My dream is to become a strong shinobi so that I can afford to pay for my healing and give my parents a better life. I like spending time with my family and watching the stars in the sky. I dislike those who look down on others.

Ryu looked at the Hina.

Hina: My name is Hina. My dream is to become a great Kunoichi like Lord Chiyo. My likes are playing shogi and other strategy games. My dislikes are people who look down on woman.

Jiren: My name is Jiren. My dream is to become a strong ninja without using nature transformation. My likes are training and being with friends. My dislikes are those who bully those who are weaker than them.

Ryu: Those are good dreams to have. First off unlike other teams you'll be in much more dangerous environment. As for missions my clones will do them while we train. So tonight you'd better spend as much time with your parents or friends as possible. After tomorrow it'll be a while before you see them again. As for your illness. I'll heal it myself tomorrow so don't worry about it. Meet me at the academy again tomorrow ok.

All three: Yes Sensei.

The three students appeared outside the academy. However Ryu wasn't in sight.

Jiren: Strong

The other two nodded. The three a moment ago stood at the border of the land of wind. Now they are back in Suna in an instant. Ryu appeared in the house as he looked around. Sasori was on a mission, his grandfather was with the Council elders and his aunt in the hospital.

He decided to go back to his training spot and fish. Just as he was about to leave the door opened. Turning around he could see his grandfather.

Ebizo: Going to train.

Ryu: Nah going to the border near the sea to fish. Wanna come?

Ebizo: Sure. I've got to inform you of somethings anyway.

Ryu put his arm on his grandfathers shoulder as they both disappeared. Appearing on the shore Ebizo felt the breeze and took in the natural beauty. Ryu brought over some rocking chairs, fishing rods and bait. Ebizo looked around at the burnt sand and caved in sand behind him.

Ebizo: So this is where you train your jutsu now.

Ryu: Yeah the jutsu became bigger and I also started to dabble in wood style. I managed to produce somethings.

He said pointing at a few trees off to the side next to a wooden house. Ebizo smiled as he said

Ebizo: The KiriNin came today and demanded the six tails and Hiramekarei.

Ryu: What did the Kazekage say?

Ebizo: He made a list of demands and sent them away.

Ryu: What demands?

Ebizo: for the Jinchuriki he wanted them to hand over 25% of their missions along with some money. As for Hiramekarei he went with your suggestion and wanted the creation method or a sword close to its caliber. To this the KiriNin refused to give up the creation method. And said they would need to speak with the Kazekage.

Ryu: So the problem doesn't stem from this and stems from something else.

Ebizo: The fish farm will open in a week. He plans to let Rasa give the speech to the citizens about the new addition. This was opposed by those that support you but Yue argued your lack of giving speeches to up lift the citizens.

Ryu: He's trying to get a reaction out of me. He wants me to go against him and make it seem like im incapable of being a ninja or that I may end up being a tyrant with my strength. However he underestimates me too much.

Ryu waved his hand as the sand moved to his will. It then became gold dust and then iron sand. This greatly shocked Ebizo to his core.

Ryu: If I really got sick and tired of him he'd already be dead and replaced by a clone. Besides as long as he accepts my ideas I'm fine with Rasa doing the speeches. It's not like giving a speech will make everyone believe he's the one who came up with it. Be it the ninja or the Council that support me. Yue continuing to do as he does will only make those people not agree with Rasa as the next Kazekage. And will even show dislike towards himself.

Ebizo: You're really horrible. No matter what you do be it fight or not your opponent will lose. You're spreading the news in the village.

Ryu shook his head smiled and said

Ryu: No. Im spreading the news in the capital. The location of the Wind Daimyo. If he thinks he can compete with me in strategy he's crazy.

Ebizo: What are you up to?

Ryu: I'm simply letting the rumors float to the wind Daimyo that the person who's gained him the benefits in the last war and the reason we won is being brushed off to the side. And that their may be a third war and that if Ryu is continued to be treated wrongly he may leave and put suna back where it was in the first ninja war. Nothing that isn't already known I'm just making it a little louder.

Ebizo: That's genius.

Ryu: You taught me well gramps.

The two continued to fish as they enjoyed the quiet and sea.

Next Day, Sea Shore

Ryu: alright today for this month we'll be training your body. You all mastered tree climbing and water walking in school right.

All: No

Ryu frowned as he said

Ryu: What do you mean no I made the suggestion on this being taught with other jutsu in the academy.

Hina: There hasn't been a rule change like that.

Ryu: I see. So we'll do chakra control first them exercise for the first month. For the second month I'll teach you each two jutsu. For the third month you'll be fighting against me or the sand beast in the desert. Month four I'll take you on a mission to gain your first kill. Month five I'll train you in another two jutsu. Month six will be another round of fighting only against ninja. Any questions?

All: No Sensei.

Ryu: Ok first is healing Nori. Come here Nori.

Ryu activated the mystical palm and began to fix the lungs of Nori. After a while the hard breathing disappeared as he had a glow about him.

Nori: I can breathe properly now. Thank you Sensei

Ryu smiled as he said

Ryu: Don't mention it. Now you and Jiren put on those weights.

After the two put on those weights Ryu said

Ryu: Now run from that tree to that one until I say stop.

The two had wide eye's as they looked at Ryu.

Ryu: Don't look at me like that. Go on unless you plan to give up on your dreams.

Jiren/Nori: Not a chance

Ryu: Then go.

Hina: Why can't I join them?

She seemed a little dissatisfied and angry when asking. Ryu smiled as he said.

Ryu: You're never going to be as strong as a man in terms physical strength. Even Tsunade can't as she uses chakra and her chakra control to enhance and empower her attacks. However you may not habe the strength or disability of a man. As a woman your speed and flexibility are superior. You should focus on these aspects instead of focusing on trying to out power a man. And remember if a man ever says the words fight me head on unless you're scared or a coward. It means he knows he can't beat you and is trying to provoke you to fight him like a man would. Never fall for it or you'll die. Now put on your weights and join them.

Hina: Thanks Sensei

" Teaching feels pretty good. Hmm? Onoki I give it to you. Your old age is not for nothing. "