

Ryu an orphan in sunagakure has set his sights on KazeKage. Watch his rise

Ryyuuuuu · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Fighting The Sannin

Four Days Later

At this time a tense atmosphere spread throughout the camp. In the direction of the south and west vague shadows could be seen. Seeing this Ryus eyes sparkled as he looked on. The war was about to begin. The Leaf and Kumo also made an alliance with one another to combat their alliance.

Ebizo: You ready.

Ryu: Yeah. It's gonna be fun.

Ebizo: Just pay attention to yourself out there. Your bloodline is something thats never been seen before. Be it Kumo the Leaf or even the rock they'll be watching you closely. Keep an eye out as betrayal is part of a ninja

Ryu: Mmh. I plan to have a more isolated fight anyway. After all most of my jutsu are area effect and mass destruction.

Ebizo: Mmh

Since the armies of Leaf and Kumo are on opposite sides. The sand would take the Leaf while Iwa took Kumo. Roshi and another guy would face Blue B and A. While they would face

Ryu: Ara Ara talk about your fixer uppa. Hahahahaha.

Bunpaku: Enjoying yourself?

Ryu: Isn't it exciting?

Bunpaku: Not at all you know they're here for you right.

Ryu: Yup. The three Sanin, Sakumo Hatake, Master Chen, Uchiha Clan Head and Hyuga Clan Head. Scary~ Hahahaha.

Chiyo: Ignore him he's hopeless. I'll deal with Sakumo you two take the Sanin and Ryu

Ryu: Auntie I don't think that's gonna work.

Chiyo: Why not?

Ryu: Because they way Tsunade is looking at me. Shows she's out for Blood and to be honest I'd rather fight her, Master Chen or A. It's more of my type of fighter.

Chiyo: Well take your pick.

Ebizo: CHARGE!!

Ryu rushed out as soon as Chiyo said take your pick. Standing at the front of the rushing Suna army Ryu grabbed his club and covered it in lightning. Tsunade with bloodshot eyes rushed to him with a fist.


Mace met fist and an explosion rang out. The ground caved in around them sending anyone near them flying. The two slid backwards from the collision.

Jiraiya: Fire Style: Fire Bullet Jutsu

Orochimaru: Wind Style: Great Breakthrough

A combo attack came from his side from the two other Sanin.

Ryu: Earth Style: Earth Wall Jutsu


Dust spread as the flame bullet hit the earth wall.

Ryu then jumped from behind the destroyed wall only to see Tsunade. Unable to attack he raised his mace to block.


Ryu got sent flying before he crashed into a tree breaking it half. Jiraiya and Orochimaru came to Tsunades side. Ryu slowly stood up and you could see a broken arm holding a mace. Ryu looked over with a smile as he stretched his broken arm a little. To the threes shocked eyes the arm healed as Ryu placed the mace on his shoulder. Smiling he said

Ryu: Hehehehehe. Can you still dance?

Orochimaru: Fascinating.

Ryu: So how have you guys been since I last saw you? Fine I hope.

Ryu teased

Tsunade: If you're trying to annoy me you're doing a good job. I'm gonna beat you to the point you can't heal again.

Ryu: Ahh that's right. I killed your little lover. Hehehehehe. Why does a woman like you want such a. Such a weakling



Ryu was sent flying further away before crashing into several trees. Ryu looked down at his chest that was caved in and then


Hearing the unbridled laughter in the nearby trees Tsunade grew even more furious. She rushed in as Orochimaru and Jiraiya followed. Ebizo saw this and shook his head. He knew Ryu merely wanted to use large scale Jutsu without effecting the Suna army. However he was still worried.

Chiyo: Dont worry about him. If he wants to leave no one can stop him.

Ebizo: That's not what I'm worried about. Im more worried about this fight. I hope Iwa doesn't betray us

In The Forest

Ryu Stood waiting for The three and he didn't have to wait long. They all appeared in front of him. They looked at his already intact chest and simply couldn't comprehend such a healing speed.

Ryu: Hehehehehe sorry for making you so angry. But are you calm now? If so I'd like to tell you his last words.

The three was shocked. Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and Jiraiya said as he looked around.

Jiraiya: You did this purposely.

Ryu: I did. I'm not exactly a subtle. I like a good fight and staying close to the army would ruin my fun. Plus Dan's last words.

Tsunade: Why did you kill him.

Ryu: Oh you don't know. Well I'll tell you your village hired kiri assassin's to come for me. Most likely Danzos doing. However just when I thought I'd killed them whoosh comes Dan

the ghost. Luckily my spirit is stronger then his and ive studied the technique. You know after robb, cough copying it. So it backlashed in a way. Then I finished the Job. That is definitely an order by your sensei.

Tsunade: What did he say?

Ryu: He said that he loves you and although he can't fulfill his dream he has hope for. You know what I dont think you should listen this let's just fight. It relieves stress.

Orochimaru: You were stalling?


Ryu: You're to hot why don't you cool down. Water Style: Great Exploding Water Shock Wave

Jiraiya: Orochimaru get out of there.

However it was too late. A tower a water formed as huge waves formed around Ryu. This is honestly Ryus best Jutsu. Just the scope and environment changing style of this Jutsu is simply handsome. Wave after crashed down toward the three. After the water cleared Jiraiya and Tsunade are mostly OK. Orochimaru had to cough some water out of his lungs.

" I got to excited to study his bodies cells and ended up suffering "

Ryu: Oh you're calm now. So how are you gonna deal with me? You obviously can't beat me even if your strength and speed is somewhat higher then mine. Sealing won't work with just three. After all you're not Uzumaki. Genjutsu isn't any of your strong suits. So what's the plan.

Tsunade: Tell me or I'll kill you where you stand.

Ryu looked at her for a moment before saying

Ryu: Humph. Make me. CHIDORI BAGUA

Ryu rushed towards her as she punched out.


Jiraiya: Wild Lion Mane

Jiraiya used his hair in the shape of a mouth to attack Ryu. Being pushed back by Tsunades punch. Ryu used his free left hand and covered it chidori. Slicing off the hair the ground trembled as Orochimaru came out. Using a kunai to stab at Ryu. Ryu simply lets it stab his arm after raising it. Just as he was about to hit Orochimaru away. Tsunade sent him flying.

After crashing fora while he landed. As the dust settled Ryu stood up. He hada dislocated jaw and poison kunai in his arm. However that all healed quickly Ryu looked at them and smiled and said

Ryu:Snake guy poison doesnt work on me. I've tried all of Aunt Chiyos poisons. A normal ninja would definitely try to separate you three. But it wouldnt be fun if i did that. So. Let's go again.

Ryu: Activated both of his eyes and rushed towards Tsunade again. She was the only person here who could fight like he wished. Being able to see the reactions he previously couldn't see along with being able to read the direction of attack helped greatly. The fight was no longer a beat down.

Ryu clashed with Tsunade but was still sent sliding back.

Jiraiya: Toad Oil Bullet

Orochimaru: Fire Ball Jutsu

Ryu jumped into the air and avoided the combo.



Ryu smiled as he said.

Ryu: I really admire you guys. But not enough. SKY WALK.




All Three: WHAT


Ryu sent a sharp wind blade to each of them. The snakes got cut in half before Orochimaru moved out the way. Tsunade dodges out of the way and Jiraiya also moves after his hair got cut again. Landing on the ground Ryus leg trembled slightly as he nearly took a knee. However he stood straight up afterwards.

Tsunade: Its not a jutsu. You're using only physical ability to pull that off. It causes injuries to your bones, blood vessels and veins. However with your healing ability you can directly ignore it until you can truly do it with no problems.

Ryu: Tsk Tsk Tsk. And they say girls with big chest have no brains.

Tsunade seemed ticked at the words but kept her emotions in check. Standing on n the center of the three Ryu simply smiled. He was loving this fight and honestly didn't want it to end. But he knew these guys wouldn't be able to keep up with his Chakra or stamina. He couldn't go on the offensive though. Once he did it'll be troublesome.

" I've got an Idea though. Something big. Real big "