
Fourth Dimension: The Enigma

In a hidden laboratory in Jakarta, Rizal, a talented young scientist, and his mentor, Professor Indri, work tirelessly to develop Prototype 01—a sophisticated machine believed to open a portal to the fourth dimension. Their experiments initially proceed smoothly until an unexpected energy surge triggers a series of strange and terrifying events. As Prototype 01 powers up, mysterious sinusoidal waves appear on the monitor, hinting at the existence of an unknown frequency. Professor Indri suspects these waves are related to the Kaluza-Klein hypothesis about extra dimensions. This theory posits the existence of an additional dimension curled around every point in our three-dimensional space-time. Driven by unyielding curiosity and excitement, they decide to send a modified drone into the newly opened portal. However, what they discover on the other side far surpasses their wildest imaginations. A surreal world of undefined colors and baffling geometry unfolds through the images transmitted by the drone from the fourth dimension. The tesseract, a four-dimensional object previously known only through computer simulations, now appears real and moves in ways that defy three-dimensional logic. Their excitement is short-lived, though. The drone's signal weakens and ultimately vanishes, coinciding with a surge of energy instability in the laboratory. Prototype 01 trembles violently, emitting a blinding white light, forcing Rizal and Professor Indri to confront forces they barely understand. In this critical situation, they find themselves caught in a vortex of energy, compelled to make quick decisions. Will they manage to harness the power of the fourth dimension, or will they fall victim to their own ambitions? "Fourth Dimension Portal: Mystery Behind the Waves" takes readers on a suspenseful journey across the boundaries of science and dimensions, exploring human curiosity about the universe and the hidden potentials within it.

CoklatKaramel · Sci-fi
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41 Chs

Waves of Desire

Tension filled the space of the fourth dimension as Rizal and Professor Indri focused all their thoughts and consciousness on the towering 'mirror' before them. They had tried various methods, from meditation to visualization, yet the mirror's surface remained immovable, only reflecting back an endless sea of possibilities.

Fatigue began to gnaw at their resolve. Doubt crept in amidst a glimmer of hope. Were their efforts in vain? Were they destined to be trapped in this foreign dimension forever?

"Almost there," Rizal whispered to himself. "I can feel it. We're almost finding its frequency."

Professor Indri, his face pale with exhaustion, lifted his head.

"Don't give up, Rizal," he said, his voice hoarse but resolute. "Focus on our goal. Remember what we've learned about this dimension. It responds... to desire."

Desire. The word echoed in Rizal's mind, touching something deeper than mere thoughts. It was no longer about equations or theories but about a profound longing to return, to go back to the world they knew, to the people they loved.

Rizal closed his eyes, shutting out all the confusing lights and colors of the fourth dimension. He envisioned Professor Indri's proud face upon achieving success in their research. He imagined the warmth of his family's embrace as they celebrated together. He pictured the aroma of coffee in his favorite café, where he often discussed scientific theories with his colleagues.

And for the first time, he wasn't just 'thinking' but also 'feeling'. He felt that longing flowing from within him, a wave of energy so strong and pure.

Unbeknownst to him, a faint blue light began to emanate from Rizal's body. The light grew brighter, stronger, resonating with the longing he emitted.

And on the surface of the fourth-dimensional 'mirror', a reaction began to occur. The chaotic and erratic reflections started to coalesce, drawn towards the increasingly bright blue light.

A spiral-shaped portal, glowing bright blue, formed in the middle of the mirror. Within the portal, Rizal could clearly see a depiction of their laboratory, exactly as they had left it.

"We did it, Professor!" Rizal exclaimed, his voice trembling with joy and hope. "We found our way home!"