
Chapter 78

“Yes, and for a lot of people, that’s enough. But it wasn’t for them, I don’t think.” Francis put some extremely smelly cheese on top of a Ritz cracker and munched while he chose his words. “Marcus ended up cheating, right?”

“Mm-hmm.” Kaos tried a milder cheese and found he liked it, but he’d happily leave the smelly ones for Francis.

“The difference between them is that Padraig is all about monogamy, and that he gets very set in his ways. That’s part of why he was so internally freaked out about finding you attractive when you came into town.”

“Honestly, I knew he was attracted to me, but I thought it was more like the Trev situation, where he got spooked by his own reactions.”

“He did, but Padraig would never be intentionally violent.” Francis sipped his wine, then sighed. “Did you know he still has nightmares about the appliances incident?”

Kaos almost dropped his glass. “He what?”