
Marcy Scott

Marcy Woke up that morning with a hunger like no one had ever seen. Her belly hurt for breakfast. As she slowly became more coherent, she began to feel around for Dominic. He was no where to bed found in her sheets. She sat up and looked to the chair in the corner of the room, sometimes he liked to sit there and watch the birds in the mornings. The chair was empty, causing her heart to sink. She stood and stretched. 'Maybe he is in the kitchen…' she thought. She pulled on one of his shirts that he had given her. It looked like a dress on her small, but shapely, frame. Marcy walked out into her house. It was quiet. Her heart dropped down to her stomach. 'He left…' she thought. She picked her phone up off the living room floor and plopped down onto the couch. Just then, her heart flew to her chest, pounding hard against her ribs. Dom had left her a message.

"Hey babe." It started. "I'll be back soon. With a surprise." He said.

Marcy jumped up and squealed, startling herself. 'Why does he have this effect on me? He makes me feel like a kid.' She thought to herself. No matter, she went to get dressed and started to clean her small house. They had made a mess last night. As she tied up her long black hair, she looked at the bruises he had left on her neck the night before. She smiled. They hadn't seen each other in months. She began thinking about him while working her way around the house. They had been together for about 3 years now, but it only felt like a few months. Marcy did not know what Dominic did for work. She didn't want to know. It probably wasn't something she wanted to get mixed up in. How else would he constantly have access to all the drugs? All she knew was that he was gone for months at a time. She didn't know where or what he was doing. Of course, the idea that he could be cheating or killing had crossed her mind more than once, but she always told herself that he loved her too much to do that.

As Marcy cleaned and thought, she remembered how little she knew about his life. She had never met his family, he claimed he was an only child and his parents had passed when he was young. 'Could that be the source of his drug problem?' she thought? She quickly pushed this thought away, after all, she knew how easy it was to get involved with that life. Dominic had introduced her to it. She was not in as deep as he was, however, and could manage her use relatively well. Dominic had never brought her over to his house either. She knew he lived about an hour away, but she didn't mind the drive. It was almost like he didn't want her to know about his life. Marcy quickly extinguished the feeling of jealousy. 'It's not like he knows everything about me either.' She thought. Indeed, that was true. Dominic had never met her family. They didn't even know he existed. Still, he knew more then she did.

Just as she sat on the couch, her chores done, she heard his bike down the street. She looked at the clock. Four hours had passed. She walked outside and waited for him by the door. She watched as her gracefully threw himself over the side of the bike. He bounded towards her and pulled her close to him, kissing her hello. She giggled and opened her mouth the speak. Her attempt was met with a finger pressed gently on her lips. He grabbed her arm and pulled her inside the door. Without saying a word, he pulled her inside and placed her hands over her eyes.

"No peeking." He said. She giggled in anticipation. She could her his cloths rustling and then fabric dropping to the floor. Her face turned bright red. 'What kind of surprise is this?' she thought.

"Open…" he said after a few moments. She slowly lowered her hands from her eyes. They came to focus on his pale, muscular body. He had removed his shirt and it was now laying on the floor. Her heart fluttered as she stared at his bare torso. He looked like something that had come out of Greek mythology. He put even The Statue of David to shame. That's when she noticed the pop of color. She took a step closer ad pushed his arm up to revel the image. There, on his ribs, was a fresh tattoo. Marcy immediately recognized the picture. Months ago, he had asked to take pictures of her, and she had reluctantly agreed. On his ribs was the most scandalous picture she had let him take. She was sitting on his bike; in underclothes she had bought just for him. Her face went red.

"Do you like it? I think the tattooist did you justice." He said. Marcy said nothing. She just stood there. He put his arm down and backed up. She couldn't hold the tears back anymore. She let them drip down her pretty face. His went dark.

"You don't like it." He said. "Seriously. You're such a bitch! This thing was expensive! Why don't you like it!?" he had begun to shout at her. He was angry now. Marcy did not like being alone with him when he got like this, it made her feel like a helpless child.

"I just. Now people will see that. That picture was for your eyes only…" she said as she started to cry. His face immediately softened. He pulled her close and kissed her hair. She stopped crying and put her arm around him.

"….ow." he said quietly. She dropped her left arm away. He pushed her back gently to look at her face.

"You know. I don't have my shirt off in public that much. Besides, you look amazing. You should be proud to show off. You could make Aphrodite jealous." He kissed her hair again. His words brought her comfort. He was good at that.

"Let's go grab some dinner." She said.

Dominic stayed with her for about three months before he took off again. He did not tell her he was leaving nor where he was going let alone when he was coming back. Marcy tried to get used to him coming and going. She had convinced herself that next time she saw him, they were going to have a chat. She was ready to take their relationship more seriously. All she could hope was that he would agree with her. She thought about what to say everyday for the next few months. After all, she knew it would be another six months before she likely saw him again. She had plenty of time to practice her speech.

Hey! Thank you to those who have taken interest in the story. I have a fair amount planned but I am also a full time college student. Hence no new chapter last Sunday. I would love some feedback from people as well to help me better the writing. Again, thanks to anyone who reads. You are appreciated!

Zulfiqarcreators' thoughts