
2. A Quiet Guy

The next customer in line takes a couple steps towards the stall, then looks at Griffin, then at Rayver and ask questioningly," aye Ray, who's this child?" Before Rayver could answer, the man continues, "Never mind it doesn't matter."

Glancing briefly at the man who was taking his time on deciding what he wanted to buy. Griffin takes this chance to go grab another basket. While holding onto the basket, Griffin stared curiously at the man.

The first thing Griffin noticed was that the man wore a sheath on his waist. The sheath was wrapped in strange, white wolf leather, and was carrying a sword which couldn't be seen. Besides that the blade had a spiked, twisted cross-guard. The cross-guard has an ornamented cross on each side, along with a small pommel that is decorated with gilded linings.

Other than how elegant and expensive the weapon looked, the most noticeable thing about the man was his strange aura. His strange aura attracted many gazes from both men and women, but mostly women. His aura was attractive, powerful yet calming.

Other than that, he was a handsome middle-aged man, with silver flowing hair that was in a tight ponytail. Squinting blue eyes, set high within their sockets. A scar reaching from just under the right eyebrow, running towards the tip of his nose. He wore a white shirt that fit perfectly with his body, and black pants with black leather boots.

Briefly glancing at Griffin, then at the crowd, the annoyed Rayver signs. Then yells at the man revealing his name," Aiden hurry up and decide on what you always get. I got more customers that are looking to buy shit. Your slowing the line down."

"Ray, I'm a customer too." Aiden replies nonchalantly without even a glance at the annoyed Rayver.

"Kid, get him two sweet rolls, a slice from the pig ass and some black berry wine" Growled the annoyed Rayver, and continues after momentarily looking at Aiden with a helpless expression," make sure you hurry it up so we can get rid of this bothersome person."

Griffin proceeds to do just that. Firstly with the basket in hand, he went to go grab the black berry wine that was placed on a shelf. Putting it into the basket, he grabs two sweet rolls that were just right next to the wine. Finally, he went towards the pig that was on the rotisserie, but just as he was going to pick up the knife he hears Rayver, "kid I got it, don't want you to cut yourself and bleed all over my goods."

Rayver goes and picks up the knife, then proceeded to make a cut in the roasted pig ass. While doing this, he explains to Griffin the proper way of handling the knife. "You have to hold the knife here, like this. The grip is simple, it's just like making a fist but your just doing it on the handle of the knife. This way you have grip on the knife. When your ready to utilize the blade, you point the blade forward. Otherwise, you keep the blade facing downward. Ok?"

Listening to Rayver explaining the proper way to handle to knife, Griffin repeats it multiple times in his head to make sure he remembers.

After finishing cutting the meat, Rayver grabbed the slice of meat with one hand then with the other hand, grabbed a flat metal piece that was next to the rotisserie to use as a plate for the meat, and places the slice onto the metal plate. "Here kid, put it in the basket."After saying that, he hands the metal plate to Griffin.

After placing the plate inside of the basket, Griffin then sets the basket on top of the stall counter. Afterwards Griffin looks at Rayver and asks him," How much do I charge him?" Rayver who doesn't even look at Griffin replies," four copper coins."

Before Griffin could ask for the money, Aiden hands him five coins. "Here's five coins, the extra one is for you to keep. I know how stingy Rayver can be and he probably doesn't even pay that good either."

During their conversation, a luxurious carriage rode up and parked on the other side of the street. The coachman hops down and opens the door while calling out."Master Aiden, it's about time to go."

Hearing his name called, Aiden turned around and looks at the coachman and nods his head in acknowledgment. Turning back around facing Rayver and Griffin he said,"ill be back tomorrow."

After saying that, Aiden picks up his basket and walks towards the carriage. The people who were crowding around to look and stare at him opened up so he can leave.

"No way, I don't need a pretty boy buzzing around my ear every day."

"Go actually do your job for once and stop bothering me, this old man is tired of you."

" I don't have time for you."

"Don't comeback, you hear."

Rayver kept yelling to Aiden who just kept walking. Griffin watched as Rayver yelled, wondering what's so bad about Aiden. Aiden seemed to be a nice guy, the only problem that you can make about him was that fact that he blunt and straight to the point. In most cases, that wasn't a bad trait to have.

Aiden did not even look back when he left, he just kept walking directly towards the open door of the carriage. Everyone including Rayver and Griffin watched as he got into the carriage and the door closed right after he entered.

The coachman gave a slight bow to Rayver and then hopped back into the carriage seat. He whistled at the horses and whipped the horse to get them moving.

Slowly the carriage drove away and disappeared from their view.

Seeing that the carriage disappeared from their view, the crowd finally dispersed.

Rayver who was still annoyed yelled, "good riddance!"

My weekly goal of releases is 2-3 chapters. Saying that, I’ll probably only be able to release 1 chapter due how long it takes me to write and edit a chapter.

I’m starting to get the hang of this type of writing, so used to doing research papers. ??

Ask any questions.

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