
Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

“Even if this universe is truly nothing more than a brutal, bloody, shadowy forest, we Cultivators will burn all that we have just to give off a single weak flickering spark in the darkness! “No matter how weak each spark is, how short-lived, how small… As long as the sparks flow unabated, then one day one of those sparks will light some tinder, and that tinder shall light some fallen branches, and those branches shall set ablaze each and every last tree of the forest! “In the end, even the smallest sparks will eventually set the shadowy forest ablaze and illuminate the whole world!” ------ ** Qidian International and the former translator, Mr. Strivon, have reached an agreement to buy out the chapters and host them on our site. We will be continuing the translation from the last chapter translated by Mr. Strivon **

The Enlightened Master Crouching Cow · Sci-fi
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3523 Chs

Good Cultivators, Bad Cultivators

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"Wow…" Li Yao exclaimed in amazement again and changed his form of address. "Sir Speaker, you have changed my view of you time and time again. I didn't know that you were so sober regarding the issue."

"I don't want to be so sober, either." Narrowing his eyes, Cui Lingfeng said gloomily, "When you are placed in an endless hell, the more sober you are, the more painful it will be."

"However, the first reason alone does not seem to be persuasive enough," Li Yao said. "What's the second reason?"

"Secondly," Cui Lingfeng said coldly, "like your fellows from the Red Lotus Sector, even if we do join the Star Glory Federation, I must fight for the fundamental benefits of my compatriots and for the respect and historical influence of the name 'Star Ocean Republic' that it deserves.