
Fortune Reckoning: Sweet Revenge Against Her Ex-husband

Just as the whispers grew in intensity, the spotlight shifted from the entrance to the figure stepping into view. A momentary silence gripped the room before a wave of astonishment swept through the audience. "It's her... The lady from the news." "The Rowland heiress. The New CEO." "No way! Is that her?" "Wow! She's so beautiful and young!" As Kathryn stepped into the auditorium, the gaze of everyone fixated on her. Walking towards the stage with security guards behind her, the atmosphere became charged with tension. There he was, her ex-husband, Marcus Thompson, draped in arrogance as always, holding hands with his new flame, the mistress who shattered their vows. Marcus and his Mistress's eyes widened in disbelief as they saw Kathryn, a woman they thought they had reduced to mere ashes. Little did they know, that beneath her polished exterior, Kathryn had always been a heiress, and now the CEO of one of the biggest thriving tech empires in England. The power dynamics shifted, and at that moment, they were the ones left speechless, realizing they had underestimated her. ******* In a world of power struggles and deceit, Kathryn Rowland emerges from the ashes of a shattered marriage with her ex-husband to reclaim her position as the Heiress of the biggest Tech company in Birmingham City. As she battles an inheritance war with her vicious adopted older brother, David Rowland, Kathryn finds herself torn between her hurtful past and uncertain future. With TechSphere, a billion-dollar empire, at stake, and her heart on the line, Kathryn must prove herself worthy of the position of CEO and win back the love of Anderson, who she once left behind six years ago. Will Kathryn emerge victorious, or will the shadows of her past marriage scandal consume her? Dive into a gripping tale of Fortune Reckoning: Sweet Revenge Against Her Ex-husband.

Nikkybrien270 · Urban
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5 Chs

1. Divorce

San Diego, California...

Kathryn Rowland sat still in shock, her eyelashes flickering now and then as her husband, Marcus Thompson, casually tossed the divorce papers onto the polished surface of the mahogany table between them.

"Here, sign it," he uttered.

Immediately she heard him, her heart plummeted into the depths of despair as the crisp sound of the paper landing, echoed in her ears, a stark contrast to the shattering of her dreams.

"You know, Kathryn," Marcus began with an unsettling smile, "this is for the best. We both need to move on."

His words suffocated any hope that lingered within her. She clutched the edge of the table, her knuckles turning white as she fought back tears that threatened to spill any moment.

Marcus' mistress, Julia Robert, an unwelcome spectator to the demise of their union, watched with a mixture of satisfaction and indifference.

Her eyes, once gleaming with malicious delight, followed every nuance of their interaction. Kathryn could feel her gaze, an icy caress, as she forced herself to look up and meet her stare.

This was the same woman Kathryn had caught him with on their matrimonial bed two weeks ago. The audacity of bringing her to witness their separation baffled Kathryn.

Truth be told, Kathryn has been expecting a day like this. For almost two and a half years now, Marcus doesn't seem to care about her anymore. But she continued doing her role as a full housewife Marcus had requested immediately they got married.

"Julia," Marcus turned to his mistress, "this is the beginning of something new for us. I'm sure you understand."

Julia nodded, feigning sympathy, her lips curling into a malicious grin. "Of course, darling. I've been waiting for this."

A lump formed in Kathryn's throat, choking back the words she longed to say. How could he be so callous? How could he discard six years of her commitment as if it were a mere inconvenience?

"Is there anything left to say?" Marcus asked, his voice dripping with faux concern.

Kathryn's eyes pleaded with him, searching for a trace of the man she once believed in. "Please Marcus, don't do this. We can work through whatever issues we have. I love you, and I'm ready to make amends on whatever you want me to do."

His laughter, sharp and devoid of any warmth, reverberated through the room. "Love? You're naive, my dear. Love doesn't pay the bills or secure a better future. You have been a liability to me all this while."

Kathryn felt the sting of his words, each one like a slap across the face. The pain intensified as Julia revelled in the spectacle before her. She leaned against the doorframe, a silent witness to the disintegration of their marriage.

"I'm offering you a fair settlement," he continued, his tone businesslike. "Take the $250,000 I provided and move on. It's the best deal you'll ever get."

The room spun as Kathryn grappled with the reality unfolding before her. Fair settlement isn't what she wanted. She needs the man she once fell in love with back.

Swallowing her pride, she managed to whisper, "What about us? What about the promises we made? The love we once shared?"

He smirked, a cruel twist of his lips. "Promises, my dear, are made to be broken."

Tears blurred Kathryn's vision as she reached for the divorce papers, the parchment cool against her trembling fingers. His signature, a stark confirmation of their demise, stared back at her like an accusatory gaze.

"I can't stand your presence. I'll be in touch with the details later," Marcus declared, turning to leave without a backward glance.

As the door closed behind him, a heavy silence settled in the room. Julia's laughter, a mocking melody, filled the void. "Well, that went better than expected. Don't you think?"

Kathryn couldn't bring herself to respond. Instead, she clutched the divorce papers to her chest, feeling the burden of her shattered dreams in every crease and fold.

Julia sauntered closer with disdain all written on her face. "You were always too naive for him. He needed someone who understands the real world. Someone who would back his business up. Not you that rely on him to get even your underpants!"

With a deep breath, Kathryn looked up, meeting Julia's gaze. "You may think you've won, but the game has just begun."

"Really sweetheart?!" Julia burst into laughter. "Let's see what you are capable of doing then!"

Without responding to her, Kathryn walked away from her presence.

The room began to blur as Marcus' betrayal pressed down on her. Yet, through the haze of tears, a spark of determination ignited within.

This was not the end. It was the beginning of a transformation, a metamorphosis from the meek and submissive wife to a force to be reckoned with.

Kathryn moved methodically from one corner to another, packing the remnants of a life that now lay in ruins.

Clothing, memories, and shattered dreams coexisted within the confines of cardboard boxes. Each item she picked up held a story, a fragment of a love that had crumbled under the weight of betrayal.

As she folded a sweater, her fingers traced over the threads that once symbolized warmth and shared laughter.

Kathryn suddenly recalled the first time Marcus approached her six years ago when she just got to the city. This was the same sweater she was putting on that day. Now, it was just a garment, a casualty of the disintegration of a bond that had seemed unbreakable.

The room echoed with the soft rustling of fabric, a melancholic symphony of farewell.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, revealing the imposing figure of her mother-in-law. Her cold eyes scanned the room, disdain etched across her face. She sauntered in, her presence oozing superiority.

"Well, well, well, isn't this the woman my son deemed unworthy?" she sneered, her voice a venomous undertone.

Kathryn swallowed the lump in her throat, refusing to let her see the cracks in her composure. "Mrs. Thompson, I'm just packing my things. No need for further unpleasantness."

She laughed a haughty sound that reverberated through the room. "Unpleasantness? Darling, you've always been the epitome of pleasantness, too pleasant. Perhaps that's why he grew tired of you."

Kathryn clenched her jaw, a surge of anger pulsing beneath the surface. "This isn't the time for cruelty, Mrs. Thompson. I respected you as my mother-in-law once. Let me leave in peace with that notion."

Mrs Thompson's eyes narrowed, and she circled Kathryn like a vulture eyeing its prey. "Peace? Do you think you can just walk away in peace after you've spent almost all my son's money? You're a stain, a mistake Marcus made."

Kathryn continued folding clothes, her hands steady despite the storm of emotions raging within her. "I never sought to spend his money, he asked me to. I loved your son, and I tried my best to be a good wife. But if he chose a different path, I won't let that define my worth."

Mrs Thompson scoffed, dismissing Kathryn's words with a wave of her hand. "Worth? You have none. You're a commoner who thought she could play at being a lady. A charity case we took in, and look how you wanted to repay us."

The words stung, but Kathryn refused to back down. "I never sought charity. I loved Marcus genuinely, and I will move on with my dignity intact."

"Dignity?" Mrs Thompson leaned in, her icy breath grazing Kathryn's ear. "You lost that the moment you married into this family with nothing. You're not fit to carry the Thompson name. Julia Roberts is the worthy one!"

Immediately Kathryn heard her last statement, her hands trembled as she placed the folded clothes into the box. The extent of her disdain cut through her, threatening to crush the last vestiges of her self-esteem. "I won't let your bitterness define who I am."

Mrs Thompson chuckled, a hollow sound devoid of empathy. "You were never strong enough for my son. A woman like you would never understand the complexities of our world."

"Your world is filled with pretence and cruelty. I'd rather live in a world where kindness and genuine love hold value." A surge of frustration fueled Kathryn's response.

Her mother-in-law scoffed, her arrogance unwavering. "Kindness won't pay the bills or maintain a certain lifestyle. You were a fool to think otherwise."

As Kathryn zipped up the final suitcase, she met her gaze with newfound courage. "Maybe I was a fool, but I won't let myself be a victim any longer. I'll prove that my worth extends far beyond the Thompson name."

Mrs Thompson's laughter echoed through the room as Kathryn shouldered the weight of her bags. "Prove away, my dear. But remember, you'll always be a footnote in our history, a failed experiment."

Kathryn instantly pushed past her and headed to the doorway.

Just as she reached the threshold, her mother-in-law's parting words suddenly cut in. "You may leave now, but you won't escape the consequences of wanting to destroy my son's life. This is just the beginning, my dear."

The door closed behind Kathryn, leaving her standing in the corridor with a shiver running down her spine by the ominous tone of her warning.

It created a foreboding sense of suspicion, but she didn't seem to care anymore, and then she left the house...

Hours later, Marcus finally came back to the house. His divorce from Kathryn had been finalized earlier that day. There was a glimmer of freedom shining through his face as he stepped into the house.

"Marcus, darling, you're home!" Julia's voice chimed from the dining room, her tone dripping with warmth and anticipation.

Marcus smiled weakly, his mind still swirling with the events of the day. "Hey, Julia," he greeted, mustering a semblance of enthusiasm as he entered the room.

His eyes scanned the table, noting the spread of food meticulously arranged by his mistress. His mom sat at the head of the table, her eyes twinkling with a mixture of pride and relief.

"Sit down, Marcus," his mom said, patting the seat next to her. "We've been waiting for you."

Marcus obliged, sinking into the chair with a heavy sigh. He glanced at Julia, who shot him a reassuring smile before turning her attention back to the table.

"So, how did it go?" his mom asked, her voice laced with curiosity.

Marcus hesitated for a moment before responding. "It's done. Kathryn signed the papers and left without a fuss."

His mom clapped her hands together gleefully. "Good riddance! I always knew she wasn't good enough for you."

Julia reached across the table, squeezing Marcus's hand in a silent show of support. "You're better off without her, Marcus. Trust me."

Marcus nodded, as he thought about the years wasted on a loveless marriage. "I just wish it didn't have to end like this. I should have made Kathryn pay for making me waste six years with her!"

Julia leaned in closer, her eyes softening with empathy. "It's not the end, Marcus. It's a new beginning. And we're here for you every step of the way. Forget about her."

Marcus managed a weak smile, grateful for the support of the two women sitting across from him. Despite the pain of his failed marriage, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope for the future.

As they began to dine on the delicious meal prepared by Julia, everywhere was filled with laughter and joy. Marcus found himself laughing and joking with his mom and Julia, things he hadn't done for almost all the years he spent with Kathryn.

"So, what's next for you, Marcus?" Julia suddenly asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I've been talking to my uncle in Birmingham, and he thinks he can help you land a contract with the biggest tech company in the city."

Marcus's heart skipped a beat at the prospect of such a promising opportunity. "Seriously? That would be amazing, Julia," he exclaimed, his eyes widening with anticipation.

Julia nodded, a confident smile gracing her lips. "You deserve it, Marcus. And with us by your side, there's nothing you can't accomplish," she declared, her voice filled with unwavering belief.

"And that's what I'm talking about," Mrs Thompson cuts in happily. "Having a great woman beside you will help your career!"

Marcus and Julia only smiled at her utterance and they all raised their glass cups for a toast.

"To a greater beginning for Marcus and Julia," Mrs Thompson said, with the three cups clinking.

At that moment, surrounded by the two most important women in his life, Marcus felt a flicker of happiness ignite within him...