
Wrath of Twin sabers

In the dense underbrush of the Bamboo Forest, a game of cat and mouse unfolded, veiled by the canopy of towering trees and the ever-present mist. Logan, with the agility bestowed by the Angel's Anklet, moved through the forest with a speed and grace that belied his imposing figure. His strides were silent, his senses heightened, attuned to the whispers of the forest and the subtle signs of pursuit.

Meanwhile, the twenty-four thieves, dispatched by Alpha Mane, the vice leader of the formidable Fearless Guild, trailed Logan with a disciplined stealth. They were a handpicked group, experts in the art of shadowing, each step calculated to avoid detection. Yet, they were unaware of Logan's past life, a time when he honed his skills in the virtual battlegrounds, a veteran of countless gaming hours.