
5. Angel's Ankelt

As Logan found a secluded spot away from prying eyes, his heart raced with anticipation. The mysterious box he had received as a reward for completing the A+ rank quest held the promise of something extraordinary.

Although the XP and attribute points were undoubtedly valuable, he couldn't help but wonder about the special item concealed within the dazzling box. With trembling hands, Logan carefully opened the box, and as he did, a soft "hua" sound resonated in the air.

The lid swung open, revealing a dazzling array of colours that seemed to dance before his eyes. His heart skipped a beat as he glimpsed the radiant item nestled within.

"Thankfully, there's no one around," Logan murmured to himself, grateful for the privacy to examine the mysterious gift. His eyes were fixated on the object, and his mind was filled with curiosity and excitement.

And there it was, gleaming like a starlit night, the Angel's Anklet. An exquisite piece of jewellery that seemed to emit a faint glow of its own, as if touched by celestial grace. Its delicate design featured intricate patterns of mysterious iron, forming the image of an ethereal winged creature in flight.

In Realm of Legends, the equipment is ranked from Trash, bronze, Iron, Enriched Iron, Silver, Gold, Platinum and after platinum advanced category of weapon be available for the players ranging from Epic to Ancient and Devine.

[System Prompt]

Item: Angel's Anklet

Rank: Enriched Iron

Duration: 25 Seconds

Description: A rare and divine accessory bestowed upon those who prove their worth in the realm of legends. This item is said to be blessed by the heavens, enhancing the abilities of its wearer.

Attributes Added:

- +1 Strength

- +2 Agility

- +1 Endurance

Special Property:

- Reduces body weight, enabling rapid increase in jumping and movement speed.

The Angel's Anklet is a unique item with a special property that sets it apart from ordinary accessories. By reducing the wearer's body weight, it grants a remarkable advantage in both jumping and movement speed, allowing for swift and agile manoeuvres in the virtual realm. Combined with its divine blessings and the attributes it bestows, the Angel's Anklet becomes a coveted treasure sought after by adventurers and legends alike.

Logan's heart swelled with awe as he read the system prompt, confirming the extraordinary nature of the Angel's Anklet. It was a symbol of accomplishment, a tangible reward for his dedication and prowess as an adventurer.

With a sense of reverence, he carefully fastened the anklet around his ankle, and a warm, ethereal glow enveloped his virtual form. The divine accessory seemed to resonate with him, as if attuning itself to his very being.

He marvelled at the sensation of enhanced power surging through his body, but at the same time, he knew that within the virtual realm, weight was but a mere illusion. The anklet's presence was a testament to his progress and determination as a player.

As he stood there, basking in the moment, he knew that this was just the beginning of his journey in the realm of legends. The Angel's Anklet was not only a symbol of his achievements but also a reminder of the greatness he aspired to attain.

Logan added 6 attribute points along with 2 free attribute points came with the levelling to his agility. Added 3 points for Strength and 1 for intelligence. In future he want to carry the heave weapons which will make him a slime. That is why he is giving more important for the Agility in the earlier stages for his future build.

After checking his stats for one last time, Logan moved towards his next target quest. There is training challenge going on for the first seven days offering rare skill book for the players who completed the challenge.

His heart set on a coveted skill book for warriors, a rare treasure that could elevate his combat prowess to new heights. With a firm resolve, he decided to head to the Warrior Training Centre, where the next quest on his bucket list awaited.

The bustling city around him came to life as players hurriedly made their way to different destinations, each seeking their own path to glory within the virtual realm. The air was charged with an air of competition and camaraderie, and Logan could feel the excitement building up within him.

As he approached the imposing entrance of the Warrior Training Centre, he was greeted by the resounding clashing of swords and the thunderous roars of warriors engaged in intense combat. The atmosphere crackled with energy and determination as players sparred, pushing their limits to improve their skills and claim victory.

Stepping inside, Logan felt a wave of anticipation wash over him. The Training Centre was a labyrinth of training grounds, each designed to test and hone different aspects of a warrior's abilities. From swordsmanship to agility drills, the warriors embraced the challenges, pushing themselves to the limit.

Inside the warrior training centre, two distinct atmospheres coexisted side by side. On one side, the training activities led by skilled NPCs provided aspiring warriors with valuable combat experience.

The NPCs, clad in traditional warrior attire, demonstrated various fighting techniques, engaging the participants in rigorous sparring sessions. The clang of swords and the echoes of battle cries reverberated through the training centre, creating an ambiance of relentless pursuit for martial prowess.

Meanwhile, on the other side, the renowned challenge ground stood as a formidable test for the warriors. Enclosed by towering wooden walls on three sides, the challenge ground was a wide open field that sparked curiosity and excitement among onlookers. The ground was designed to push the participants to their limits, demanding not just physical strength but also quick wit and strategic thinking.

A crowd of eager spectators gathered around the challenge ground, their eyes fixed on the brave souls who ventured to conquer it. From the side wooden boards, a relentless barrage of arrows and logs was unleashed, simulating a battlefield environment. The arrows whizzed through the air, and the logs rolled with force, creating an intricate and ever-changing obstacle course.

The challenge ground was not limited to external dangers; concealed traps were ingeniously hidden beneath the surface, adding an element of surprise and challenge for the participants. Warriors had to tread carefully and remain vigilant to avoid the pitfalls that could hamper their progress.

Amidst the buzz of spectators and the thrill of the challenge ground, one undeniable reality loomed over the event—the steep entry fee of 20 coppers. While the training centre attracted many aspiring warriors, only a handful could afford to partake in the high-stakes challenge. Consequently, only a few brave souls dared to take on the formidable obstacles that awaited them.

As hopeful participants hesitated, unsure of risking their hard-earned coppers, a sense of unity and camaraderie arose among some spectators. Recognising the potential for immense rewards, a group of individuals came together, pooling their meagre savings to sponsor a capable warrior who could navigate the treacherous course. Their collective dream was to see one of their own triumph over the challenge, bringing both glory and riches to their small community.

However, despite the collective support, no contender had managed to clear the daunting challenge thus far. The leader boards displayed at the entrance of the challenge ground stood empty, a stark reminder of the immense difficulty that lay ahead.

The absence of any name etched on the board served as a testament to the arduousness of the task and the skill required to emerge victorious.

As Logan prepared to take on the challenge at the training centre, he noticed a group of ten men approaching him. Among them stood Electric Hand, a renowned game streamer known for his top second-rate guild, Knight Riders, from Logan's past life.

The sight of Electric Hand instantly caught Logan's attention, knowing the reputation and influence the streamer held in the gaming community.

Without any pleasantries, the group surrounded Logan, creating an intimidating aura. Electric Hand's piercing gaze seemed to size him up, curious about this newcomer who dared to stand before them.

"Well, well, looks like we have a fellow player here with a backbone,"Electric Hand remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice. "You sure about this, kid? Joining our guild would be a ticket to greatness in this game."

Despite feeling the pressure from the group's presence, Logan remained composed and confident. He knew that joining a powerful guild could indeed provide numerous benefits, but he firmly believed in making his own path in the virtual world.

"I appreciate the offer," Logan replied, his voice steady, "but I believe in making my own way. I'll take on this challenge on my own terms."

The other members of the gang seemed surprised by Logan's response, not expecting such assertiveness from a newcomer. One of them chimed in, attempting to sway him, "You're passing up a golden opportunity, pal. Think of the fame and riches you could have alongside Electric Hand. Don't be foolish."

As the mob continued to despise Logan, Electric hand stopped them with a hand gesture.

"It takes guts to go solo in this world. Best of luck, kid. Maybe we'll cross paths again someday."

With that, the group of players turned and left, the audience of Electric Hand's live stream still watching with keen interest. Most of them are booing Logan for missing his chance to become a rich man.


Note: TQ for reading. Don't forget to add the book to your library.
