
3. City of Nobels

Impressed by the detailed virtual world, Logan decided to customise his in-game appearance. He made subtle changes, enhancing his character's features to make it uniquely his own. Seraphia observed his choices with an encouraging smile, impressed by his attention to detail.

As the customisation process concluded, Seraphia gently guided Logan's attention towards a large, round globe that materialised before them. It displayed an intricately detailed map of the virtual realm of Realm of Legends, with various kingdoms and cities marked across its surface.

"Choose your birth place, esteemed player?" Seraphia asked, her voice resonating with warmth.

Logan's eyes scanned the vast map, for a brief moment. He already know his destination, he pointed to a majestic city, nestled among the clouds, marked as the "City of Nobles" in the "Cloud 9 Kingdom." "There, that's my birthplace," he responded with confidence.

Seraphia nodded in acknowledgment, a soft glow of approval surrounding her. "Cloud 9 Kingdom is known for its elegance and grace, perfect for a player seeking nobility and distinction," she remarked, emphasising the significance of his choice.

With his birthplace chosen, Logan felt a sense of belonging and connection to the virtual world. He knew that his journey in Realm of Legends was only just beginning, and each decision he made would shape the path ahead.

After a count down, his body teleported from that palace.

As Logan's character materialised in the City of Nobles, a soft glow surrounded him, signifying the completion of the teleportation process. The bustling market lay before him, vibrant and alive with merchants showcasing their wares. It was a sight he had witnessed countless times in his past life, but this time, it felt different, almost like a homecoming.

As he glanced back, he recognised the familiar spawning point for new players, a spot where he had begun his journey twenty years ago. Memories of his past achievements and adventures swirled in his mind, fuelling his determination to make the most of this new opportunity.

There are already several newbie players flocking around NPC's for quests.

With excitement, Logan took a moment to assess his starting equipment. His attire consisted of Novice Pants, simple yet sturdy garments designed for new players. The grey hue signified their humble nature, but he knew that with effort and skill, he could upgrade to more impressive gear in the future.

In his hands, he held a Wooden Sword of Grey Rank. It was a basic weapon, crafted from sturdy wood and designed for novice adventurers. While not particularly flashy or powerful, it was a reliable tool to begin his journey.

With a loud sigh, he opened his character interface:

Character Interface - Logan

Username: Logan

Race: Human

Class: Warrior (Novice)

Birthplace: City of Nobles, Cloud 9 Kingdom

Titles : None

Noble status: Commoner

- Level: 1

- Experience Points (XP): 0/100

- Health Points (HP): 100/100

- Stamina Points (SP): 100/100

- Mana Points (MP): 50/50


- Strength: 10

- Agility: 8

- Intelligence: 6

- Charisma: 5

*Free Attributes: 2


- Head: None

- Armor: Novice Pants (Grey Rank)

- Weapon: Wooden Sword (Grey Rank)

- Damage: 10-15

- Attack Speed: Average

- Durability: 100/100

- Weight: Light

- Special Ability: None


- None (Novice)

Every warrior class players started with same interface. Differences appear when people starts distributing those attribute point. For each level 2 attribute points. Also clearing specials tasks, dungeons and increasing nobility status and carrying high ranked weapons will grant more attributes. Without another thought, Logan added his two attributes points to the agility. Even though he is warrior, he know how important it is to improve agility in the beginning stages.

While the other players swarmed around NPCs and merchants, eager to accept various quests, Logan stood in the market centre, deep in thought. He weighed the options before him, unsure of which quest to embark on first. The array of challenges on the wooden board tempted him with their promises of rewards and adventures.

After a minute of contemplation, Logan's eyes settled on a special quest with a distinctive red border and a significant royal insignia. It granted an important ornament necessary to complete his chosen job quest. This quest seemed to hold the key to unlocking his potential, and he knew it was the one he needed to pursue.

Directly heading towards the marked quest, he saw numerous clothes hanging, each representing a different type of crime. The colours varied, from red for criminals and murderers, to blue for thieves, and more, depicting the severity and difficulty of each task.

Although the sight of the quests seemed daunting, Logan's determination only grew stronger. His eyes locked on the blue attire designated for the thief quest, a challenge that seemed to resonate with his past experiences. A smile crept across his face as he knew this was the perfect path to undertake.

Despite the daunting level of the criminals associated with this quest, Logan was undeterred. His past life experiences provided him with an edge that others lacked, and he believed he could handle the task.

The quest Logan decided to complete was of utmost importance, for it involved the theft of a golden necklace meant for the queen of the City of Nobles. Crafted by the finest artisans from the top gold shop, the necklace was intended as a special offering to express the kingdom's appreciation to its beloved ruler.

The incident occurred as the queen's personal servant, a young and diligent girl, was carrying the priceless necklace. In a brazen act of theft, the thief struck swiftly and silently, snatching the necklace from her hands when no one is seeing her. The audacity of the act left the entire kingdom in shock, and whispers of the crime spread like wildfire.

As Logan navigated through the bustling streets of the City of Nobles, he was filled with a mix of excitement and familiarity. Reincarnated with the knowledge of his past gaming experiences, he moved with purpose, already aware of the task that lay ahead.

With each step, he felt a sense of déjà vu, as if he had walked these streets a thousand times before. The sights and sounds of the virtual world of Realm of Legends surrounded him, and he was eager to begin his quest.

His confidence stemmed from the memories of his past accomplishments. He had faced countless challenges, fought epic battles, and completed quests of varying complexities. Now, armed with that knowledge, he was ready to tackle any obstacle in his path.

As he made his way through the lively streets, players and NPCs passed him by, each one engrossed in their own quests and missions. The virtual world felt more realistic than ever, and Logan was fully immersed in the realm he had come to love.

With more enthusiasm, he stepped inside the gold shop to receive the quest from the gold shop owner. Instead of directly finding the thief, having interaction with this fat shop owner adds extra benefit. That is why he came here.

As Logan entered the grand three-story gold shop, the salesgirl looked at him variably, hesitant to believe his claim. With a glimmer of determination in his eyes, Logan approached her and said, "I have vital information about the thief who stole the queen's necklace."

The salesgirl arched an eyebrow, intrigued but still sceptical. "You expect me to believe that?" she replied with a hint of doubt.

Logan leaned in, speaking in a low, confident tone, "I assure you, I have seen the thief in action. I know the exact price and design of that necklace."

The salesgirl's eyes widened in surprise, and she hesitated for a moment before deciding to take him to the shop owner.

As they ascended the stairs, Logan couldn't help but feel the anticipation building inside him. Upon reaching the top floor, he found the shop owner, a portly middle-aged man, enjoying juicy mangoes.

With a self-assured smile, Logan began, "Good day, sir. I come bearing crucial information about the stolen necklace."

The shop owner looked intrigued but cautious. "You? And what do you know?" he asked skeptically.

"I know who took the queen's necklace," Logan replied, his tone calm yet confident. "I observed the thief's actions and can describe every intricate detail of the necklace."

"You have my attention," the shop owner admitted, intrigued by Logan's revelations.

Encouraged, Logan looked back at the shop owner, "I can help you recover the necklace and bring the thief to justice. But for that, I need your trust and your support."

The shop owner considered Logan's words, impressed by the young player's bluff and confident demeanour. "Alright, you've got my attention. Let's see what you can do," he replied, offering Logan the chance to embark on the special quest


Special Quest: "Retrieve Queen's Necklace."

Rank: A+

*Contents locked. The reward will be evaluated based on your performance.

A wild grin appeared on Logan's face as the screen before him displaying the quest details. After seeing the A+ tag, all his doubts were answered.


Note: Thank you for reading... it's just the beginning. The story is not regular monster farming game.

Check out my other book :Brothel Manager" in the mean time... TQ