
The Interview Begins

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

On the bus, Samuel searched online for information about Ruby Liquor Factory.

There was very little news about it in recent years. The information showed that the liquor factory had been established for a long time—35 years.

As for the other sporadic news, only a few people posted on the forum.

From this information, Samuel had a rough understanding of the liquor factory. In the early years, the liquor factory was still considered prosperous, but in recent years, it had been getting worse. Now, it was already on the verge of bankruptcy.

"Wow, I was still wondering why the General Manager did the HR department's work. It's because the factory is too small!" Samuel finally understood.

If it was in the past, Samuel might have turned around and left in the face of such a company.

However, fortune came from danger. For a company that was on the verge of bankruptcy, he would be able to gain more benefits. At least in terms of commission, it would be much higher than a developing liquor factory.

40 minutes later, Samuel appeared at the liquor factory.

After entering, Samuel took out his phone and called Arielle. However, after calling twice, no one picked up. Samuel thought for a while and went straight to the second floor. The interview message indicated that the interview room was Room 202.

Arriving at the door, Samuel knocked, but there was still no response.

Pushing the door open and walking in, Samuel looked around the room.

The office facilities were relatively simple. Toward the west side of the entrance was a sofa and coffee table for guests, and there was a set of office tables and chairs facing in. Behind the table was a bookshelf full of books, as well as some professional books on psychology and sales.

On the east wall, there was a closed door.

Just as Samuel was curious about what was behind the door, the door suddenly opened.

Then, a naked woman came out, drying her hair with a towel.

The woman was around 24 or 25 years old. She had fair skin, a well-proportioned body with long, smooth legs, and a voluptuous figure that was even more eye-catching.

This was the first time Samuel had witnessed such a scene in his life. He was momentarily stunned.

The woman also noticed something strange. She looked up and saw Samuel with his eyes wide open. Her heart skipped a beat.

"S-Sorry, sorry. I'll head out first," said Samuel hurriedly.

"Stop right there!" Just as he was about to leave, the woman yelled, without caring about exposing her body. She quickly scuttled toward the door, closed it, and even locked it, pulling out the key in a swift series of motions. Only then did she glare at Samuel and berate. "Want to escape? Don't even try. Where do you think your lowly eyes are looking? Turn around!"

What the heck, what's the meaning of closing the door at this moment?

Although Samuel was puzzled, he still turned his head over.

The sound of rustling clothes was as if a cat was tickling his heart.

"Don't turn back, or I'll teach you a lesson!" The woman reminded him "promptly".

"Don't worry, I won't turn back," Samuel said.

"I don't think you dare to, either!" the woman said coldly.

At that moment, a message appeared in Samuel's mind.

[Character: Arielle Bright, 24 years old, General Manager of Ruby Liquor Factory.]

[Secret 1: The financial chain of the liquor factory has broken down and the company is about to shut down. However, in order to calm the employees' hearts, they lied about finding a big client and that business is about to soar.]

[Secret 2: She's dissatisfied with the marriage her family arranged for her. She has a two-year agreement with her family that if the liquor factory fails to develop within this period, she must obey their arrangements. There are still three months left.]

After digesting Arielle's details, Samuel couldn't help being stunned. Her situation wasn't much better than his.

The sound of clothes being put on behind him had already stopped, and a cold laugh could be heard. "You sure are brave to sneak into the factory to peek at me taking a shower. I've already locked the door, so you won't be able to run out. Before the police arrive, can you answer a question? How many times have you peeked?"

What? I…

Samuel finally knew why Arielle locked the door. She was treating him as a peeping Tom!

He turned around and looked at her just as she was about to dial the number. He explained at once, "Ms. Bright, you misunderstood me. I didn't peek. You called me this morning and asked me to come for the interview. When I got there, I called you but couldn't get through. So, I came to Room 202 as you asked. No one answered when I knocked on the door. I thought no one was here."

Arielle's expression was extremely interesting.

She thought she had caught a peeping Tom, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding. When she thought about how she dashed to close the door, Arielle wanted to strangle her embarrassed self to death! She actually let him see her entire body.

This brat is despicable as well. We agreed to meet at 11 o'clock, so why did he come at 10 o'clock instead?

If word got out that I was seen naked by an employee, where would I put my face? No, I must not let this rascal pass the interview. I must send him away!

At this thought, Arielle took a deep breath and suppressed the embarrassment in her heart. Pretending to be calm, she said, "It's not your fault, then. Forget it, let's sit down and start the interview."