
A Small Demonstration of One's Skills

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

He knew Megan. She was his classmate in university and was also the school belle. She had many suitors.

However, as Samuel's family background was pretty average, he felt inferior and rarely spoke to the goddess-like Megan. He would usually only sneak a few glances at her. Unexpectedly, the two of them coincidentally became colleagues at the same liquor factory.

At that moment, a piece of information surged into Samuel's mind.

[Character: Megan Pierce, 23 years old, Finance Executive at Ruby Liquor Factory.]

[Secret 1: A gold digger who wishes to lead the life of a rich person.]

[Secret 2: She has four boyfriends at once, and is currently figuring out their true financial assets. She's making a choice in progress.]

[Secret 3: She's a virgin.]

After receiving the messages, Samuel was speechless. This woman's thoughts were unscrupulous yet smart, and dirty yet pure. What a contradiction.

When Megan saw him, a hint of surprise flashed across her eyes, but it was quickly replaced by contempt.

She was well aware of the liquor factory's situation. What kind of future could a man have working in such a place? What a waste of his good looks.

She nodded slightly and said in an official tone, "What a coincidence. I'm looking forward to seeing your results in the company."

"You two know each other?" Arielle asked curiously.

Sensing Megan's coldness, Samuel didn't want to befriend her. He explained to Arielle, "We were university classmates. I didn't expect to meet her here. Ms. Bright, please bring me to see our products."

The liquor factory didn't have many employees, with only up to 15 people in the entire company.

Although the liquor factory wasn't big, the liquor's quality was definitely top-notch at the same price. Samuel was extremely satisfied with them.

After understanding the company's products, Samuel didn't stay in the factory any longer. He chose four different bottles of liquor and placed them in his bag. After bidding Arielle goodbye, he walked out of the factory.

Arielle stood in her office and looked out the window as Samuel walked out. Her feelings were extremely complicated.

This young man gave her an unfathomable feeling.

He has no working experience, but his mentality, confidence, logic, and eloquence are all mature beyond his age.

He seems to be a rare talent.

If he really is a genius, then why is he willing to lower himself to come to this small liquor factory? Could it be that he's a swindler and only came to cheat us of four bottles of liquor? Will he never show up again?

At that moment, Arielle started to worry.

You've seen me naked. If you're really a swindler, I'll teach you a lesson!

Arielle clenched her fists as she threatened him.

Samuel left the liquor factory and started thinking about his next step.

Because he saw something he shouldn't have seen, and he knew clearly that Arielle wanted to drive him away. If he wanted to gain a foothold in the liquor factory, he could only use his performance to speak for himself.

He believed that everyone had their own secrets. If he could make use of the other party's weakness, there was a high chance of winning negotiations.

The places that could promote liquor in bulk were mainly supermarkets and stores, followed by some company purchases as company gifts. Of course, using e-commerce platforms was also a popular sales method.

There were many ways, but the path had to be taken one step at a time.

Samuel considered for a moment before deciding to aim his first target at the large supermarket.

New York City had dozens of large supermarkets. If his liquor could be sold in the supermarkets as the main brand, the sales would definitely skyrocket.

Soon, Samuel chose the first supermarket—Carrefour, on Hamilton Street.

This supermarket was in an excellent location. It was convenient for transportation and had many parking spaces. There were many neighborhoods around as well.

The products' types were varied and the area was big enough.

With business booming all year round, it was one of the top supermarkets of all suppliers.

After choosing a supermarket, Samuel searched for the procurement department's phone number online. These contact details were basically public. In a few minutes, he found a landline number.

He dialed the number and the phone rang a few times, before hearing a calm voice, "Hello."

"Hi, there. Am I speaking to Mr. Stone, Manager of Carrefour on Hamilton Street?" Samuel asked.

"Yes, I am. May I know who I am speaking to?" Jacob Stone asked curiously.

"I'm Samuel Walker from Ruby Liquor Factory. I would like to visit you today to discuss a huge business deal. May I know if you have the time, Mr. Stone?" Samuel asked politely.

Ruby Liquor Factory?

Jacob found this place familiar. It seemed to be a small liquor factory.

However, when Samuel mentioned "a huge business deal", he didn't decline straightaway. He smiled and said, "Alright. I'll be at the supermarket in the afternoon. Come over when you have time."

"Alright. I'll visit you at two in the afternoon." Samuel fixed a time and hung up after saying a few polite words.

He took the bus to the supermarket and found a fast-food restaurant to have lunch. After resting for a while and seeing that it was about time, he walked towards the supermarket.

The office of the procurement department was outside the supermarket and around the corner. Samuel knocked on the door.

"Come in." Jacob's voice sounded.

Pushing the door open and entering, Samuel saw a middle-aged man with a bright forehead sitting on a chair, sizing him up curiously.

At this moment, a piece of information appeared in Samuel's mind.

[Character: Jacob Stone, 45 years old, Purchasing Manager of Carrefour on Hamilton Street.]

[Secret 1: Having an affair with the boss's wife, leaving room records in several hotels. The details are as follows…]

[Secret 2: Secretly keeps the rebates from the suppliers, and transfers them to his mother-in-law, Margaret Cramer's bank account. The exact amount of rebates is as follows…]

Quickly digesting these pieces of information, Samuel was greatly relieved.

Just as he had guessed, everyone had their own secrets. Most of these secrets were the other party's weaknesses.

With a calm expression, Samuel didn't wait for the other party's question and went straight to the point. "Hello, Mr. Stone. I'm Samuel Walker from Ruby Liquor Factory. We've arranged to meet at two o'clock. Do you have any impression of me?"

"Oh, you're Mr. Walker. Please take a seat."

Jacob glanced at Samuel with some contempt. Clothes made the man. Samuel's cheap clothes indeed did not qualify him to be looked up to.

However, Jacob proceeded to pour a cup of water for him. He examined Samuel a few times before asking, "You said on the phone that you have a huge business deal to discuss with me. What kind of business do you propose?"