
Fortune Cookie

Indifferent about the thought of having any emotional attachments to anything aside from her family, Naomi Ruth Sandoval is near completing her high-school life just as she wants it to be — no friends, no happy memories to cry over and no one to remember her. If it won't benefit her, why bother? But things changed when she was accidentally hit with a soccer ball owned by the friendliest guy in school – Hunter Lin. His happy aura contradicts to everything she believes in and the more she pushes him away, the more his presence blossoms into her rather passive school life. Who to blame though? Oh, herself. If she only didn’t stop in that spot to eat her fortune cookie, he wouldn’t end up winding into her life. A story of youth and chasing one’s own dreams, how will she handle the first love beat of her young heart?

Marple_Dame · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter II: Hunter D. Lin

"HERE, MY SON." Hunter's father placed a box on the table that morning.

Having their breakfast at the garden, the glass of orange juice Hunter is holding up to his lips stopped mid-air. He looked at his Chinese father then to his Filipino mother. "What's this, Dad?"

His father sat beside his mother and held her hand. "Why don't you open it and see for yourself?" He knowingly smiled.

Hunter placed the glass back on the table and grabbed the box. He shook it and guessed what's inside. "Hmmm... it's not heavy."

As the only son of a rich family, it's not unusual for Hunter to receive gifts from his parents. What struck him weird is them suddenly giving him a gift when there's nothing special happening today.

"Open it, son," his mother urged him.

His dad, Bo, patted the head of their dog, Tsukki, a huge Siberian Husky; who is currently under the garden table.

"Okay, okay!" He laughed as he pulled the green ribbon wrapped around it. Upon opening the box, he inhaled sharply. If his eyes could shine like a bulb, they'll be in their brightest light. "D-Dad!" He looked at his father.

"You've been dreaming for that, right? You've been checking its price on the internet."

"Fu—" Suppressing a curse because of immense happiness, he tilted the box upside down. A ball landed on his lap.

It's a soccer ball and it's no ordinary one! It's Adidas Bracuza—the most coveted soccer ball today and he's holding it right now! It's the same brand and model being used during the FIFA World Cup games!

"Dad, thanks!!!" His Chinito eyes disappeared as he smiles. "T-This is… damn!!!" He feels the round surface of the ball.

"You like it?" His mother, Adelia, asked.

"I love it, Mom!!!"

"So, have you thought about enrolling your Junior High in Woodridge?" inquired his father out of the blue.

It immediately wiped off the smile on Hunter's face. "Junior…?"

"Woodridge, son," Adelia gently repeated. "Your dad and I are planning on sending you there to continue your studies. Their strands are based on the International Curriculum. They can give you the best education anyone could have. It's your first step towards being the successor of our business."

"Oh..." Hunter fell back on his chair and stared at the ball he's holding.

So, this is what it's all about... Typical of his parents. He wanted to express his annoyance but he couldn't. In comparison to some kids his age, he should be grateful for what he has.

He knew his parents wanted nothing but the best for him but did they ever try asking him what he wants to pursue?

Why did they have to do it this way? They're bargaining—no! They're blackmailing him with things he wants in order to comply with their wishes.

No wonder they bought him his dream soccer ball.

His dad was really against him enrolling in Don Mariano de Abad National High School. He had this impression that all public schools had this poor quality of teaching and education.

But for Hunter, he needs to experience reality before experiencing life and his school right now taught him a lot— from cleaning their classrooms and taking out garbage to cultivating soils to plant seeds. These were some experiences he thinks will make one a well-grounded person.

Besides, he's having the best time there. He's happy. For him, in Don Mariano High is where one can really appreciate their youth — you smell sweat, teachers scold you and you have nothing to think about but winning the teks and pogs game. He thinks that in private school, every move seems to be enclosed and guarded.

His time's ticking down.

Few months from now, school year will end. If asked, he wants to continue his studies at a humble university but he'll sound ungrateful to those kids wanting to have the best education.

"I have the enrollment form already," his mother broke his silence.

He only nodded and tried to conceal his disappointment.

"Do you know, hon, that Woodridge is sending their students to other countries for their immersion programs?" His parents are now having a conversation about his life.

"Now, that's nice!"

Thus, he was shut off. He just listened to them… discussing about his future without asking his participation.

He may have all the love of his parents, but why does he always feel left out?

"Hey, buddy..." He patted their dog's head.

"Hunter De Leon-Lin!!!" shouted someone from the other side of their high fence.

Recognizing the voice of his friend, Hunter immediately stood up. "I know you're there, Austin" Totoy "Villegas!!!" he shouted back smiling. He quickly kissed his parents on their cheeks. "Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad."

He grabbed his backpack, pinched Tsukki's cheek and ran outside bringing his new soccer ball with him.

"THIS IS A REAL ADIDAS BRAZUCA, right?!" Chad's eyes widened as if he's holding a gold bar.

Austin jokingly punched Hunter on the arm. "Lucky bastard!" He snatched the ball from Chad's grip. "Even if I shed blood, my mom wouldn't buy me one!"

"You jealous?" He teases Austin by nudging his friend's side. "I'd let you borrow it if you'll kiss my armpits first."

"You dirty gay!"

Hunter laughed when Austin hit him with his bag.

"Let me guess, this came with a price, right?" Chad looked at him. Hunter knew that his friend is not referring to the price of the ball itself.

At that time, the three of them were walking to school together. His dilemma is no secret to Chad and Austin. Best friends since elementary he has no one to turn to except his dog and these two guys who literally grew up with him since the day his family transferred in that posh subdivision.

He winced. "As usual."

Austin threw the ball to him which he catches near his chest. "Never mind that, mate. The important thing is…"

The three of them looked at each other and at the same time, shouted and danced like crazy. "We have our own soccer ball!!! Ey! Ey! Ey! Eeeeey!!!"

Damn. He's thankful for these two monkeys for bringing balance to his dull life.

"Oy." Austin stopped. "It's February already?"

The three of them looked at nearby convenience store which was then full of red balloons and hearts stuck to its glass wall.

Chad grinned like mad dog. "You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"

Hunter shook his head. "I know that smile, Chad. Don't start that with me. I don't want to be a part of your—" His friend put his arm around him. "W-What?"

"It's time for us to officially get laid."

"Pfft!" He laughed pushing him away. "Get off me!"

"We're sixteen!" Chad looked heavenward. "We must not die virgins!"

Embarrassed, Austin covered Chad's mouth and looked around, scared that girls may hear them. "Quiet, will you?!! They might think we're these sex-craze boys!"

Hunter slid his hands inside his pockets. "Guys, stop making it feel like a race, okay?"

"Kuuu..." Austin leaned on Chad's shoulder. "Says someone who is overly-blessed in the Looks Department." Chad nodded. "Not to mention, filthy rich." Chad nodded as an agreement again.

At his age, Hunter is already hitting almost 5'5 in height and is still growing. He has this athletic body type making him taller and leaner. Due to his Chinese descent, he has this piercing slit dark eyes and thick eyebrows. Luckily, he inherits his mom's Filipino tanned color to give him a touch of being a Filipino.

He scoffed. "Chill. It's hard to know exactly when puberty is coming for boys. Who knows, next year... we'll have washed board abs and hairy chest."

Austin eyed him. "We're not talking about bodies here, Hunter. I am talking about our looks…" He pointed his face. "Girls fall for handsome boys and unfortunately, Chad and I don't have that, okay?"

Chad chided in. "Are you mocking us, Lin?"

He can't help but laughed hard how his remark seriously affected the two.

"…you mocking us that we only have our bodies to be proud of—"

"Hello!" A little girl, around age six or seven, suddenly popped out of nowhere.

"Woah!!!" Startled, Austin and Chad jumped on their feet.

The little girl smiled while holding up a basket. "Do you like Fortune Cookies?"

"Fortune Cookies?" the three of them asked as they peeked inside the basket.

"We're giving away free Fortune Cookies every February," she explained. "Want some? Who knows, there might be a tip inside on how you, poor souls, finally get a girlfriend."

"Stop me, Austin," Chad grabbed Austin by the collar. "Stop me or I'll pinch this girl's cheeks to death."

Hunter laughed as he patted the little girl's head. He always wanted to have a sibling— just like this cute, little one. "What's your name?"

"Chiroco. My lolo calls me Coco." Her round pink cheeks bounced as she talked.

"I like your honesty, Coco. Can I have one?"

She nodded. He picked one and his two friends follow suit.

"You will be... rewarded for your efforts," Austin read his quote while eating the cookie crumbs. "Effort? What effort?" He looked at the two of them. "So, I really need to exert effort to have a girlfriend?"

Coco glared at him. "Duh? Obviously?"

Now it's Austin's turn to grab Chad by the collar. "Aba, Chaaad… stop me or else I'm gonna be sued for pinching a kid hard on her cheeks!!"

Chad cracked the cookie he was holding. "Hmm... 'Move or you'll die alone—"

Austin and Hunter burst into laughter.

"... so pray.'" he finishes. "Shit!!! No! W-What kind of sorcery is this?!"

The obviously fell victims on the quotes they got.

Hunter was almost in tears from laughing hard.

"That was lit, dude!" He was about to open his cookie when he caught glimpse of a girl on a bicycle, staring at their direction.

Maybe the three of them are making too much noise—

Then their gazes met.

Her sharp eyes were hooded underneath her thick messy bangs. She looked straight at him… and in that split second, he just stood there mesmerized by—

His daydreaming was cut off when a woman passed in front of him to pick a fortune cookie in the Coco's basket.

Chad and Austin were then star-struck seeing their school muse, the pretty Zaina, up close.

After picking and splitting the cookie in half, she read the quote demurely. "Love is everywhere. You should learn to acknowledge them." Then, she smiled sweetly at him. "Hi, Hunter!"

"Our love life is really tragic..." Austin sob bluffly. Zaina is Austin's long-time crush.

"Hello." Hunter just nodded and looked passed her. He saw the girl and her female passenger travelling away with her bicycle.

"So, what's in your cookie?" Zaina glanced at his hand.

"Uhhh..." He put his cookie inside his pocket. "I'll check it out later. I'm still full and it will be a waste not to eat it." He turned to his friends. "Come on. I heard Senyor Otso-Otso was assigned to guard the gates today!" The three of them were already on the teacher's naughty list for cutting classes frequently.

Austin ran away, giving flying kisses to Zaina.

Meanwhile, Hunter's eyes are fixated on the empty horizon, hoping to have another glimpse on the girl in the bicycle…