
Fortune (Book-1 from connection series)

This was supposed to fun girl's trip. Everything was going according to the plan the girls made. Disha was relaxed and was hoping for fun during her trip. The last thing she expected was a stalker to ruin their trip. Little did they know, this was bound to happen as the girls are destined to bring the change. Especially Disha, who was meant to be the WolfQueen. The journey after the attack was change everything in Disha's life as she doesn't know what is real and fake. When Disha is finally satisfied with her new life, she didn't expect the shocking revelation to happen that questions her morals, beliefs and the teaching she learned in life.

Aziza_Fazil · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter - 5


We received egg rolls and fried rice with shrimp curry and sesame chicken curry. The meal was delicious. If I was in a different situation, I would have savoured it to the fullest. Asha, Haniya, Roshini, Yasmin, and I were waiting for Nina to come, but that girl was taking forever in the bathroom. As a result, we began to eat without her, but we are still debating what to tell our parents; what can we do in this situation? Finally, Nina came out of her room, and she looked refreshed, but there was a guilty expression.

"What's there to eat?" Nina tries to sound cheerful but fails miserably.

"What happened to you, and don't you try to deny it, Nina?" Asha asked her in a strenuous tone, and her expression had the look of what it is now.

"I am not in a state to discuss that. Shall we discuss what we have previously decided? " Nina mutters while serving herself a large proportion of shrimp curry.

Asha humms in response, respecting her privacy. "I think we all did not tell them anything at all. We are in a different country right now. There is no way they could find out. " Yasmin suggested and Nina right away made a valid point.

"But there is a police record with our information. Don't you think that could backfire on us in the future? "

"What if those people whom Yasmin referred to council handle the matter? If yes, then we should go with their made-up story. " Haniya points out an important detail which I did not consider.

How will we ask them? It's not like they gave us their numbers, and let's not forget the fact that they rushed out. When Yasmin told them about her prediction of some packs, there was no way we could contact them except to wait for them to come back. Wait, there is a bodyguard assigned to us. He might answer some of our infinity questions. 

I accidentally choked on some chicken when the idea came to me. "Let's call that bodyguard to see if he knows about something that can help us." Everyone in the room widens their eyes and likes my idea. Nina went to him to call him since she was the only one who had met him when he came. Before leaving, she informed us that his name was Andrew. She did not even step out of the door and called him inside, looking like he was already outside the door protecting us. With that facial expression, I understood he was trained to be a soldier.

All of us greeted him and asked him to sit, which he answered in polity and sat at the single-sofa seat. "So Andrew, we have a lot of questions and we hope you can answer some of them. First and foremost, we would like to know what the council did. Like what they told the police and the hospital, " Roshini asked in her business tone, which her papa taught her to use to make people take her seriously.

Andrew took a deep breath and said, "Lucky, I was just informed by the council to tell you this, which answers the question you asked and might as well answer the unasked ones. Fundamentally, our kind people work in human-environment workplaces such as hospitals, police stations, and so on. To avoid any incidents of supernatural revelation, in your case, the people who work for us already covered the story by stating that you girls were almost attacked by wolves and escaped with minor injuries. I also informed the Indian embassy of the same story and convicted them. You girls are being well taken care of by the governor of the town. Do not worry much. Get some rest. Most likely, all six of you will sift tonight. By shift, I mean you all turn into wolves and will listen to your respected wolf who stays inside your mind until you give them control of your body. " The last part causes our jaws to drop in shock. I will become a wolf like that stalker and hear my wolf talking in my mind like a psycho!. A sound whines in my head, "Don't say that, you are insulting me." I instantly gasped, and Andrew understood me later, giving me an empathetic look before saying, "That's your wolf speaking to you. I know this may be difficult to understand and accept the truth. I can only advise you to accept this as quickly as possible for your betterment. " Then he left us all, just like the council did. But before leaving, he mutters that he will be back to take us to the forest for our shifting. I didn't hear anything when he mentioned taking us to the forest, and that filled me with dread. The emergence of a new set of questions such as: are they trustable? Will they keep us safe? Or did we escape that stalker? Or is it a master plan to make us go crazy, conspired by our enemies? If so, then who? And why? This is giving me headaches. I shared my concern with others, and they all reflected the same emotion. Then Yasmin and Nina explained to us to just chill, go with the flow, and wait for the right moment. 

Yasmin and Nina are the craziest ones of all now. I should better be on their good side since they can see the future and can change the consequences. There are so many things to talk about with them, and for the first time in my life, I lack the words to talk to them. Yasmin is my blood sister, and Nina is my cousin sister who shares a bond of blood sister with me. Our relationship has grown so much over the years, much like Asha and mine. Asha is the closest of all to me since she understands me even when I don't say a word. She helps me mentally to become a stronger version of myself. Without her, I could be a sensitive girl who will apologize even though it's not my fault.

I look towards the window leading to the balcony. The sun is setting. It's the perfect time to say something poetic, but I am not a creative thinker. Therefore, I just enjoyed the view, and then I started to feel hot all of a sudden. Internal muscle tenseness follows the tenseness of the muscles, which is then followed by others. Nina, Roshini, and Haniya screamed their hearts out. In a swift second, Andrew was in full armour fighting mode and was staring at us in shock. Asha asked him what was happening to us while crying. This forced him out of shock and said, "You are shifting, this never happened at this time."

Quickly, he leads us to a secret passage that is revealed when he moves a wall-length picture. The end of the passage turns out to be a forest behind the building. The desire not to go to the forest was outweighed by the pain I am feeling, which is increasing as time goes by. I started to hear bones crack and turned my head toward the sound. Yet again, with the transforming of a human into a werewolf, Nina's wolf form was beautiful. Her fur is pure black and Roshini's is pure red. I don't think any wolf has that deep red colour. So that's what I did. "Embrace the pain rather than fight it," Andrew said loudly. The pain was increasing and my bones were changing their construction. I closed my eyes until the pain went away. When it went, I opened my eyes and found paws instead of my feet, and I saw my surroundings. Everyone has pure black fur with green eyes except for Nina and Roshini. Nina's difference is in her eye colour. She has brown eyes, and Roshini's fur is red and her eyes are green. I wonder what I look like. "Let's find out." The sound in my head says, "surprising me once again." 

She replies to me, "Sorry to scare you. I just wanted to talk to you. " I mentally chuckled after Andrew told us we could hear our wolf. It made me less fearful. All of us were chasing each other. Technically, it's our wolves who are in control, and I am watching as if I am watching TV, but I can feel the emotions of my wolf. While we were playing around with Andrew's supervision, of course, I was able to talk to my wolf.

Her name is Halona. She claims to be an old soul wolf, meaning she had previous hosts and was mated to Ron, named Wolf. She later told me her name's meaning, which is "fortune." I always name meanings that contribute to a person's personality significantly. I told Halona this, and she informed me that she saw all my memories and feelings. My emotions are like hers and vice versa.

This is creeky as hell. I am definitely feeling different emotions and have mixed views on what this feels like. How rational am I being or not? Halona laughs at my thoughts and tells me, in a smooth tone, to take my time, accept the small changes. This is like taking small steps to achieve my success.

After everyone tried playing around, we all shifted back into humans. Surprisingly, we were dressed as if "won't it shred when you shift, basic common sense?" Yasmin's question, which we all turn towards Andwer in the union, who just shudders. And look equally confused like us. Well, welcome to the club then.

On our way back Nina asked about her wolf appearance.

" Your wolf had a pure black fur with a sun-shaped between your eyes. Oh and your eyes colours is exactly....your human one but it looks wolf. " Rohini answered.

" Just like everyone's wolf except the eye colour. Everyone had green colour like a deep forest green. Except for you Roshini, you had a red fur deeper than blood and you also had a sun-shaped between your eyes." Nina said in an exhausted sound.

Not only her but everyone is tried as if shifting and playing around have to digest the heavy meal I had before. Making me starve to death. Andrew speak as if he heard my thoughts.

" You girls might be hungry after shifting as it takes most of your energy. I will ask another bodyguard to bring something to eat for you girls. I will go for a while to meet up with the council relating your transformation and wolves"

" What about our wolves you need to talk to?" Asha asked in alerted mode.

Andrew took a while to answer that as if he was debating with himself to either answer the question or not.

" Your wolves colours and that shape in your head. It resembles royal wolves or descended wolf moon-shape which is also located at the same place. It is a sign to show their heritage." Andrew said, clearly evidence of confusion in his sound and it clears my one of millions of questions, he does not know anything about us.

" Of course, he does not know. Come on after that small discussion with the council, it is clear we are different and need to be confidential." Halona speaks inside my head, making me startle. God, it will take time to adjust with Halona.

After entering the apartment, Andrew left right away. The moment he went outside, Nina said " Now he's gone. We can talk about stuff we couldn't when he's around"

I look at her curiously which Asha mirrors.

" The four of us discussed something without you two. Only because you both were at the bathroom" Nina tell while holding her hands in surrender.

Asha and I were open-mouthed, we agreed to discuss everything together and not let anyone in the dark. Fuck them!

" What you guys talked about" Asha and I scolded in unison.

" I asked Yasmin what is a mate as she told us, she saw me saying that word in her dream. Then all of us ( looking at Roshini, Nina and Yasmin) use Google to answer some of our questions such as the origin of werewolves, their weakness and some other supernatural creatures." Haniya answers quickly to our question.

" Tell us in detail," Asha said and I nodded in agreement.

" Nothing much to be honest. It's about some Greek God cursing a King to become half-wolf and half-human for his action. Some of the fanmade websites telling mates are soulmates and werewolves are endangered by wolfbane and silver as it burns their skin" Roshini muttered.

Wait! Soulmates are real?

"Yes, they are. The guy who is your soulmate has a wolf named Ron. Since the Sun goddess pairs human soulmates with wolves soulmates. They strengthen each other mentality, physically and emotionally as well. " Halona said in a dreamlike tone like a child is eating chocolate for the first time.

Suddenly, a pillow hit me. HARD!!!

" Yo, we were calling you. where the hell did you get lost... La La Land" My sweet devil sister Haniya told.

" No, I WAS TALKING TO HALONA MY WOLF" I snapped back at her.

" Halona that's an interesting name. My wolf name is Eve " Nina in enthusiastically.

" Mine is Astra," Asha told.

" Mine is Zarita" Haniya follows after and later by Yasmin " Mine is Ariyana". Lastly, Roshini said, " Mine is Kiran. I know what a coincidence right." happily.

Kiran means Light same as Roshini does.

" Dude my wolf just told the wolf meaning... Halona means fortune, Astra means star, Zarita means princess, Ariyanna means giver of life in Hindi and the close to god. And Kiran means light " Nina squeal with delight.

" OH MY GOD!! Nina without you we couldn't have known" Asha dramatically placed her hand in her said and tease Nina sarcastically. Making everyone laugh.

" Nina and Yasmin when was the last time you guys predict the future? " I finally asked, this lessen my burden ever since I believed they see the future.

" Nina last saw at the plane she was asking for coffee from air hostess ( Yasmin told and looks at Nina for clarity which she nodded) I dream my last one right before someone ( She glared at me and Roshini) roar my name. Otherwise, I would have known what happens after Haniya and that guy said mate" Yasmin states.

" Basically, you saw Haniya's soulmate. What does he look like" Asha squeal in excitement just like Nina did, even though they may not look like biological sisters but their manners state that loud and clear.

" He is hot as fuck man. Dark brown curly hair same as his eye colour and I guess he had a Canadian accent." Yasmin said surprising me as she never comments on guys look.

We then started to talk about different topics such as Nina's idea for a book, Asha and I plans to introduce a Turkish sweet at our bakery named sweetholic. All of us hope this mess to clear up as soon as possible so that we can start to live in our normal routine being not so normal.

After a 45-minute doorbell rang. It was another bodyguard named Andy, He came to give submarines from the subway. It had more meats than veggies just as I like. After that, we all went to our given room to sleep.