In the bustling city of Lumina, lived a young man named Kazuki Yamato, an ordinary college student struggling to make ends meet. His life took a dramatic turn when he unwittingly became the chosen host of a mysterious system known as "Fortune's Embrace." This system, a voice in his mind, promised to turn Kazuki into a billionaire within a year, granting him access to unimaginable wealth and power. But there was a catch – the system required him to exact justice on those who had wronged him. With newfound abilities and an insatiable drive for justice, Kazuki embarked on a journey, leveraging the system's power to expose corrupt businessmen, unjust politicians, and deceitful individuals who preyed on the innocent. His tactics ranged from using his wealth to create elaborate schemes to employing his cunning intellect and charisma. The story unfolds as Kazuki battles against powerful foes, wrestles with moral dilemmas, and discovers the true meaning of wealth, justice, and love in a world where the lines between right and wrong blur amid the allure of untold riches. !!! Cover is not mine!!!