
Fortune’s Embrace

“you’re a fine and rich man Brian, every lady in Philadelphia lusts after you, why not pick a bride and settle down, you are not getting any younger at 35” “I do not need any woman who is after my fame and riches father, besides you of all people know I do not believe in the existence of love” Brian Donald is a billionaire and CEO of one of the biggest financial institutions in the state but he doesn’t believe in love nor marriage due to a childhood experience that changed his life, he is adamant that he will never give love a shot. ……… Sonia Roberts is a 25 years old lady who has just lost her parents in a fatal accident. She wishes to someday meet her prince charming, fall in love and get married. But she’d soon come to realize that heartbreak at times can be as painful as losing a loved one. She ends up teaming with a rival against the man her heart longs for but can’t have. Meanwhile, Brian continues to hate Sonia for leaving him and not trying harder to break down his walls, but he won’t be weak and let her know he’s hurt. When Sonia’s life is hanging by a thread, would Brian open up and show his affection for her or would he turn his back on her yet again? Will he find true happiness in his solitude or would he finally surrender in the embrace of her love? Read on to follow the journey of Love and Hate between Brian and Sonia

Yetunde_Hunga · Urban
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4 Chs


"I'm listening"...

" I suppose you have a plan after everything you said there. Giving up everything dad and mom worked so hard for" Nessa said as she sat on Sonia's bed.

"My dear sister....." Sonia began,

"… I only figured that giving it up will help clear up to 80% of the debt dad and mom owe, we have this house, you can own and manage Leo's share of the company while he's still in coma, and I'll find a job to support you as we pay off the remainder of the debt" Sonia concluded taking her sit next to her sister and holding her hands. Nessa didn't look convinced, but she wants to trust her sister as she has always been the witty one.

"Where will you get a job?" Nessa asked

"Well, that is a problem for tomorrow, for now let's heal and rest." Sonia answered.

"Okay do have a good rest Sonia" Nessa said, proceeding to leave Sonia's room.

"You too Nessa, you need it more than I do" Sonia replied.

Sonia freshened up and changed into her pajamas as she got into bed, several thoughts embraced her as she laid in bed. Thoughts of what to do next, and how to secure a job in Philadelphia as she doesn't fancy working at the company her parents once owned, she would not be able to look those men in the face without having the urge to scream and yell. They had wasted no time in trying to take over the company in the wake of our parent's death. She also worried about her brother's health, though out of danger but still in coma. She laid there staring at the roof of her room until the sweet hug of sleep caressed her into oblivion.

Sonia woke up determined to be happier today, she went out of her room and met Nessa who was seated and going through some paperwork.

"Good morning Nessa" she greeted.

"Oh, good morning Sonia," Nessa responded, briefly raising her head from the documents she was going through to look at Sonia.

"What are those?" Sonia asked,

"These are the papers that we must sign relinquishing our shares of the company, I have been going through them thoroughly to make sure there's no fine prints I might miss." Nessa briefed Sonia

"How desperate of these men to take over the company" Sonia said with disbelief

"We offered it to them on a platter of gold, so I wasn't surprised when the papers arrived this morning," Nessa returned.

Sonia scoffed in response and took a seat next to her sister, waiting to sign where necessary.

"Have you thought of a job to do yet or a company to apply at?" Nessa enquired

"You know I'm no longer familiar with this terrain as you are sis, a little help will be appreciated" Sonia replied playfully nudging her sister. Just on cue, Nessa's cell rang, and she picked up, after a few minutes on the call she hung up smiling.

"It was an old friend of mine informing me that there has just been a job vacancy at Elite Equity Partners, one of the best financial institutions in the state, and interviews have begun effective immediately." Nessa announced gleefully.

"What is the vacant role I'm supposed to be applying for?" Sonia asked, refusing to get her hopes high.

"Business analyst" Nessa answered beaming

"Okay I'll look into it tomorrow" Sonia said, killing the joy in the air,

"No you won't, you will go to your room and get dressed and go get your job" Nessa said trying to sound as authoritative as possible. She and Sonia exchanged looks for a few seconds and burst out laughing.

"Hahaha I've heard you mom" Sonia said mockingly,

"you know the day you get married I'll officially adopt you as my mom" she added laughing.

"We are both ready for marriage so whoever gets married first will be the mother to the unmarried sister," Nessa jokes,

"by the way, who is the unlucky man?" she added smiling

"Well my beloved sister there is no unlucky man yet, besides I should be asking you that" Sonia retorted

"On that note go and dress in your best, you just might meet your prince charming today" Nessa concluded, avoiding the question thrown back at her. Sonia signed the papers where her signature was needed and headed for her room to go get ready for this job interview.

"Don't forget when you return we'll go see Leo at the hospital" Nessa called after her.

Sonia got ready dressing as professional and sexy as she could, donning a gray suit with pants rather than skirt, she didn't let it on but a part of her was excited about the prospect of meeting her prince charming now that she's back to Philly. None of the men in New York truly tinkled her fancy, it was one failed relationship to the other, and it was mostly down to the fact that she never found any of them sexually attractive and hence she never gave in to being sexually intimate with them which led to them always walking out of her life. She has been a virgin her whole life, even though she tries to hide that information from everyone. But she is a passionate lover, and she has always wanted her first time to be an unforgettable experience, preferably with the man of her dreams and husband. As she stood in front of the mirror reliving failed relationships, a knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.

"Are you ready to….. wow!, you look so gorgeous" Nessa exclaimed at the sight of her sister.

"Thank you sis" Sonia said, hiding her blush.

"Only you can pull off this look Sonia, and maybe Evan Rachel Woods" Nessa said admittedly,

"but you look so beautiful baby sis" Nessa added

"Don't butter up my ego Nessa" Sonia said this time not being able to hide her blush.

"Then leave here before you turn a straight lady gay with those curves of yours" Nessa remarked, laughing

"Okay, I'm leaving, but can I borrow your car?" Sonia asked

"You can take whatever you want girl, if you need me to even be your chauffeur I'll gladly oblige" Nessa teased.

"Hahaha no I can drive myself thank you" Sonia declared as she walked off leaving her sister on her heels still admiring her looks and whispering words of compliments about her curves.

Sonia got into the car and drove out, with her sister waving her off and yelling "good luck" as she sped off. She will be going into an interview room for the first time in a long time. She silently said a prayer for the interview to be a successful one. She had difficulties finding the company, she had to ask pedestrians for directions severally until she was finally able to locate it. There stood the beautiful building 'Elite Equity Partners' etched boldly at the top of the building.

Sonia checked her make up once again in the rearview mirror and added a bit more lipstick. She whispered another silent prayer, carried her bag and stepped out of the car and locked it. Then she placed the key inside her bag as she started walking towards the building, her cell began to ring, and she tried searching her bag for it still walking and not looking up, just as she found her cellphone she clattered into a mountain of a human.