
Fortune’s Embrace

“you’re a fine and rich man Brian, every lady in Philadelphia lusts after you, why not pick a bride and settle down, you are not getting any younger at 35” “I do not need any woman who is after my fame and riches father, besides you of all people know I do not believe in the existence of love” Brian Donald is a billionaire and CEO of one of the biggest financial institutions in the state but he doesn’t believe in love nor marriage due to a childhood experience that changed his life, he is adamant that he will never give love a shot. ……… Sonia Roberts is a 25 years old lady who has just lost her parents in a fatal accident. She wishes to someday meet her prince charming, fall in love and get married. But she’d soon come to realize that heartbreak at times can be as painful as losing a loved one. She ends up teaming with a rival against the man her heart longs for but can’t have. Meanwhile, Brian continues to hate Sonia for leaving him and not trying harder to break down his walls, but he won’t be weak and let her know he’s hurt. When Sonia’s life is hanging by a thread, would Brian open up and show his affection for her or would he turn his back on her yet again? Will he find true happiness in his solitude or would he finally surrender in the embrace of her love? Read on to follow the journey of Love and Hate between Brian and Sonia

Yetunde_Hunga · Urban
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4 Chs


In Philadelphia summer's embrace, bright rays danced in the sky's embrace. Brian was getting ready for another day at the office. Brian Donald is a Summa cum laude graduate of the prestigious University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. He was the best student, and now he is considered one of the biggest businessmen in all of Pennsylvania, which all boils down to his hard work and dedication in his business. He is the owner and CEO of Elite Equity Partners, a financial institution he opened alongside his business partner and best friend Marcus Flenning.

Brian has always been the most intelligent and most handsome man in any room he's in, he turns the heads of every lady whenever he walks past them. He was literally a sight to behold and oftentimes he was referred to as the "god of beauty" standing at 6 '5", and he was every woman's dream. As he takes a shower, his mind drifted back to the conversation he had with his dad the previous day

"you're a fine and rich man Brian, every lady in Philadelphia lusts after you, why not pick a bride and settle down, you are not getting any younger at 35"

he had replied with "I do not need any woman who is after my fame and riches father, besides you of all people know I do not believe in the existence of love".

In truth, he didn't believe in love after the ordeal of how his mom left him and his younger sister to his father just to follow another man never to be seen or heard from because of her love for money, and he hated her for it.

His father has had to work multiple jobs to cater for him and his younger sister before he got a major breakthrough in his construction company and was able to send them to the best college in the state.

Mr Jacob Donald is a man loved by all in the city of Philadelphia due to how resilient, kind and loving he is, but yet his wife left him for a big hitter and Brian has not been able to wrap his head around that decision even till this day. He has often been told that he embodies his father's features physically as his father is a jaw dropping handsome man even at age of 67, but he often thinks "if my mom can leave this amazing man, what is the guarantee that some lady I call my wife won't also abandon my kids and I?", hence his hatred for his mom and his unbelief in the existence of love. But for some despicable reason, the words of his father kept resonating in his head since he got out of bed. He shrugged the thoughts off and continued to prepare for work.

Brian came out in his well-tailored tuxedo suit to meet Marcus, who was already on the table with his father and younger sister Samantha having breakfast, he took his seat and joined them.

"Good morning everyone" before planting a kiss on his little sister's forehead,

"eww I've told you to stop doing that I'm no longer a kid, I'm 25 now" she protested,

"even if you are a hundred years old, you will always remain my baby sister" he replied with a smirk.

He helped himself to some coffee and biscuits while he could feel his father gazed at him, he obviously still had their conversation in mind, so he decided to speak quickly before his father did

, "Hey Marcus bro, how are the paper works for the Simpsons coming along?"

Marcus almost spilled his coffee out of shock and everyone turned to Brian in surprise, as it is well known he doesn't discuss work at home, especially not on the dining table.

"uhm it's proceeding well, but there's been a sticking point, and they've demanded to have a meeting with you today at the office" Marcus replied sheepishly knowing what will come next,

"what the hell Marcus, and you're just informing me of this now?!!" Brian shouted and stood up to leave immediately with Marcus on his hills, Samantha cringing in her seat while Jacob silently continued sipping his coffee.

"You have a policy of not discussing business at home, that was why I decided to wait until after breakfast" Marcus responded calmly as they both walked out of the house.

They both got into Marus' car and drove out, heading to the office in silence for a while,

"what was that B?" Marcus asked, breaking the silence

"why would you raise your voice at me in such a manner like I did a great deal of wrong?"

"I'm sorry, Marc I had to ask about work to keep my father from reiterating the talk about marriage, but you ought to have notified me about the current situation via a dial or text" Brian replied

"but I'm sorry for raising my voice at you" he added,

"it's fine you rascal" replied Marcus laughing,

"I am your business partner and not your PA, that's Rhea's job. Speaking of Rhea, don't you think she's a good option as a wife? After all it's no longer news that she's got eyes for you and your dad's right you know", Brian shot Marcus a glaring look and Marcus burst out laughing, but Brian wasn't seeing the funny side to the topic as he asked

"what is cracking you up? You know my take on love and also Rhea, and it was a one-time thing and a mistake. Besides where is your own wife Mr comedian?"

"well there's someone I want to work things out with, and I'm hoping everything goes well" Marcus said,

"okay, I'm happy for you. Now step on the accelerator and get us to the office" Brian blurted.

Marcus Flenning is a good friend and business partner of Brian Donald whom he has known since their college days at UPENN, he has always been a rich kid from a well known family and has barely had to work for anything in his life until he met Brian. Brian is the smartest and most beautiful man he's met in his entire life albeit, on his day, he can be the most difficult and annoying human on earth, but he loves him anyway, and he will always remain his best friend "well perhaps for as long as he doesn't know the woman in my life" he thought to himself as he drives them both to work.

He has been in love with Samantha – Brian's younger sister – since the first day he saw her at UPENN, he could have sworn it was love at first sight. Since the day he met her, he had instantly dreamt of having a family with her, but his dreams came crashing down when he found out she was younger sister to his best buddy. He's had to watch from the sidelines for years as she went from one failed relationship to the other while he bottled up his feelings for her and seeing how Brian beat up guys who hurt her, he didn't want her to be the reason he got on the bad side of his friend. Nevertheless, after eavesdropping on a conversation between the siblings about her wanting to get married and settled, he knew it was his last chance to voice out his feelings, and so he did on her 25th birthday.

Marcus had arrived at the Donald's mansion for Samantha's birthday bash that was being thrown for her by her billionaire brother Brian, he made his way to the porch of the building and there he saw her looking dazzling as ever, his heart made a triple flip as he basked in her beauty, if Aphrodite and Adonis had birthed a child, then it'll be Samantha. He watched dumbfounded as she gracefully walked around greeting and appreciating her guests.

"What are we staring at?" Brian asked, damn, he had been so caught up in Samantha's beauty that he had not known her brother had crept up on him,

"nothing man, just admiring the view and decorations. You outdid yourself this time buddy",

"hmm I could have sworn you were checking out my sister" Brian said sternly,

"anyways, you know I don't joke with her, and she's my treasure, so I'd do anything to keep her happy" Brian added,

"no I was admiring the decorations, and yeah I know how much she means to you" Marcus replied,

"alright friend let's go in and have you settled into the party, there are lots of beautiful ladies around, friends of Samantha's, perhaps we could hook you up with one" Brian said laughing.

He couldn't concentrate on anything but Samantha all through the night, and he was still holding on to the present he got for her. He had gone to the best jewelry store in Philly and had gotten her the most expensive and beautiful diamond piece in the store. He would wait for his chance to give her the present and perhaps talk to her about his feelings for her and get it over with. Furthermore, he's been quiet and pretending for the best part of 9 years on how he truly feels about her since he first met her, he fears she might just see him as her brother's friend or worse as a brother, but he had made up his mind to confess his feelings tonight.

"What a night it has been" Brian said as he greeted off the last of the guests,

"I'm retiring to bed now, thank you, Marcus, I'll see you tomorrow at the office" he added,

"goodnight B", now it was just him and Samantha in the room, and he thought to himself "this is it, this is my chance" he opened his mouth to talk

"I've – ",

"hey Marcus, you've been holding on to that present for so long I'm beginning to think it's someone else's birthday" he was cut off by Samantha,

"well sorry it's yours Sam, happy birthday dear" Marcus replied as he gave her the present, he calls her "Sam" casually just as he calls Brian "B",

"aww thank you so much Marcus, can I open?" Samantha asked gleefully,

"yeah sure you can" Marcus replied.

Samantha opened her present and was left stunned. She couldn't believe she had been gifted a diamond piece for her birthday, she held the glittering piece of beauty of a jewel.

"Wow, thank you so much Marcus, this is so beautiful",

"You're welcome Sam, you deserve the best things in life" said Marcus

"there's something that I've been wanting to say to you for a while now Sam" Marcus continued,

"since the first day I saw you at UPENN I've loved you and I didn't know how to confess my love to you given my relationship with your brother, but after hearing you tell him you are looking to get married I had to let out my feelings for you" Marcus finished and was trying to catch his breath, he has never spoken so fast in his life and he stood there staring at Samantha in the awkward silence that followed after his last words.

Samantha looked bewildered after Marcus' confessions, and she felt an ambivalent feeling to what he said because she also developed feelings for him over the years but couldn't voice it because of her strict brother and now here he is confessing his feelings for her for fear of losing her forever

. "In all honesty Marcus I feel the same way as you do, but I've been scared to tell you because I don't want to strain your relationship with my brother",

Marcus stood there stunned, he has never been this happy and sad at the same time, without thinking he grabbed Samantha and kissed her and without hesitation she kissed him back, and so their secret relationship began.