
Chapter 131 Dad, stop hitting me I will never sleep with a woman again

Machine Translation

That nasty woman dared to use a pinhole camera to spy on He Lanjin under his nose, and even dared to put a black widow on He Lanjin's bed. Did He Ruoxue actually think she could outsmart Qiao Hanye?

"Yes," the secret guards replied and left immediately, not even daring to show the master their faces.

Qiao Hanye's body had turned icy cold, as if he wanted to freeze the whole world.

If it were not for her secret, He Ruoxue would be dead by now. Qiao Hanye needed her to seek out all the people who had hurt He Lanjin in the past, so he was going to let her live... for now. But that did not mean she would not suffer for what she did recently.


He Lanjin walked back to the dormitory, constantly rubbing her hands for warmth.

The nights here were really cold, but He Lanjin was not afraid of cold weather.

As soon as she entered the dormitory, someone called out to her. "Doctor He." He Lanjin turned to see the old woman whose son had died due to the earthquake. She stood in the freezing cold in front of the dormitory door, wearing thin tattered clothes and shoes with holes on them.

He Lanjin quickly went toward her and asked with concern, "Granny, it's very late. Why are you here?"

"I find it hard to sleep alone, especially after my son died. I tossed and turned on the bed and decided to get up. I brought you a bowl of hot soup," the old woman said and handed over the soup container to He Lanjin.

He Lanjin's gaze fell on the old woman's rough and calloused hands, which were red from the cold. "Keep the soup for yourself," He Lanjin said softly. "You need it more than I do. Please take better care of yourself. It's what your son would want you to do."

"The government will probably give you money very soon. Your life will be better." He Lanjin's voice became very soft as she forced her tears back.

"Child, go and drink the soup." The woman insisted as she forced He Lanjin to take the container.

The look on the old woman's face made it very difficult for He Lanjin to refuse. He Lanjin opened the door and asked, "If you insist, granny. Will you please come in and have a seat?"

"No, I, you..." the old woman said as she turned around to leave. "Have a good trip, Dr. He."

Because she was a little absentminded from thinking about the events of the day, He Lanjin did not notice the last thing the old woman said. He Lanjin carried the soup into her room and opened the lid. A wonderful smell filled the room, making her feel as if she were back home.

She scooped some soup for herself in a bowl and took a few sips.

He Lanjin's phone rang, so she put the bowl of soup down to answer the call.

"Ah Jin, save me, save me." Qin Nan's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"What happened?" He Lanjin smiled to hear heard Qin Nan's exaggerated shouting. She sat on the bed and leaned on the headboard as she waited for Qin Nan to speak.

Qin Nan was panting; he had obviously been running. "My father chased me through nine streets with his slippers. He said that it was better to beat me to death than to die under a woman. He even called me cheap. I'm so angry! Why can't I be a normal guy with normal feelings?"

"Haha, well played," He Lanjin said as if cheering Qin Nan's father.

"You little heartless person, just wait until I see you again," Qin Nan scolded He Lanjin. "Agh, Father! Stop hitting me! I will never sleep with a woman again. Ouch!"

He Lanjin laughed softly, realizing that Qin Nan was still getting beaten up. She hung up the phone to take a shower, but she felt a little dizzy when she got up from the bed.

"Ugh, what's wrong with me?" He Lanjin rubbed her temples, getting even dizzier than she already was.

He Lanjin knew that she was not anemic. Not even staying up all night would cause her to feel like this. She had no direct contact with the black widow earlier since she used the sanitary pad to handle it, so there was no way she was dizzy because of venom. There was no way it would be stained with venom. The only possibility was... the soup.

"How is that possible?" He Lanjin stared at the bowl of hot soup that she received from the old woman.

The people in this place were simple and honest. They would never harm anyone. Plus, He Lanjin almost lost her life trying to save that granny's son. She was sure the old woman would never try to harm her. So what exactly was the problem?

Ps: Thank you "159 * * 01" for the tip of 100. Thank You "cloud mist Xuanhua" for the tip of 99. Thank you "Jell-o, Jell-o" for the tip of 100. Thank you "smile to hide your pain" for the tip of 100. Thank you "Yiya" for the tip of 100. Thank you "Luo Huiyan" for the tip of 99.

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