
Chapter 4 Spatial Present

Translator: 549690339

Even though Qin Xiaoruo was certain that the scene before her eyes was real, she was still somewhat flustered.

Is this really a space transfer?

For her?

Can she... still get out?

Just as Qin Xiaoruo's worried thoughts surfaced, the scene before her eyes suddenly changed, returning her to the base of the large tree she had just bumped into.

Qin Xiaoruo opened her mouth, too surprised to know how to react, until the sound of approaching footsteps brought her sharply back to reality.

Oh no, that person hasn't left yet!

The footsteps were already close, and it seemed too late to escape—she had no choice but to find somewhere to hide!

Back to the space!

In a moment of desperation, Qin Xiaoruo called out in her mind and, sure enough, found herself back by the riverbank in a flash.

Having experienced the incredible event of soul transference, Qin Xiaoruo felt she was much calmer this time.

Since she wasn't sure whether that person had left or not, Qin Xiaoruo didn't plan to go out so soon, instead sitting by the riverbank, swallowing salivary and watching the fish swimming or leaping in the water.

The Fu Family's household was considered quite well-off in Houling Village, being able to have a bowl of coarse grain porridge for every meal was rare for the locals, but for Qin Xiaoruo, who was quite picky about food even in modern times, these days were unbearably tough. It was just too bad she didn't bring a fire starter with her; otherwise, she would have managed to catch a fish to enrich her meal.

Qin Xiaoruo noticed a few drops of blood on the hem of her skirt, probably from when she was treating the wounds of the "Bloodied Man" earlier. She hurriedly took it off to wash it in the river and laid it out on the grass by the riverbank to dry.

It was fortunate that she had found the bloodstains herself, for if she had returned and her fiancé Fu Hanwen had seen them, he probably would have become suspicious again.

After hanging the clothes to dry, Qin Xiaoruo walked toward the large bamboo forest ahead. Upon entering the bamboo forest, she was amazed to find at least thirty or forty different kinds of bamboo, including many fresh bamboo shoots. If she hadn't retained a bit of rationality, Qin Xiaoruo really would have wanted to take all the fresh bamboo shoots and the fish from the river back home.

Faced with this space, Qin Xiaoruo felt just like a poor person who suddenly came into a house full of gold, elated beyond comprehension. But at least she now understood the feelings of those who became overnight millionaires. Right then, all she wanted was to eat! Eat! Eat!

Not just herself, but the people of the Fu Family as well!

But when she thought of Fu Hanwen, who could see through people, Qin Xiaoruo cooled down.

Don't rush, don't rush—take it slow, or you'll end up being burned as a demon!

Guessing that more than an hour had passed, Qin Xiaoruo returned to the base of the big tree with excitement and trepidation, and surprisingly, it wasn't even dark yet. A moment of confusion crossed her mind, but she didn't have the time to ponder, as she hurried to leave this dangerous place.

To Qin Xiaoruo's surprise, halfway up the mountain she unexpectedly ran into her fiancé, Fu Hanwen.

"Hehe... did you also come up the mountain to gather herbs?" Qin Xiaoruo chuckled awkwardly, her glances evasive as she greeted him, despising her own spinelessness, feeling guilty every time she saw him.

After all, it was her own lack of confidence to blame, for she was the one who'd taken over his fiancée's body.

Fu Hanwen stared at her intently, "Looking for you!"

Looking for her?

Qin Xiaoruo looked up, her dark little face showing unmistakable astonishment.

The man before her didn't explain anything, just reached out his long arm, took off the basket from her shoulder, and started walking downhill with it. After a few steps, he turned back, indisputably commanded, "Follow."

"Oh." Qin Xiaoruo pursed her lips and complied, smilingly following after him once she came to her senses.

She had just noticed that his initially tense expression had visibly relaxed upon seeing her; she thought she might have been overthinking it.