
FORSAKEN: The 10,000 Days Of Despair

When the world ends, humanity goes under, and waits for the sun to rise. But from the ashes of the apocalypse. There comes of two monsters. Those that must hide away from the sun and must come out during the night as the moon shines. And those that walk among the sun, as they're rotting away mindlessly. A world where every side thinks that the opposite has the more superiority to survive. But the truth is they are equal, and they both struggle as this world has forsaken them all. Arthur's note: It's been years since I last released any updates to my previous stories. High School was the last time I released an update chapter on one of my ongoing series on this account. And now since I learned more about writing. I'm going to release this story and get some feedback. currently it is 2024 January. and I made a New Year's resolution to stay consistent with my writing, and I bet releasing it on this platform, Will boost my confidence and being consistent with my writing. I hope you enjoyed this story of tragedy, betrayal, vengeance, horror and survival. It is an inspiration of two different series THE LAST OF US, TOKYO GHOUL , and I AM LEGEND (the book by Richard Matheson, NOT the Will Smith movie) And if you want to see more of who I am? this is my TikTok. https://www.tiktok.com/@theapacherebel?_t=8ilmB2eRE7O&_r=1 Enjoy Forsaken It’s been a long time in the makeing.

KaiKai_Rebel · Horror
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11 Chs

At The Flesh




"DAD!" She hopped out of the It ran up towards the garage door. "DAD! Is that you? How do I get The door open!" She was afraid that her father wouldn't hear her from the loud shooting out the shotgun, and she waited for an answer.

"Go next to the door to the house, under the light switches, Is the one that lifts the door up. HURRY!" Shotgun blast continues on the other side.

"OKAY!" She ran out to the switches and flicked up one of the two big switches. What followed next was the motor on top of the roof started to turn on loudly, as it pulled the garage door open lifting it slowly. She opened The door that was in front of the Tesla. "It's Opening, get ready to crawl under!"

Jessica waits and stands next to the switches as the garage door continues to slowly rise up. Until an unexpected monster burst through the house door and into the garage.


She screamed by being startled, but quickly moved away from the switch and away from the monster. That was gargling crawling, as it was trying to get up. She runs around the car, impractically jumped into the passenger seat closing the door.

-Manuel & Jessica-

BANG! Pump. BANG! Pump. CLICK!

That haunting sound was a worse nightmare come true. "Oh no!" His shotgun was empty of shells. He tried to dig into his pocket and every pouch around him and he couldn't find any. He is completely out of ammunition. He slung the shotgun on his back as it hung on to him by a strap. Then he pulled out the Glock 19 from his holster. And the revolver tucked in his waistband, he pulled them out and dual wielded them.



The Pistol and the revolver weren't doing that much damage to the horde, compared to a shotgun but, it was the last thing he had left.

"DAD!" That voice was Jessica. He can hear more clearly, earlier when she heard her from behind the garage door, It was muffled but this time it was completely clear. He looked behind him for a moment and saw that the garage door was halfway up. It was high enough for him to just crouch under. By focusing back to fighting the monsters, with a quick smooth motion he dropped to his knees, laid back on his back and rolled under the garage door. Now within the garage itself, he looks up to see where Jessica is. But when he looked at the Tesla, he saw that one of the monsters was banging on the passenger side window, Jessica was on the driver's side with the window down.

"They're coming in from the house! Hurry!" Then followed was the cracking glass from the passenger side.

With a quick aim Manual shot down the monster on the passenger side. One bullet in the head and twice in the shoulder. It fell dead. He rushed to the driver side door and opened it.

"Princess scoot over!" She obeyed and Manual hopped in the driver seat and Jessica in the passenger seat, he closed the door. The engine was warm and it was ready to be used. He just needed to shift the gears into drive.

The moment he got in, the horde in front of him was piling up more and more as some of the monsters that he shot earlier were starting to get up with the last remaining of its life. And more were piling in from within the house. He stepped on the brakes and shifted the gears to drive. With one smooth motion he pressed on the accelerator and the engine's roared as they drove.

For only one foot until I stop suddenly.

"The HELL!?"


Dread sinking in as they realize on the touchscreen of the Tesla, it said emergency brake activated as it Detects multiple human subjects in front of them.


With a quick motion Manual, swipe through to the different menus and icons to just get to the system list where he can deactivate the emergency detection breaks. Technology may be used for safety, but for a zombie apocalypse it ain't going to save your life. It will be the cost of Manual and Jessica's lives.

As Manuel got to the emergency system list on the touchpad he checked off every safety measure that the Tesla had and hoped that he would drive through this horde of monsters. The process took too much time, and the monsters were starting to crowd up against the car banging on each and every one of the windows. At the corner of his eye Manuel Saw that Rosetta was being on his side of the window and back on the passenger door, Jessica was petrified at the monster banging on her side. It was the monster that was her mother, and Manual's deceased wife. Despair sunk in but he didn't let it drown him.

At the moment he was able to deactivate every obstacle. It was too late.

The passenger window bursts open, and the monster that was once her mother grips to Jessica's arm.


Manuel disabled the last check icon on the touchpad but before he could he heard the words. the word he never thought he would ever hear. Her words.

"Jessica? Why are you scared of me?"

Manul was shocked but he didn't let it stop him. He then slammed on the accelerator, and the tires burned rubber as a loud screech followed. The Tesla moves forward and the monster that was once his wife's grip, let go of Jessica. But the vehicle was stopped by the many numbers of the horde. He slammed the brakes and shifted the gears to reverse. The car backed up and slammed into more of the monsters behind it. Gear shifts to drive and he accelerates going through more of the horde. There were so many of them that the Tesla pretty much drove over all of them like driving on top of a crowd of blood and guts. The engine roared as it massacred the monsters. By some miracle they made it out of the driveway and into the street.

"HA,HA,HAH! TRY TO STOP US NOW YOU DEAD F***S!" Cussing like a sailor of celebration escaping a horde of the undead. Manuel shook Jessica's shoulder in celebration as they drove off into the sunset, with the day turning Twilight. " Princess, we made it!" He said joyfully, with this moment full of hope. "Now we just need to-" but before he couldn't navigate to Sedona, he took a glimpse at Jessica and saw on her right arm, was a bite mark, bleeding.

'SHE WAS BITE!?' he thought, the worst possibility had come true. His mind was racing in a thousand directions a 100 times, he was in Hope, joy, and within a whiplash he was in despair. The despair started to sink in, at the sad reality that her daughter might become one of them.


Manuel was practically screaming as the spare started to envelope. He denied it. He denied that his little girl was bitten by those things, those monsters.

But within the moment of realization he did not pay attention to the road and here, fate twisted upon them. And a truck rammed them on the side of the Tesla.

The car flipped over as the truck lost control and flew off the road. The Tesla flipped upside down, rolling and off the road. It flipped, and flipped, until It finally crashed at the bottom of a hill, within the neighborhood park.

The Tesla laid upside down. Manuel was mangled from the rolling, has he disappears and enters an internal rest, he spoke his last words upon this earth.

"Jessica... I'm sorry. Happee... Birtttthdayee."

yeah this one kind of... depressing. but don't worry, the story is continuing. the last chapter explains what's going on and what's going to happen next. and it will be the last chapter, as it will be me on a period of hiatus. so I hope you enjoy it. the story up to this point. I have this story in the back of my head for a while and I really wanted to get it out there

so please leave your review and give me your thoughts so I can improve as a bet writer when I return. remember next week same day same time will be when the chapter comes up.

until next week.

KaiKai_Rebelcreators' thoughts