
Forsaken: Record of Euretsian War


Sephhh · Fantasy
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28 Chs



Mikail's attack was relentless; he charged forward without a second thought.

"What the fuck is the archer group doing?! Shoot this swine!"

Despite being outnumbered, Mikail refused to back down. He could feel the pain reverberating through his body, a numbing feeling at every exertion of his strength.

The sweat that dripped down his face is mixed with blood, his own and that of his enemies. His hands started to bleed, the result of the force he had put into each strike.

Mikail quickly retrieved a bandage from his waist and hastily wrapped it around his bleeding hands, fortifying his grip on the handle and preventing it from dropping his weapon.

"Teach this bastard a lesson!" The Skogzgard knights shouted, hurling themselves towards the single Novamantus knight that is on the verge of fainting. But even with their numbers, they struggled from Mikail's relentless parries and counter attacks.

The battle goes further for what seemed an eternity, a fight to death of one against many. But through it all, Mikail remained unwavering, his defense was absolute.

Their commander grew increasingly impatient and took a step forward, wielding a two-handed battle axe in his right arm that is half the size of Mikail's sword.

"Commander Wald!" The Skogzgard knights fell silent, making way for their commander as he approached Mikail.

Skogzgard's Legion III, 3rd Commander, Oswald Schneider. One of the most toughest war commanders of the Skogzgard. He is often referred to as "The Executioner".

"Shit! This bastard is done for," muttered one of the Skogzgard knights.

Mikail remained quiet, though his body shuddered with every breath; he forced himself to show no weakness while holding his sword firmly and pointed it towards the towering enemy commander.

The Skog knights murmured amongst themselves, "No one has ever matched the third commander's strength in duels."

"If this man thinks he can withstand the commander's strength, especially in his current state, then he's gone completely mad."

Mikail looked around, but the enemies weren't attacking or even stepping forward.

All of them stepped back, circling them around like they're showing respect for their commander's presence.


"What's your name?" the commander asked, leaning on his axe that is now resting on the ground.

Mikail remained silent, feeling slightly mocked by the fact that the commander is not in a defensive position, completely underestimating his opponent's strength.

"...My name is Wald. But that doesn't matter 'cause you'll die anyway," the commander said before raising his axe above his head and positioning himself in front of Mikail, who was too exhausted to move or even block the attack.

"I don't like that anger in your eyes," the commander said, his face contorted in rage as he hefted his axe into the air. Mikail closed his eyes, accepting that moment that he was going to die.

"More Novas!" the Skog knights bellowed.


A loud crash echoed through the air as the commander's weapon collided with another.

"W-What type of weapon is that?" one of the knights wondered aloud.

A massive greatsword, thick enough to deflect the heavy blow, had saved Mikail's life and sent the commander staggering back.

Mikail's eyes widened in surprise as he opened them and saw the man who had just saved his life. He took a moment to catch his breath, feeling a wave of relief wash over him.

Looking down at his sword, he saw that it was slightly cracked from the impact of the commander's axe. "You've fought well now."

Mikail couldn't believe it, he had thought he was done for. But now, with the man beside him, he felt a renewed sense of strength and determination.


"Let me take this one, will you?" Sigfred smiled.

The commander snarled and backed off to create some distance. The other knights gasped at the sight of someone completely deflecting Wald's attack for the first time.

"Someone... stopped the commander's 'guillotine'...?" one of the Skogzgard knights muttered in disbelief.

Sigfred looked at the Skogzgard knights that surrounded him with a determined gaze. Though greatly outnumbered, he refused to be intimidated.

"Another Novamantus insect who wishes to die?"

"The only one who will be dying here is you," Sigfred replied with a grin.

Though angered, Wald snickered, "Is that so? How about we have a little fun?"

"What...?" Sigfred's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"This bastard is not only stupid, but deaf too!" one of the Skogzgard knights remarked to which the others bursted into laughter.

"A duel. You win, we let you go. You lose, you all surrender."

"..." Sigfred felt uneasy, but this is a chance that shouldn't be overlooked.

"Very well. Between only you and me then. To death be the winner," Sigfred declared firmly.

The Skogzgard knights mocked him again, believing that Sigfred was insane to even consider fighting Wald, let alone by himself.

Wald raised his hands, silencing the knights. He grinned and pointed to both Sigfred and the injured Mikail.

"You might want to ask for help from that cripple," he sneered.

"The gods are with me. I will vanquish you myself," Sigfred declared, raising his greatsword and pointing it toward Wald.

The muttering of the knights was interrupted as Wald took a step forward and attacked. Sigfred managed to block the attack just in time.

"Gggh...! Cocky bastard!" Wald shouted as he struggled to push Sigfred. Sigfred's strength was strong enough to push Wald back and regain his composition.

Sigfred raised an eyebrow as Wald took out his shield. He gave a slight smile and got into stance.

As they began to circle each other, the Novamantus and Skogzgard knights watched on. The tension in the air was palpable as they waited for each other to make a move.

It has begun.

Sigfred moved quickly, charging at Wald with his heavy sword in hand. His attack was swift and powerful, but the commander was able to deflect his attack. Wald moved swiftly, despite the heavy gears he wore.

He flawlessly blocked the attack with his shield, causing a loud clang that echoed throughout the battlefield.

Their weapons clashed and their armors rattled with each exchange, the two knights evenly matched in terms of skill and strength.

As the fight continued, Sigfred couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration. This was what he lived for, what he had been trained for his entire life. And he was determined to win this fight, no matter the cost.

Using the iron shield to deflect Sigfred's attack, he was open wide. Being a two handed weapon user, it'd be a risk to go forward someone well defended.

As Wald temporarily gained the upper hand, his superior physique and weapons allowed him to push Sigfred back.

To everyone's surprise, Wald didn't even think of raising his weapon. Only, he held for it low behind him, not even lifting it slightly.

Sigfred stumbled and fell to the ground, his massive greatsword weighing him down. But he quickly got up as he panted heavily. He again held his sword with both hands at his right waist level, with the point of the sword facing towards Wald.

He charged at Wald and made a feint, coursing his body and change his blade's direction from right to left. Using the momentum, he swung his sword and attempted to heavily strike Wald's right waist.


No good. Wald's defensive stance is impregnable.

'Is blocking all this bastard can do?' Sigfred thought to himself in frustration.

He once again hurled himself forward, aiming at Wald's neck, hoping to find an opening in his defense.

Despite his speed and strength, Wald's shield left no gap and completely blocked all his attacks.

Wald was always ready for him and easily deflected his sword with the shield.

The fight raged on for several minutes, with neither of them gaining a clear advantage.

Sigfred's movements were graceful and deadly, and every strike was aimed with deadly precision, but it was still all blocked by Wald.


A hooded Skog knight, positioned behind the surrounding group of knights, thought to herself as she watched the fight.

'It was rather a duel without any progression so far... Only if one doesn't look closely.'

She had been observing the fight intently and could see that Wald was emplyoing a tactical approach, rather than simply relying on his strength and skills.

Based on her speculation for several minutes now, Wald has been provoking Sigfred and blocking his attacks.

While Sigfred is tired and exhausted, Wald is still standing strong in his defensive position.

People might think that Wald couldn't find an opportunity to strike, or he's just afraid to open up himself...

However, it was clearly a tactic.

In a fight to death, it's not all about strength, but rather intellect.

Now that Sigfred is tired, Wald finally lunges to attack. Again, he was still in a defensive position. Meanwhile, Sigfred kept moving back, trying to find an open spot.

The one who was relentlessly attacking earlier is now being pushed back.


Suddenly, the observing Skog knight realized, 'Wald was using his shield to disarm the Nova guy by pushing away his weapon! And by doing that, it will leave the enemy's left torso exposed!'


But despite the commander's advantage, Sigfred's sword struck him hard in the waist. Wald stumbled backward, momentarily off-balance, the impact was so strong enough to pierce through his thick armor and inflict a deep wound.

'Finally got you!'

"Gurgh!..." Wald groaned as he knelt on the ground.

'So that's how it was,' the Skog knight smiled in amusement.

As Wald pushed Sigfred's greatsword away with his shield, Sigfred quickly grasped his weapon's handle firmly and used the momentum to push himself away from Wald's axe reach using his feet, creating distance between them.

Instead of being at a disadvantage, Sigfred used the moment to bait the commander into attacking. Now that he took the bait, he was left in an offensive position with little guard in his waist. With this, Sigfred took the first strike before Wald could.

'This Nova is something... His speed and strength. He's no joke," the Skog knight thought to herself while she watches their fight further.

Sigfred charged again forward, and aimed his greatsword directly at the commander's shoulder, exploiting the gap in his heavy armor.

'Wait, what is that Nova doing?' the Skog knight felt a sudden uneasiness. She was caught off guard by the sudden decision of Sigfred.

'I'll end this now!' Sigfred rushed forward, preparing for an overhead strike.

As he got closer, he swung his sword in a downward motion with all his might.


"Idiot!... He completely wasted his advantage!" the female Skog knight muttered in disbelief.

At the last moment, Wald sidestepped, causing Sigfred's sword to miss its mark. As a greatsword wielder, a single attack held immense significance.

Missing it once meant missing a win.

Wald seized the momentum. Sigfred was now vulnerable. Wald finally lets go of his shield and used both of his hands, pouring all his strength into this attack.

At the worst-case scenario, it could take a toll on your life.

"Captain!" Yaras shouted.

Wald raised his axe above his head and with a single strike, Sigfred was sliced cleanly in half from head to groin.

Sigfred's body fell to the ground in two bloody pieces, and for a moment, everyone was silent.


The hooded female Skog knight was frozen in shock.

But the silence was quickly shattered as the Skogs screamed in joy, declaring their victory.

Their win was absolute, and the Novas' doom is certain. The ground was splattered with gore of Sigfred's remains.

Wald stood panting, his body covered in sweat and blood, his eyes still blazing with fury.

'Curses...! I fear I have lost more of my vigor in this duel than I had forseen...'

Mikail stood frozen, while Yaras, filled with pure anger, ran towards Wald and lashed out.

He pulled his sword out and attacked the Skogs that moved forward to protect their commander who was bleeding, his knees on the ground.

"GYAAAH!" Yaras' screams resounded like a cry.

As Mikail sat on the ground, helpless, the other Novamantus knights stepped forward and joined Yaras in the fight. It was impossible for twenty soldiers to defeat hundred, especially with Sigfred gone.

The land was filled with the noise of screams and metal clanging against each other. Something deep in Mikail's chest once again stirred.

As Mikail gazed upon Sigfred's corpse, split in half on the ground, it was the first time a tear fell from his eyes.

It was the same feeling he felt when his father died.

It was the same feeling he tried to suppress.

It was the same feeling he fucking hated so much.

Mikail stood up, his body was shaking and aching; he felt his muscles ripped as he did. But his determination fueled by an unexplainable anger was shown as he limped his way towards Wald.

"AAAAARGH!" he let out a primal scream that echoed through the forest.

He ran towards as he cut down the enemies in his path, using his feet to kick, his shoulders to push, and his weapon to pierce their necks.

With each strike, heavied his anger. A beastly rage that could not be tamed.


"Commander," said the Novamantus knight as he approached the Commander, mounted upon his horse.

"Did you hear that?"

Their armors looked like of a Winthrope's.

The Commander turned his head towards the source of the scream and furrowed his brow.

"It sounded as if it came from deeper within yonder forest," the knight continued, a sense of unease in his voice.

"What should we do, sir?"
