
Forsaken: Record of Euretsian War


Sephhh · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Another Death

Ars furrowed his brow in confusion. "Why do you hate him?" he asked.

With a stern expression, Orthus explained, frustration was evident in his tone. "Kharon is a greedy and selfish man. All he cares about is what he can gain from the dead before he ferries them across the river. He has no concern for the souls themselves."

Minerva chimed in, her voice serious as she added, "He even charges huuuge prices for rides, that's why many souls can't leave here for eternity!"

Curious, Ars asked further, "Is that the reason why you're here?"

"No," Minerva replied, a soft smile playing on her lips. "I stayed here because I don't want to Orthy to be alone!" Flusterd, Orthus averted his gaze as a sudden blush crept up on his cheeks, revealing his embarassment at her response. Meanwhile, Orthos wasn't thrilled at all as he kept a straight face the whole time.

As Ars observed Orthus' brother, his face a mask of impassivity. He couldn't help but wonder, 'Does this guy even have emotion?' A bead of sweat trickled down his head as he sighed.

Orthus cleared his throat, brushing off the awkward silence of the atmosphere, before proceeding to explain.

The reason for their disdain towards Kharon was that he had a reputation for exploiting the deceased souls. Whether it was by charging them extortionate fees in gold or confiscating their jewelries as a toll, he cared only for what he could gain from the dead. Those who were unable to pay were condemned to an eternal existence within the depths of the underworld, devoid of any hope for escape.

Ars nodded, finally grasping the gravity of the situation.

"So, how can I meet this Kharon?" he asked, a hint of unease creeping into his voice.

"So stubborn..." muttered Orthus.

With a deep sigh, Orthrus hesitated before responding to Ars' question, warning him of the treacherous journey and the dangers he'll encounter ahead.

As Orthus explained, Ars only nodded in understanding.

Ars would need to navigate through the underworld's dangerous creatures and treacherous paths to reach Kharon's dock.

Taking a deep breath, Ars resolved to do whatever it took to escape Hades. Minerva offered him words of encouragement, "I believe in you, Ars. You can make it through!"

While Orthus grunted, "Don't get too cocky, human. The underworld is not forgiving to those who underestimate it," reminding him that the journey ahead was fraught with peril and not to be taken lightly.

After a short silence, Minerva looked like she was thinking of something.

"Wait. What if we help Ars? That would be easier for him, right, Orthy?" Suddenly, Orthus' serious demeanor shifted to fluster at her suggestion as he exclaimed, "A-Absolutely n-!"


Ars and Minerva had their laugh as they rode through, mounted on the back of Orthrus who seemed very displeased. "Thank you for the thoughtful decision," Ars said with a smile.

"Silence! I do not wish for this if it weren't for Minerva!" Orthrus replied, his voice sharp with a hint of fluster.

As Orthrus surged through the stench of wind, they encountered numerous monsters attempting to reach out and impede their progress. The creatures stretched out their grotesque limbs, eager to lay their hands on them. But the powerful gusts caused by Orthrus's rapid movement instantly blew them away like insignificant specks of dust. They continued on their journey, unbothered of the undead beasts that crawled around.

As they traveled, Ars had been pondering a question that had been lingering in his mind. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

Without paying much in mind, Orthus responded, "Ask away."

"Why is your other head not saying anything?" Ars asked, pointing at his other head.

"Took you too long to ask that," Orthus replied. "My brother here, Orthos, cannot understand or speak. He only acts out from the signals I give."

Ars thought about it for a moment. "So you're basically the brain and he's the brawn?"

"If that's how you mortals put it, then so be it," Orthrus said.

"Orthy, I can see it!" Minerva interrupted excitedly, pointing at a tall, dark, and menacing fortress in the distance. Orthrus' pace became faster.

After quite a while of journey, they finally arrived at the fortress, situated at the top of a cliff and surrounded by the endless void below. The road towards the fortress was only supported by a rock formation that looked like it could collapse at any moment.

Making their way towards the rusted towering gates of the fortress, the sudden wails of anguished spirits greeted them.

'How welcoming...' Ars felt uneasiness.

The gates themselves were made of a dark, twisted metal that seemed to have been left broken for eternity. On top of the looming gates, an imp's eye keenly watched their every move, peering deep into their very soul.

The gates let off a resounding screech as it slowly opened. Before they walked through, Orthrus took the time to explain what lies beyond the gates. As far to what Orthus' knowledge goes, the fortress was said to be infested with all manner of terrifying monsters, brimming with dark and dangerous secrets.

This mysterious fortress is said to be owned by a powerful demonic figure known only as the Sovereign of the Night.

The sole Empress of the Underworld, Nyxiana.

Hearing her name, Ars couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that crept over him. The malevolence of Nyxiana, the Sovereign of the Night, hung heavily in the air, and he couldn't help but wonder if he was walking towards his own uncertain doom.

The fortress itself was a sprawling structure made of black stone, towering over them in the eternal darkness of the underworld.

A legion of twisted and demonic creatures guarded the fortress, their eyes glowing with a caution that made Ars feel even more uneasy. Orthus coughed slightly, breaking the silence.

"You're the first soul I've seen be astray, if not favored by Kharon to pass through the river," Orthus said.

Ars gave a confused gaze. "What do you mean?"

"Most souls wandering here are either unable to pass through river Acheron, or if insane enough, they stay here for eternity of their own volition," Orthus explained. With then both of them looking at Minerva, playing with flying imps.

Minerva gave a chuckle as she looked at them, "I made new friends!"

"Anyways... How were you lost?"

Ars sighed, unable to give a clear answer.

Suddenly, Ars felt a strange feeling of somewhat fear, foretelling impending doom.

"Something wrong, mortal?"

His breathing grew heavier as he took out his blade, pointing it towards the source of the ominous aura. He was so focused on the threat that he didn't even hear what Orthus' was saying.


Suddenly, a furious energy swept through at incredible speed as a bolt of lightning tore through the air, striking Ars with incredible force. He had no time to react as his body was torn in half, his upper body sent flying into the air while his lower half was left behind in a bloody mess.


His lifeless bodies twitched on the ground to which Minerva screamed out in terror. But her cries were nothing more than a faint ringing in Ars' ears as tinnitus took over.

But it wasn't that much. It didn't even inflict a single pain at all. Feeling something such as pain was the last thing in Ars' worry. He wasn't feeling fortunate about it, neither disappointed.

As he felt the presence of an aura, a woman emerged from the direction. She was tall and had an imposing demeanor. Her long black hair covered most of her features, and she wore a short black tulle veil to conceal her face.

The pressure was too heavy and the wind weighed upon them like mountains on their back. Orthrus and Minerva can't move. Their bodies were rendered immobile, trapped under the oppressive weight of an invisible force.

As she walked closer, despite the veil covering her face, Ars noticed the coldness of her expression, and a cruel, demeaning look in her eyes as she gazed down at him.


It felt lonely.

Ars tried to move, but he couldn't. He was completely paralyzed, trapped in his own broken body. In his mind, he laughed bitterly at himself, knowing that this was just the beginning of his hellish torment.

With a single motion of her hand, a powerful force of wind blasted his body, sweeping him away into the darkness in a blink of an eye.


Ars slowly opened his eyes, his vision blurry and distorted. As he regained his focus, he finds himself lying prostrate, enfeebled on a rough ground surface that leads a steep path.

The ground beneath him was made of dark obsidian, and it felt as if it was melting from the immense heat. Lava flowed all around him, creating a sea of molten rock that sizzled and bubbled while it burned everything in its path.

Ars gazed in awe at the structure that loomed before him. It was a massive and lengthy fortress, towering over everything in its vicinity. The structure resembled a castle, but it was unlike any castle he had ever seen. Its turrets were so high that they seemed to reach the heavens, and the stones that made up its walls were dark and somber, reflecting the eerie glow of the infernal light.

Loud screams, screeches, and cries echoed through the air, bouncing off the walls of the castle and reverberating across the lava. The cries were filled with pain and anguish, and they seemed to be coming from everywhere at once. It was a sound that he had never heard before.

Terrified, Ars tried to move, but his body felt heavy and lethargic. It felt like it was resisting his every command. He tried to call out, but his voice was hoarse, and the words came out as barely a whisper. He looked around, hoping to find some clue as to where he was and how he had gotten here, but all he saw was an endless expanse of darkness and fire.

Unsure of what to do next, he tried looking around. He looked at the sky but it appeared that he's inside a massive cavern. The darkness seemed to be alive, pulsing and shifting around him. Shadows flitted about, moving too quickly for him to get a good look at them. Something was watching him, and he could feel its eyes on him, even though he couldn't see it.


It was Gilles.

"Welcome back."


"I know you're confused. Mind if I fill you in?"


"I'll take that as a yes."

He took Ars by his neck once again and flew. He wasn't trying to kill him again this time by diving into the lava... At least not yet as they made their way towards the fortress filled with awful aura.