
Forsaken Memories

In a world full of miseries, mistrust, and suffering which was once the birthplace of peace had now perished and had set out a distinct view for the future life. During the tensha era, a mysterious rock approached Earth at an outstanding speed , upon impact with it's atmosphere it dispersed into 10 different pieces of rubble racing towards the surface of the Earth. All of them lost their origin point and chose another path to fall on. They fell on the Earth with a huge impact and upon it's breaking revealed crystals with vibrant colour and glow. Those individual crystal absorbed themselves in the ground and blessed the people living at a certain radius with supernatural feats. To the people it was a gift of god to revive humanity but to some was a curse to perish mankind. Each crystal gave its own corresponding power to the people who lived there. Hence Clans were formed with the ones stronger than other towering above them and due to these rivalries and alliances were formed to over through each other. But when the jealousy of the minors grew they joined many forces to defeat the superior and it was their luck that a catastrophic event took place that changed the outcome of the battle.

LostMz · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Defying Limits

One by one The team of four took down the minor enemies that stood against them until the ground was cleared and they were clear for retrieving home with no one to follow them. They gave the signal to the docs to leave their hiding spot and join their band.

They were about to evacuate but something felt wrong it was not supposed to be this easy as this was one of the sub-clans of shadows and had some decent power to come in alliance with them in the first place, but this was about to be proven to the group.

[Threat Awareness has been detected]

Barry's system went nuts as it had received the aura of a level 6 magic user in the near space, He looked right and left but he saw no one he noticed the same expressions as his on Hazel who was also an experienced Magic-user, The presence got closer and closer and Barry's mind was setting off with warnings. After some seconds the presence disappeared as if it had left the area, but they couldn't be so wrong.

In an instant, he seamlessly phased through the solid ground, emerging before Hazel. His hand was enveloped in a shimmering spell, and his eyes glowed with vivid purple light. Barry, witnessing this imminent danger, urgently shouted for her to move. However, Hazel's reflexes proved futile against his unmatched speed. Before she could even turn her gaze back, she found herself impaled through the back. Strangely, no blood spilled forth, for the attack had passed through her soul. Its sole intention was to affect the spell cast upon her soul, rather than causing physical harm. As both Hazel and her adversary possessed magical abilities, her body naturally developed defenses against such attacks.

Hazel immediately got unconscious and fell to the ground like a dead stick. One of the four was down it was up to the three to handle him. The guy emerged from the ground once again revealing his true human form.

"You guys thought you could escape my wrath after you just did to our men and to our home", said the man. This was the leader of the clan....Jarvis.

Barry was triggered to see what he had done to Hazel and at once activated his aura and started to fight with tremendous speed and strength, His Skills were matched with Jarvis but still, no progress was to be made as his illusions and tricks were getting In the way of Barry and his lethal attacks.

Alan, Gabriel, and Shelby didn't dare to interfere in their fight as it was too tense for them to keep up, and even if they did they would either hurt themselves or be a burden on Barry, so they had no other option to just watch and hope for Barry to succeed. Barry on the other hand was showing his true potential with the help of rage he was able to stand his own ground against the leader of the clan but there was no outcome coming as he kept deflecting or misguiding all his attacks. Barry had to use his speed to either make it impossible for him to hit the target or to land a huge blow which would take a long for Jarvis to heal from and would give Barry the upper hand.

Alan realized that Hazel was still knocked out in the middle of the battlefield and could be a victim of one of the attacks from the fight without wasting a second Alan went into the battlefield to grab Hazel.

[Rush has been activated]

Alan took a form like Barry's when he dashed to fight his opponent and immediately targetted Hazel, Gabriel, and Shelby looked from back shocked at his insane speed and also if he would make it back.

Alan immediately grabbed Hazel with one hand on her hand and a second on her back and immediately reactivated his "rush" skill to get out but before he could a Ray of purple light came at him with intense speed, he immediately activated his skill and dodged barely with his arm getting cut slightly.

Nevertheless, he made it back and placed her firmly on the ground while tearing some of his shirt to cover up the wound and stop the bleeding. With time getting shorter and shorter, Alan knew he had to do something as Barry was using too many of his skills which were taking a hefty amount of energy to cast.

At this tense moment, a hand raised and grabbed the hand of Alan with despair and help...it was Hazel who had grabbed his hand and wasn't speaking or answering Alan's question but rather grabbed his hand tight like she was trying to tell him something.

[Notification: 1]

[ User Has being transferred a new ability ]

[ Accept: Yes/No ]

Alan looked at Hazel's eyes and found the answer in them, he wasn't sure to accept her power but he had a responsibility to do and seeing Barry's state he had no choice.

[ Yes ]

A purple aura enveloped Alan as his eyes color changed to purple and he completely took in the magic ability, this was too powerful for him to handle as it started to tear down his health, so now he had limited time until he would be unconscious by overpowering his system. He flew through the possible skills Hazel possessed only to be shocked as she didn't even use half of them in the battle between them but one after another he couldn't find any that would complement this battle.

He broke down as he had no idea what to do and he couldn't bear the fact of breaking Hazel's trust in him as she saw potential in him.

Then out of nowhere, a thought came into Alan's mind as he hesitated to put it into action but with constant damage to his system he had no other choice than to take a risk.

[Distinctive Type (Magic)=Enspellment: unable to activate]

"WHAT!!, All that for nothin"

[ User low on energy ]

"NOO, I'm out of energy", shouted Alan with no other moves in his mind that could possibly help him out.

A loud bang could be heard in the distance as Barry was seen flying off in the distance with blood all over his body but still, he stood back up with one leg twitching with lack of energy but he wasn't going to quit not now.