
Former Teacher

Bella dreams of her former teacher more often than she intends too. Her small kid crush on a teacher from six grade turns real when Mr. Till comes to fill in for Mrs. Channing, her biology teacher.

MysteryChica · Others
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41 Chs


"You two behave. You know the rules. No smoking, No drinking, No drugs, No partying, No-"

I walk up to her. "Mom, I get it," I say, hugging her goodbye.

"I'm going to miss you, baby." She says, squeezing my cheeks.

"It's only for two weeks. I will be fine."

"I will call you once I get to Hawaii."

"Mom, go! Don't be late for your plane."

"Okay, okay, bye, Hunny."

"Love you, dad!"

"Love you too, doll."

"They are finally gone," I say, jumping on to Lucas, and putting my arms around his neck. He grabs ahold of me, holding me from my bottom. He kisses me back and forth.

I giggle. "You don't know how long I have been waiting for this moment."

He lets go of me. "What do you want to do?"

"Let's get you unpacked first."

"Let's go." He says, picking up his bag.

We get into the guest room that he will be staying. I sat down on his bed with the bag that I brought up next to me. He drops his bag on the wooden floor. He slowly walks to me, and I lean back with my hands supporting me up. He climbs on top of me. I sink into the bed with him over me. He kisses my chest and moves up gently to my neck. He gives my neck a deep kiss.

He whispers in my ear. "Let's go swimming."

I push him off. "You ruined the moment," I say, pulling myself up and leaving

He grabs my arm and yanks me back into the room. "I didn't say you can leave."

"Well, I say I can." I walked into my room. "Meet me outside," I say, shutting the door.

I put on my new swimsuit. It's a blue top with an opening, and white bottoms that have flowers on them. I grab my sunglasses, sunscreen, and a beach towel.

"Would you mind putting sunscreen on my back?"

"Sure. Are you going swimming?" He says, asking me.

"No, I don't think so. Maybe another day."

I lay on my stomach on the beach chair. Lucas sits on me with each of his legs on the side of me.

"Can you take your top off so I can get every part?"

"Sure." I side off my top carefully with my arm covering my chest. My top doesn't have a clip, so I drop it next to me on the ground.

I hear him open the bottle. He takes his hand and massages the cold sunscreen on my back. He reaches the lower back. He rubs a small portion of my butt.

He gives me a firm spank on my bottom. "All done!"

"Can you hand me my top."

He picks up my top. "I don't think so." He throws my top in the pool. "Better come get it!" He says, jumping in the pool.

"Lucas!" I say, getting up as I'm covering my boobs afraid that my arm will slip. "I'm serious!"

He waves around my top in his hands.

"Ugh," I say, stepping into the pool. I walk towards him. "Give it."

He tosses it to me. "You are no fun."

I slid back on my top. "I know."

"Don't get out."

"Why? I want to go tan."

"Let's me make you a deal. If you swim in here with me, then I will tan with you afterward."

"Nah. That's no deal." I say, making my way to the pool steps.

"I will buy you vanilla ice cream."

I turn around. "I want chocolate this time."

"Anything for you, love."

We swam for a while. We got our towels and laid them on the chairs. We both replenished our sunscreen on our backs.

I was exhausted, so I decided to take a nap.

"Bell, wake up."

"Did you fall asleep too?" I say, getting up from the chair.

"Yeah. You are hella burnt."

"So are you, Lucas," I say, laughing in pain.

"Let's go get aloe." He says, holding out his hand for him to pull me up.

"It should be around here," I say, looking through all the bottles on the shelf. "Gotcha," I say, reaching for the back.

We walk back into the kitchen. I rub the aloe on my legs, arms, and face. Lucas got my back. He did the same.

"Let's get dressed and go get ice cream."

"Arent you sore because I know I am. Can we Doordash it?" I say.

"Of course! Let me go get my phone from outside."

"Okay," I say, pulling out a seat at the table.

He walks in. "Pulling up dairy queen now." He sits next to me. "Okay, I got you in for chocolate ice cream. Anything else?"

I smile. "Nope, I'm all set."

When the ice cream came, we sat outside on the patio and ate in the shade. We made sure this time we wouldn't throw any at each other. For the rest of the time being, we chilled indoors. We weren't going back in the sun. I have sensitive skin, so I burn easily.

"What are the plans for the next two weeks?" I say, plopping myself next to Lucas on the couch.

"Not sure love. What do you have planned?"

I jump up excitedly. "How about kayaking, picnics, photoshoots, painting, board games, bike rides... um what else," I say, walking around the living room thinking.

"Slow down there. There is no rush. We will take it day by day. Let's make a bucket list and try to check everything off in two weeks."

"Great idea! I will go get paper and my fancy pens." I say, running off to my room.

He meets me at the kitchen table.

"Should we go on google?" I say, setting the paper down and the fancy Papermate pens.


"Okay, well, here is your paper," I say, setting it in front of him.

"Thanks. How much should we put on the sheet? Like ten ideas?"

"Yes," I say, getting a sheet for myself.

For my bucket list, I did fun light ideas. I got Painting, crafts, bike riding, kayaking, going to the zoo, and other great plans. I drew small doodles next to some of the ideas.

"Want to read mine?"

I set down my pen. "Sure."

I skim his bucket list. He has pretty good ideas like playing sports, a small road trip, a day or two camp trip, fairs, and shopping at thrift stores. But one idea stood out to me.

"Getting drunk? I don't drink."

"That's for me, my love."

"Only if I was 21, I would join."

"I started drinking when I was your age."

"I don't think you should be telling me this. You are my mentor."

"We all have gone there. Smoked, drank, and whatever rebellious teens do now these days. What have you done so far?"

"I stole a lollipop when I was five."

"Not what I was imagining. Something that gets your heart racing and feeling that endless flow of blood through your veins. That feeling of being free."

"Oh, then I don't know..."

"We are going to have to change that." He says, writing one more thing on his bucket list.

"What are you writing?"

"You will see."

He slides his paper over. "Have Bell do something wild."

"I love it. Should we end the day with marking one-off?"

"Yes! You have small easy ideas. Let's do one of those. Mine is for long days."

"Great. Should we do... board games?"

"Yes. What do you have?"

"I have Uno, Monopoly, Sorry, Life, and battleship," I say.

"Let's do Monopoly."

"Get ready for the infinite game. Let's get snacks and drinks."

"I'll get the snacks and drinks. Go get the game."

"Okie," I say, leaving the kitchen.

I walk back into the kitchen with the game in my hand. Lucas has Arizona ice tea and chips on the table ready to be consumed and drank by me.


"Ready!" I say, putting the box on the table.