
Former Teacher

Bella dreams of her former teacher more often than she intends too. Her small kid crush on a teacher from six grade turns real when Mr. Till comes to fill in for Mrs. Channing, her biology teacher.

MysteryChica · Others
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41 Chs


I went to my graduation and received my high school diploma. I didn't appreciate going on stage with everyone staring, but I did it! It feels so unreal that I finished school. I remember my first steps in elementary school as a preschooler. It seems like there is nothing left to accomplish. Life is boring now. The only thing I have to look forward to is my job. I have been making the subs, and I love it. The manager adores me, which is a plus. I will be doing delivery somedays when staff is short once I turn 18, which isn't long.

I have my grad party with Dalton tonight. He invited his friend Robert as I invited Savannah, which I doubt she would show. We got a little closer this year, even though we haven't hung out once. Her parents are strict and wanted her to keep up with her studies. We called on facetime multiple times, which was fun.

A lot of family is coming by. Dalton has a small family, and I met them before at his place. They are adorable. I love the grandma. Every time we would meet, she would always pinch my cheeks. She further makes amazing Italian dishes and will be bringing some tonight, and I can't wait.

My dad is grilling up on his regular dishes, Steak, burgers, and hot dogs. My mom is scooping up snacks and a salad. There is also a cooler full of beers for the adults and a pop and water table for underage kids like Dalton and me.

I come walking in the kitchen from the backyard. I make my way into the middle of the room.

"Hunny, your grandma is here!" My mom says, walking past me with a dish in her hands.

I walk over to my grandma towards the entrance.

"I come bearing gifts!" My grandma speaks, walking up to me with her arms open.

"Aw, you didn't have to," I say, hugging her tight.

She hands me an envelope. "Where is that sweet boy of yours. I got him a gift card too."

"So sweet of you, gram. He's in the back helping dad out.

"Thank you, dear." She responds, walking away.

I devoured the delicious food and had a great conversation with family and friends. I head for the drink table to get a refill. I pour myself coca-cola. I turn around with my face glued to my phone when I bump into Lucas, almost spilling my soda. I need to start paying attention more.

"Oh... hey..." I say, looking up startled.

Lucas smiles as he scratches his cheek. "I was just looking for you. I got you a gift card."

My eyes widen, taking the card. "Oh, wow! Thanks! You totally didn't have to do that!"

"I did."

I lick my lips. "Well, I'm gonna go put this by the other cards," I say, walking away stupidly.

I totally just embarrassed myself in front of him. I keep doing that. By now, I would think I should feel comfortable around him. The funny thing is I never know when he comes to things like this. My mom never informs me. I mean, why should she. I am on the look to find Dalton to have another chat with someone because everyone else is busy chatting themselves, and I don't want to look like the odd one out.

"Hey!" I say, coming up from him behind and covering his eyes. I feel his smile stretch.

"Ohh, I wonder who this is," Dalton says, thinking playfully.

I made a quick stop in my room to get my gift for Dalton. I am not sure what will Dalton feel about this gift. It's going to be very sentimental for him. This day is probably difficult for him, and I wanted to get him something special.

He turns around and smiles. "What's up girlyyy," He says, smiling.

"Girly?" I say, laughing.

"Isn't that what girls say to other girls?" He questions himself.

"Haha, yes, but you are not a girl."

"Well, I am your guy best friend, so I will say whatever I want even if makes me sound weird."

"Moving on!" I say, giggling. "I got you something."

"You did? I didn't get you anything."

"You have given me a forever friendship," I say, smiling. I pull out a wrapped rectangle gift.

He looks up and smiles at me. He opens it peacefully, trying not to tear the beautiful wrapping I did because he knows I love wrapping paper. "Bell... This is beautiful." He says, tearing up.

It's a painting of him in his blue graduation gown, and next to him, I added his mother in. She has beautiful white wings and a halo. I look up to him and set my hand on his face, wiping his tear with my thumb.

He lowers the painting and goes in for a kiss. I don't hesitate to move back. I hold his face and kiss him. We stopped kissing and glanced around with everyone staring and smiling, and even some shocked faces stood out. We giggled and left to go inside. He is putting his gift back in my room so it doesn't get damaged.

"I cannot believe we kissed in front of everyone," I say, walking in my door.

"I can't believe WE kissed." He says, blushing.

I love the way his eyes and cheeks appear when he smiles.

"Somebody is blushing," I say, biting my lip.

He looks at me and smiles, and then looks down.

"Let's get back to the party," I say, heading for the door.

"Bell, can we stay in here for a few."

"Sure," I say, smiling. "Are you okay?" I ask caringly.

"Yeah, I just need a break from the company."

"Okay, let's chill out then," I say, sitting on my bed.

He follows behind. We are on our backs, staring at my white ceiling.

"I like you, Bella," Dalton says, turning his head to face me.

"You what?" I ask him again.

He sits up. "I like you, Bella Ann Campbell. I really like you."

My brain completely shuts down. I can't think or get any words out.

"S-sorry. I did it again, did I..." He says, looking embarrassed.

"Did what?" I say, curiously.

"Making you feel uncomfortable. That wasn't my intention."

"No, no, you are okay, it's just me..." I take a moment to think. "I uh, I like you too," I say, smiling at him into his eyes.

"Hey, we're cutting the cake." Emily walks in, interrupting our makeout session.

"Should I come back?" She says, grinning.

We disconnect our lips from each other.

"No, no, we're coming now," I say, answering her.

"We are?" Dalton says playfully.

I smack his shoulder. "Yes, will be down in a sec."

"Take all the time you need." She says, walking away smirking, and pretending she saw nothing.

Dalton and I show up once the cake was already cut and dug into. He got me a big slice since he knows I love cake. I notice Emily is all up in Lucas's space as I ate my cake. He doesn't look into it. He is trying to ignore her while he drinks his beer. It's funny that she is failing. She walks over to me, bummed out.

"So is like... Is your teacher single?"

"Hey, be right back. I am gonna take a duce." Dalton says, getting up with his cake.

I giggle. "Ew!" I say, pushing him away. I turn over to Emily. "What happened to your boyfriend?"

"He cheated on me." She says, taking a piece of my cake with her fingers.

I look at with one of my death stares as she sticks the piece in her mouth. "You can have it," I say, handing her the plate.

"Really? Wow, you are such an amazing girl." She says, digging into it with my plastic fork.


"So like... is he?" She asks again.


"I want to get in his pants."

"Ew, you're disgusting," I reply with a nauseated look.

"Grow up. It appears Dalton wants to get in your pants, and probably you do too. Isn't that what you were doing a few minutes ago?"

I gave her a disgusted stare and walked away. She is always up in a man's pants. She might as well be a dang stripper. She would make some good bank while sitting on those married men's laps.

At the end of the party, we had a lot of leftovers. We decided to give everyone a plate to go home with. We sure as hell were not going to eat all the food. I mean, I could, but I am going to be polite and share.

I lay down thinking. I can't believe I am almost 18. Well, practically I already am, since I was in my mother's womb for 9 months.

"Hey, I'm heading out."

I get up from the couch and look at Lucas. "Uh... thanks for coming and the card."

"No problem. See ya." He says, looking devastated.

"Wait!" I say, stopping him.

"Bell, let's go finish Lucficer up while I am here." Dalton interrupts.

I look over at Dalton and then back at Lucas. He is already out the door. I left with Dalton to head up to my room, forgetting all about Lucas. We snuggled up and watched the rest of the show on my laptop.