

Not everyone is remembered nor forgotten in history. Some are hailed as hero's, some as villain's while the rest are forgotten like passerby's in the passage of time. In a land filled with magic, to some it's a promise land filled with dreams, while to others it's their worst nightmare. A land ruled by none but ruled by one in the long forgotten history. The story of the one who was forgotten in the passage of time yet still remembered as someone who was not good nor evil. Just a king, remembered as a great king as well as an evil king. This is a story to remember the sacrifice of one person for his kingdom yet he's not remembered by anyone other then that he was once there ruler

giyhakhan · Fantasy
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10 Chs


"Excitement, disbelief, sadness, denial, anger, acceptance, rage, and finally numb to all everything. Nothing in the world could have prepared me for all the things I would experience in this repeated life of regression. No matter what I did all I got was the same end."

In my first life in my original world, I thought that it was pretty easy to change a world's faith. I was arrogant, stupid, and foolish some on who didn't know what and when the world would fuck over.

"I believe everyone's life is a book. some are full while others are written down. A collection of stories that can be unfolded if opened and read they would tell tales. Some stories are bitter while others have happy endings.

In the end, everyone's life is different yet everyone's ending is death and the start is the same birth.

Everyone wants a long life but when the life is repeated with no end in sight it becomes a deep dark abyss with no light in sight. A deep swamp that swallows in without spitting out bones, everything is merged into it.

Deep darkness, no light, no sound, but a familiar presence that feels more like home and life than life itself did. Erased the light and settled into the darkness as it was life itself. 

Without light, there is no darkness, and without darkness, there is no need for light.

Have to become a part of something to truly understand it and give up something to truly gain something."


The first life I had was a bliss, compared to the rest of 98 lives. But also a cruse for me. sometimes its hard to hate something when you never know the true happiness. If you know true happiness its hard to erase the darkness. 

From the SECOND LIFE life was one in which I had hopes, dreams, fears, doubts, anxiety that were all thrown down the drain as a dirt. And now all that remains is an empty shell that wishes for peace, a death that would end all the misery, sorrows, pain and despair.

Life after life, death after death, in between this cycle of repeated life and death I have lost myself somewhere.

The second life and the first life in this world was spent worrying about my family of first life. and the treatment i received in the second life told me that I was anything but welcome in my life. Tried all ways to make my family like me but all i got in return was a prison in one form or another. 

My father and the ruler, made sure that I never got involved with my mother or sister, in anyway or form. To not let them build an emotional attachment. Since he had already discarded me and thought of me as a chess piece to govern his empire.

My mother never bothered to ask about me. And my twin grew up to loathe me, in the end I died in her hands.

Each life that followed afterwards were full of misery, a different death at each turn, a new life and then the cycle continued.

In my fifth life i found out the reason for my death. The world lived in it was something that had already decided the way it will head towards to.


I remembered a conversation i had before been into this world and the reason for why I was born. different world exists at the same time just different dimensions. some are old worlds while other are just been born. The world I reincarnated into was a baby compared to others world but unique in the sense that the world had gained consciousness.

It was a new world but had another persons control its faith. Sometimes some people are born with the power of dreams where they see the faith or a story unfolding of a different world. Its alright if they only dream about it but some write it down and tell it to others as stories. The more people read those the more the fact becomes set in stone. Such was the faith of this world.

The person who wrote the story, wrote it into a bad ending consisting of three books. The first book was on my parents who had there happy ending and the second book was of my sister. But there was never a mention of the heir or brother. 

At that time I figured it out I wasn't meant to exists the child died before been born but the world put me in place to stop the ending since only this vessel could stop the ending of the second and third book.

In the first book, my father was the prince that hadn't met to be king but would have gotten a duchy and married another lady. But the damn author fell in love with him in her dreams a created a story by replacing herself and killing his every single story. 

The current grand prince was the ruler but she made him into a mad person. All because too many people read it and she was a famous author in the original world. People loved it because of its complete world setting and elaborate plot but they never knew it was written from a true story just twisted into how the author wished it would go.

The world showed me two versions and total of four books consisting of the original fate of world and the twisted fate of the world.

In the original fate of the world this world was going to become a powerhouse among all worlds but the twisted one was headed to ruins and destruction. And the only thing this world could do was find someone who could twist this story. 

The worlds selfish it chose me to save every single lifeform and itself but abandoned me to live a life of misery in there place.

The pain and torture of losing myself and watch as I can do nothing but despair. So I started learning ways to survive and got the gifts I was promised.

The gifts that world gave me was a space connected to my mind that can store all knowledge I will gain and make it into copies and the ability to travel back in time.

I gained another ability to travel through space since it was melded in my body as I came from another space and dimension.

And then there was Arioch Azazel Lucifer King who was trapped in the same suffering as I was. trapped in the same cycle only because he rejected the authors female lead.

He became the target for hate and the reason for the world demise when all he did was payback like how the world treated him. But know one wanted to know. He was meant to be the ruler of the empire but ended up as the scorn and reason for destruction.

The first ten lives were spent learning things to survive and about the world knowledge and how to be the heir.

The next twenty lives were spent fighting lucifer killing him and getting killed by him. the next thirty lives were spend in getting to know each other to becoming friends and family. 

The remaining lives till 99th was spend figuring out on how to end the cycle. From destroying the world ourselves and saving it tried every means.

And finally in the last round both of us found the right method and succeed almost but got killed by the world.

And the lessons I learned in all my lives I am going to apply those in this life....

Is it the darkness fault that its dark, or is it the lights fault its light. Both complete each other without one or the other they remain incomplete. Be it the dark or light what matters is how you view it and use it. Be it light or dark.

giyhakhancreators' thoughts