
Forgottens: A Strange World

A new creature forms, what will the adventures be, stay tunned to see what will it do next.

Matheus_Lou · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 - A stranger

"I'm thinking. What does it mean to think? I don't know. But I'm thinking. Everything is black. What is black? How do I know these things? I don't know how. But I know. I should stop making questions, anyhow what should I do now?" So I started moving, I don't have legs, nor I have arms, then out of the blue something started talking, it was mumbled at first, but then I could hear it clearly.

Hey, are you okay? - I understand it somehow, but I can't express myself.

Can you understand me? - the voice continued, I started to think how to transmit my thoughts to that person.

I'm fine, and yes I can understand you. - "I think I made some kind of communication."

How did you do that? - the voice said.

I'm not sure what you mean. - the voice sounded surprised

I mean you didn't speak but I heard you.

I'm sorry did I startle you? - I said with the means to appease.

N. No, I'm just a little shocked. - the voice said, calming itself.

I just came to be, what is this? - I said, trying to understand better what was happening.

What do you mean, this is living. - it then started telling me how the world functions and everything.

This world functions on a system base, every living being has a species, a class and a level, most classes vary according to the species, for example, humans could be mages, so could elfs, but humans couldn't be spiritualists, like elves could. Any being could increase their level by doing a task the world sees fitting, like a mage studying magic would increase their level and so become stronger, or a warrior studying war, a smithy studying different ways to melt ores. Once you get to a certain level you could evolve, either being your species or your class, and not only leveling up you can evolve, certain specific conditions unknown can make you evolve.

How do I know what I am? - I asked it bluntly.

You only think about your pessoal tab, and something should come to your mind making you able to understand what you are and everything like that.

Pessoal tab. - I thought, then a burst of information came to me.

Name: ???

Species: ???

Class: ???

Level: 1


Passives: Unknown Place, Ghostly Self

Health Points: 10/10

Mana Points: 50/50

"Unknown Place?" I thought to myself, and then the information came to my mind, "Because of the unknown world this creature used to live, it has a fast regeneration of both health and mana, and a high defense to magic.", understanding how this works I wanted to know what Ghostly Self means, and so came the information, "Due to the creature not having a physical body, any physical damage will be completely ignored."

What are you? - I asked.

Can't you see? - it asked.

Not really, everything is black to me. - I answered kind of dumbfounded.

Try using your mana to expand your senses and feel the outer area. - the voice said, kind of making fun of me.

I then heightened my senses to try and understand what it was talking about, and then I understood everything, I could see, I saw a cave like place, It was very small and without barely anything, just me and this 8 feet tall scaled humanoid figure, it's scales where gray and very rough, full of scratches and some scars, eyes where white with two pupils in each eye, both red like blood, and a pair of wings, both with holes in every part of them, and me a 6,7 feet tall skinny black figure, with no real shape nor form, but the moment I saw the voice's body I took the same shape but a little smaller.

Woah, that's weird. - it said, a little shocked.

Yes, I'm not sure what happened, sorry about that. - I focused a little and became more human-like, with two big legs, two big arms, a head, but nothing really specific.

A lot better. - I thought out loud.

Hahahaha. - it laughed.

I couldn't imagine that you could change shape like that.

yeah me neither I said. - That form seemed more comfortable for some reason.

Let's get out of here. - it said while stopping itself from laughing more.

My name is Mike by the way, what is yours?