

Trust? They say Trust is like a glass once broken,it can be fixed but never made the same again. What happens when is broken in more ways than one and it can never be fixed again? The pain l felt in my chest when l fell to my knees wasn't one l could describe, l failed my parents, sister and a whole kingdom that was depending on me and I broke their trust, my promise without even knowing it but now is a second chance to make it right but the question is, can l? what's the guarantee l won't fail again? My name is Alexia, CEO of the one of the successful companies in the city but some also know me as Freya, Crown Princess and the first daughter of the Great Vampire king and Luna Queen.They ruled the Great Kingdom of Aethoria where matters of vampire, werewolves,hybrids are no legends or myths. It was peaceful until a week after my coronation as the Crown Princess when I watched things go downhill very quickly, l lost my parents, got separated from my beloved sister, suffered from memory loss and my powers got sealed until l turned 22 and l met my mysterious and powerful mate.... Will l be able to save my people and win back my sister's love again? am l going to be able to protect my loved ones? Will Asher and I be able to face all this struggles and still love eachother?..... Only one way to find out AUTHORS NOTE: Hi everyone, my name is sofia and this is actually the first book l have written please do well to drop a comment and show your love towards this book. Thank you❤️

Sofia_Edward · Fantasy
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"Take me directly to office"

"Of course sir"

Today had been a boring day, another fruitless journey before I didn't mind having this kind of day but something seems missing

"Hmm looks like Miss Williams is having a Love confession, I mean who wouldn't want to confess to a beauty like her" Felix said while we passed by her company

I looked out the window and there she was as beautiful as a cornflower, recently l feel like she's been avoiding me l smiled as l remember how flustered she looked the other day day but now she was frowning next to her was a tall guy which l didn't get to see his face but l saw him peck her cheek and for some reason that didn't sit well with me cause I was clenching my fist so hard

"Do you Felix find her attractive?"I said my eyes darkening at that point

"Of course, only a fool wouldn't find her attractive,that guy is a lucky guy for having such a beautiful lady as his,is it me or is here getting a little chilly, would you like me to turned down the AC sir..... Um sir?"

"Turn the car around "

"Sir is everything okay,?" Felix asked

"It seems like l give you too much liberties to now to make you question my actions Felix "

"No no sir, it was mistake l'm sorry l won't speak out of turn again "

"I hate apologizes "

"Of course sir, we are here" he informed just in time for me to hear at her yelling"what normal man takes a girl out at 11" that made me grit my teeth but l managed to calm myself down, the man she was talking to had already drove off , the fists I was clenching so hard gradually release as l walk over to her

"I didn't know such a reputable company condone such silly nonsense" I was trying hard to control my temper

"It does not Mr Slade, l assure you nothing of the sort will happen again

That word alone made me feel a little calm

"I hope so or l will be forced to think that l am not working with serious minded people "

She smiled but obviously she forced it

"if l may ask, what brings you here Mr Slade " she said

And then it clicked what brought me here? I myself don't even know

"I would like to have a report on the progress of the company and it's achievements so far"

I inwardly sigh, that wasn't the best lie l could come up with but I think l can make it work, shock and confusion were clearly written on her beautiful face who wouldn't be

"Is there a problem?"

"No, no problem at all l'm just wondering what and why could have make you to have suddenly have think of this and even came here by yourself when you could have sent your assistant and moreover you have already signed the contract that means you are aware of its history"

Talking to her seems to be what l have been missing these pass few days she somehow manages to elevate my mood l don't know if is a bad thing or a good thing yet anyway l made her to make the report and to deliver it herself feeling satisfied with myself l left.

"Take me home, also send my address to Miss Williams" I said inside the car

*Meanwhile inside Felix head*

'What is sir thinking,he never goes home on week days much less invite a girl over not just any girl but Miss Williams okay boss l think you are going way over yourself,you can have any girl you want and you decided on Miss Williams whom is already taken well-done'

"Sir do you think that will be a good idea" Felix asked

"Why wouldn't it be, Miss Williams offered to submit the report herself to my house why should l refuse it, what are you thinking about Felix?"I narrowed my eyes towards him

"Nothing sir, is just that I happen to overhear Miss Williams talking about a date with the guy, l didn't know she also have to submit a report and Umm sir if l may ask, which report are you talking about"

"Nothing you should concern yourself with"

"But sir, since it is your well-being I should be concern after all it is my job to know everything about you"

"More driving less talking Felix"

"Yes sir"

I inwardly sighed

'what is wrong with me' l thought. First l made Felix turn around,then l wanted to make that guy talking to Alexia suffer,then after discovering she had a date l made her come to me instead, l hope....No no it can't be, is that even possible for someone like me?...No is not and it shouldn't be so l should stop thinking about it, why am l even thinking about it in the first place?.