
Blood Lust

As if she felt his gaze she quickly placed her hand on her neck. "Your hungry " she said. It wasn't question this was a statement. " I am" Coal closed the distance between them. His warm breath now brushing up against her pink skin. " You save my life and now what? Your going to just eat me and leave?" she said slightly pouting. " It's daytime, you can't leave yet" she said as she slowly backed away. " If you promise not to kill me I can give you just enough to tide you over until night fall" as she said this she reached into her hair and pulled out a small hair pin. "You do have a point" Coal rubbed his chin and thought about what she said. In his sleep stupper he had forgotten that just a short while ago the sun had burned his skin. how can he have been so stupid and secondly if it's daytime why is he awake?? These thoughts consumed him so he was unaware of what happened until the smell of blood filled his senses. Vanya had slit her wrist with the hair pin and blood started gushing from the wound. Coal couldn't control himself he lunged forward and latched onto her arm like a starving animal.

Her blood filled his mouth with each pull. When he first latched on he heard Vanya cry out in pain. But now she was moaning in ecstasy, her body pressing into his desiring more. He released her and wiped the blood from his mouth, noticing that she was still bleeding he gingerly pricked his finger on his fang and rubbed it against the marks. Vanya was left panting and flush. " Thank you, I should have warned you I do apologise." Coal said as he folded his arm across his chest and bowed low. Vanya obviously flustered just stared back at him with lust filled eyes. She slowly came back to her senses and straighted herself up. She was about to speak when Coal said " Please explain to me fully how I met you and came to be in this place".

She sighed " Last night I decided to go for a stroll along the lake near my house. It was like any other night so I didn't think it would be any different. I guess I was wrong because this large wolf emerged out of the trees and came at me. I ran as fast as I could back to my house when you appeared. You seemed to know this wolf and attacked. You two brawled for what seemed like forever." she blushed and looked at Coal shyly "I couldn't help but watch, it was the strangest thing I have ever seen in my life. This is when I realized you where not an average man but a vampire. I'm not sure why but even with this knowledge I couldn't pull myself away. after you delivered the killing blow you collapsed to the ground covered in blood." she said as she sauntered over to the nearest pew and sat down. she crossed he legs and looked up at Coal her Amber eyes staring deeply into his. "That's when I brought you here, I mean I really couldn't take you home!" she folded her hands together and awaited his response.