
Forgotten Myths

A Mythic Legend Of Unknown Origins. watch as the Space Time duo transcend reality and nothingness bore witness to the Life Lord and Death Lord as they rule above existential laws nothing will escape from the primordial river of destiny and wheel of karma watch as the laws twist themselves to manifest their true forms.

Destiny_Ruler · Fantasy
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Ancient Legends spoke of the once glorious era of Multiverse.

When Multiverse was in its early wee hours when the Multiverse Will had not manifested itself and instinctly birthed countless universes whose Will had not even taken embryonic form.

Eight Gems floated in the multiverse all at different places in multiverse. one was hidden inside hottest core of a pure lava made planet. one at a special zone in multiverse where time was distorted, stretched, past interloping with future, countless apparitions of future. the special zone unlike which the modern folk thought of like a river was just a desert made of platinum sand known as Time Sand.

What was interesting about these Gems was that they each were shattering into 8 fragments. each gem was as big as a core of star.

With a bang, An Eye with infinity in its pupil kept appearing at random spaces with a speed faster than 100 light years seemingly trying to find the Gems.

The Gems sensed The Eye and started fragmenting intensely.

When The Eye finally appeared above their places The Gems had already disappeared. The Eye started bleeding seeing his omniverse Supreme Law Ruler Gems escaping him. The Eye in its anger started sending down tribulations in this multiverse.

Countless Worlds where magic,high tech,summoning,cultivation and many other worlds experienced apocalypse. sensing the destruction the Multiverse Will sped up his manifestation and sealed the multiverse. preventing Omni Will to destruct it. The Omni Will didnt even try to kill it and left because finding the fragments was more serious for it.



Naus Village,

a child no older than 13 years old left out a grunt of full of pain as he clenched his teeths and started tying a bandage on his wound located on his stomache.

the child or Aether eyed his surroundings and realized he need to hurry to the town as the fields outside the village are having predators.

letting out a grunt he stood up and starting limping away leaving a corpse of a boar behind and bloodstained knife.

some time after he reached the entrance, the guards seeing aether quickly took him to the healer house.

Aether after seeing guards directly fainted and relaxed his body.

1 and half day later,

Aether woke up groggily and rubbed his eyes . after adjusting to the current atmosphere he saw a woman in her late forties entering the room. the woman after entering the room was scared a bit seeing aether eyes but quickly composed herself and asked,

"How did u get urself injured to this extent aether?"

"i was gathering herbs when a wild boar appeared in the plains. i instantly ran near to the village but the boar was f***ing hellbent on me and finally injured me with his tusk though i killed him afterwards but yeah s**t was hard." replied aether

"mind your language, young lad"

"sorry i was kinda irritated. oh by the way i have to hurry to the village chief i have important news to give him."

"okay you can go now but remember to pay 2 silvers."

"sure, i will" replied Aether before exiting the house.

Aether quickly went to the village chief and told him about the appearance of wild animals near the herb field.

after settling everything aether went to his house which was located at the inner area of village

(AN: the village is built with village chief as the center and spreading out in a circle, u can get the where inner and outer is.i hope so)

entering in the house which had 1 bedroom,kitchen and a bathroom.

quickly going into his room he went straight to the bed and frowned thinking how will he earn 2 silvers to repay Sylvia.

with deep in his thought he went to a deep slumber subconsciously.

not knowing tomorrow his life is gonna change.

hello guys its my first book be sure to do constructive criticism.

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