
Forgotten Malfoy | Marauder’s Era

{}{}{} | SLIGHT AU OF DISOWNED!! COVER MADE BY : @Abbey_M_Writess on wattpad {}{}{} | ‘forgotten malfoy? add an 's' to that... ‘ - Author working on drafts ~~ The Malfoy family is known for being apart of the Sacred Twenty Eight and always being Sorted into Slytherin, as we learn from Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. But what if he was wrong? He was. Not many acknowledged the fact that Lucius Malfoy had two younger sisters, Athena Luna Malfoy and Cassandra Aries Malfoy. The two sisters grew apart; Cassandra was dumped at an Orphanage when she was five, and had a poorly placed memory charm on her, and had all records of her even existing vanished. No one is sure how Abraxas and Luna Malfoy were able to get everyone to forget about her, not even Cassandra. Cassandra grows up as Kendall Brooke in a Muggle Orphanage, with a major memory problem, while Athena and Lucius are raised at Malfoy Manor, to grow up to be the pureblood supremacists the Malfoy family is notorious for being. But then again, Athena never really liked upholding tradition... This is the story of the three Malfoy siblings, how one was forgotten and remembered, and how the other two broke apart. {}{}{} | SOME MINOR AND MAJOR EVENTS WILL BE CHANGED (will not affect IMPERIO (actually there's a minor chance it will. Maybe an AU slightly) AND SOME DETAILS WILL BE ADDED. Athena will have more people she knows other than Lily and da Marauders. SWITCHES POINT OF VIEWS OFTEN, FROM ATHENA TO KENDALL TO ANYONE ELSE ALSO AVAILABLE ON WEBNOVEL UNDER THE SAME STORY NAME AND USERNAME ︎TRIGGER WARNINGS ~ NONE

OOF_LasagnaPotter · Book&Literature
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𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑒...𝐾𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝐴𝑢𝑔𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡, 1975...

'Honestly, why is it that you and Black can't go through five seconds without glaring at each other? It's like Lily and Potter with the tables turned.'


"So? Aren't you going to get a new set of robes?" Marlene McKinnon asked her friend, Athena, expectantly as she (Athena) pursued her lips into a thin line.

"If 'he' leaves, then yes," Athena grumbled. Marlene rolled her eyes.


"Yeah. If I end up with robes like three inches too short I'm blaming him."

"Really? Athena, you're gonna have to see him sooner or later. 'Cause I don't know about you, but if it were me, I wouldn't fancy walking around in too short robes. I'd just go get new ones."

"Easy for you to say, we all know that you're one of the majority that Black actually seems to act 'civil' with," Athena turned around to flip through the clothings rack that was behind her.

"Come on, Ath, liven up, aren't you supposed to meet Lily in a bit?"

Athena hmm-ed. "Yeah. I think I'll get new robes later. C'mon, let's go see if Lily's arrived yet," Athena dragged Marlene out of the shop to go look for Lily.


Professor McGonagall showed Kendall around the Alley and explained as much as she could about Hogwarts and the Wizarding World while doing so.

But Cassandra still couldn't shake off the weird memories she got whenever she looked at Athena and the dark haired boys back in Madam Malkin's.

'Do I know them?'

But that thought was quickly dismissed.

'Then how come they don't remember me?'

But when Kendall and McGonagall got to Ollivanders, Kendall's mood was lifted.

When Kendall walked in, she instantly felt like she was in a library. It was so quiet, but not too brightly lit.

Shelves were stacked with hundreds and hundreds of wands.

Before Kendall could try to wonder how logic allowed a shop to have so many wands in one place, an old man emerged from between the shelves.

He had medium length white hair and grey eyes.

"Ah...interesting...yes...it's only a matter of time..."

"Garrick Ollivander," McGonagall said as an explanation to Kendall's bewildered look.

"I remember when your sister came here for her wand..."


Kendall felt like her heart had skipped a beat.

'I have a sister? Is she alive? Where is she? What's her name? Are my parents alive?'

Millions of questions were swarming inside Kendall, but before she could ask any of them, McGonagall had told Ollivander to just find a suitable wand.

"Of course...of course...I remember...Blackthorn and dragon heartstring...was an interesting match..." he was muttering to himself as he pulled out a random box and held out a short wand to Kendall. She took it from him and waved it.

Several wand boxes crashed to the floor and she yelped, dropping the wand.

"I suppose an eight inch Cedar and dragon heartstring isn't the one then..." Ollivander piled up a huge pile of wands. He took out a dark brown wand with flowers engraved into it.

"Vine, dragon heartstring, and ten and three quarter inches. Try this," Ollivander handed her it.

Kendall took it and waved it slightly—


"Eeeep!" She dropped it onto the floor. But Ollivander floated it back onto the counter. "No? I suppose not..."


"Aha! I think I found the one for you, Cassandra!"


Kendall looked to see her appearance.

It hadn't changed.

But her memories were being overwhelmed by an image of a pale blonde girl who looked just like 'Athena.'


This time, Ollivander presented Kendall an ivory-white wand with little spirals carved into it, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Aspen, Phoenix feather, fourteen inches. Great for duelling and Charms. I'm sure this will be the one."

Kendall took it warily, and as soon as her fingers made contact with it, a nice warmth spread all throughout her body.

She waved it and sparks flew out of it, lighting up the tiny (with those shelves, I may take it back) shop.

After the light had disappeared, McGonagall was smiling and Ollivander was nodding in approval.

"You have found your match. Now all you need is to find out who you are," he said mysteriously.

And then McGonagall led Kendall out of the shop.