
Forgotten Malfoy | Marauder’s Era

{}{}{} | SLIGHT AU OF DISOWNED!! COVER MADE BY : @Abbey_M_Writess on wattpad {}{}{} | ‘forgotten malfoy? add an 's' to that... ‘ - Author working on drafts ~~ The Malfoy family is known for being apart of the Sacred Twenty Eight and always being Sorted into Slytherin, as we learn from Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. But what if he was wrong? He was. Not many acknowledged the fact that Lucius Malfoy had two younger sisters, Athena Luna Malfoy and Cassandra Aries Malfoy. The two sisters grew apart; Cassandra was dumped at an Orphanage when she was five, and had a poorly placed memory charm on her, and had all records of her even existing vanished. No one is sure how Abraxas and Luna Malfoy were able to get everyone to forget about her, not even Cassandra. Cassandra grows up as Kendall Brooke in a Muggle Orphanage, with a major memory problem, while Athena and Lucius are raised at Malfoy Manor, to grow up to be the pureblood supremacists the Malfoy family is notorious for being. But then again, Athena never really liked upholding tradition... This is the story of the three Malfoy siblings, how one was forgotten and remembered, and how the other two broke apart. {}{}{} | SOME MINOR AND MAJOR EVENTS WILL BE CHANGED (will not affect IMPERIO (actually there's a minor chance it will. Maybe an AU slightly) AND SOME DETAILS WILL BE ADDED. Athena will have more people she knows other than Lily and da Marauders. SWITCHES POINT OF VIEWS OFTEN, FROM ATHENA TO KENDALL TO ANYONE ELSE ALSO AVAILABLE ON WEBNOVEL UNDER THE SAME STORY NAME AND USERNAME ︎TRIGGER WARNINGS ~ NONE

OOF_LasagnaPotter · Book&Literature
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𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝑌𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟...1975

'Ms Riverine might say I have no family, but it was the moment I saw the letter, I knew they were out there. Somewhere.'


AN ELEVEN YEAR OLD KENDALL BROOKE WAS CURRENTLY IN THE YARD OF WOOL'S ORPHANAGE, WATCHING SADLY AS THE OTHER CHILDREN PLAYED AND LAUGHED TOGETHER. Anna and Jake were cheerfully talking and debating with the others, completely oblivious to their 'friend' watching them intently.

'Well, if we were really friends, they'd actually care,' Kendall thought bitterly. It was July 31st, and her birthday was over two months ago, but nobody acknowledged it.

Kendall didn't know why it hurt, as far as she was aware, she'd never had a proper birthday party.

'Or did she?'

Ever since she was six, she couldn't remember a single day a birthday was even celebrated at the orphanage, unless the children were good and helped the Matron.

Kendall didn't usually do the above because she knew very well that the Matron didn't need any help, and the children attempting to help her with simple things were just hoping for extra credit.

She rolled her eyes recalling Rosie Bells, who was fourteen at the time, had tried helping the cook bring the food to the table. She had dropped the pot of steaming soup halfway to the table, which resulted in a very aggravated Ms Riverine that day.

Kendall wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary to happen that day, unless her hands started glowing again.

So of course, when the Matron came out thirty minutes later to get her, stating that she had a visitor.

"Really?" Kendall asked, excitement bubbling up inside of her. The other children watched in confusion as Ms Riverine slowly nodded.


A friendly looking old man requested to have a private word with Kendall in her room. Kendall, thinking that she would finally be adopted, enthusiastically nodded.

Once she was seated on her bed and the man was occupying a chair, the man began speaking.

"Hello, my name is Albus Dumbledore and I have come here to tell you that you've been accepted into Hogwarts—"

"The school of magic?" Kendall guessed without thought. Dumbledore raised an eyebrow.

"You know of Hogwarts?"

Kendall strained her memory. How had she known?

But it was as if the word Hogwarts brought back memories.

'But what memories?'


Albus Dumbledore was on his way to deliver a letter to an orphan at Wool's Orphanage.

Well, naturally, McGonagall would be doing that, but he was afraid how the person at Wool's Orphanage would react.

For one, the name on the letter kept flickering and shifting, from C—B and to more odd letter mixes, K—M.

Yes, Dumbledore still remembered Tom Riddle. In the same orphanage.

Which was why he insisted that he go deliver the letter himself.

So as he entered the orphanage, he silently casted a Confundus Charm on Ms Riverine and asked her about any odd behaviour.

The information that he could get was an eleven year girl named Kendall Brooke, glowing hands, and floating objects.

When he asked more questions about her, many of them didn't have answers. Such as who her parents were.

He told the Matron to get her, and she did. Eyes clouded ever-so-slightly that no Muggle would think twice about, Ms Riverine went to get Kendall Brooke.

A very happy looking Kendall Brooke bounded in after Ms Riverine.

'So she can show emotion,' Dumbledore thought in relief, remembering how Tom Riddle had barely smiled the first time he had seen him.

And so Dumbledore requested a private word with her, to which she enthusiastically agreed.

Once she had led him to her room, where she sat on her bed and pointed to a chair he could occupy, he began trying to explain to her about Hogwarts. He noted that the room Kendall was in reminded him too much of Riddle's, except this was more up to date.

But it was when Kendall asked whether it was 'the' school of magic, Dumbledore was caught off guard.

"You know of Hogwarts?" He raised an eyebrow. Kendall seemed to be deep in thought.



"I...have a memory problem. It might just be me. Sorry," Kendall said dejectedly, shoulders slumping.

"Actually, Miss Brooke, you're correct," Dumbledore took out an envelope from his robes and handed it to Kendall.

"You've been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

It was as if a lightbulb went off in Kendall's head.

But she ignored it because she did not want to sound any weirder than Dumbledore probably already thought she was.

Kendall had a hard time at pretending to look confused when she felt like she remembered the word Hogwarts.

"Hogwarts is a school of magic in Britain, where only witches and wizards attend. You've had odd things happening around you, yes?"

Kendall nodded wordlessly. Seeing as Kendall didn't want to elaborate further, Dumbledore continued explaining the basics of Hogwarts and the Wizarding World in general.

During the whole time Dumbledore was talking, Kendall kept feeling weird, like dozens of tiny memories were coming back to her, but in a puzzle she had no clue how to solve or if it even existed.

"But...sir...I don't have the money for all those things..." Kendall said sadly. 'Now I probably can't go. There goes my life.'

"No problem," Dumbledore smiled, taking out a small bag which seemed to contain coins judging by the sound and weight it looked to have. "Hogwarts has a special fund for those who cannot afford it. The Hogwarts' Orphans' Fund."

Kendall stared at the bag, her eyes alight with happiness.

"Term starts on the first of September. Would you like to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow?"

Kendall gave him a questioning look, Diagon Alley sounding familiar but at the same time, she had nearly no idea what it was.

"Forgive me. Diagon Alley is the place you will buy all your things from. Remember how I explained to you about the things you'll need for Hogwarts?"

Kendall nodded slowly. "Where's Diagon Alley, though?"

"It's in London. Muggles, as I have mentioned, cannot see the entrance unless a magic user is guiding them."

It was a lot to take in at once, but Kendall was more than happy. She would finally have a fresh chance at making friends! And if Dumbledore's summary of Hogwarts was that good, Kendall couldn't imagine how it would be like there in 'person.'

"Now, Miss Brooke, there is one thing you must be aware of, however, as you enter the Wizarding World."

Dumbledore was looking a bit worried now.

Kendall bit her lip. "What?"

"There is currently a Dark Wizard on the loose. He is very dangerous and has followers everywhere. He goes by the name, Lord Voldemort," Dumbledore said in a low voice. He didn't want to say too much, for it would be too much for a child to take in.

"Many of these followers come from Slytherin House, one of the four Houses at Hogwarts, but a handful of them also come from Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw...and even...'Gryffindor.'"

"So there are traitors...everywhere?" Kendall gulped.

Dumbledore shook his head. "No, not exactly. It's just Slytherin House seem to be more open 'and' secretive about You-Know-Who."

"Who's You-Know-Who?"

"Voldemort. Though some people are uncomfortable with saying the name, so they refer to him as You-Know-Who or the Dark Lord. Are you alright with saying the name?" Dumbledore inquired curiously. It would be good if she wasn't afraid of the name, he found that 'Fear of the name, only increases the fear of the thing itself.'

"No, not really. Are a lot of people uncomfortable with the name?"

"It depends, Miss Brooke," Dumbledore said grimly. But he quickly smiled. "Would you like to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow?"

"Yes!" Kendall nodded vigorously and excitedly.

"Excellent then, I will be sending Professor Minerva McGonagall here to take you, she's the Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts and will give you more details as well."

Kendall wanted to ask what Transfiguration was at Hogwarts and whether it was any good, but she supposed that she could wait an extra day.


With one last farewell, Dumbledore got up and left her room.

'Ms Riverine says I have no family. But this letter...'

Kendall didn't know what she was feeling as she looked at the letter. She had severe memory loss, but even then, she felt like Hogwarts had some connection to her family.

Now if only she could know what it was...

A / N : What'd ya think?

This book will be updated daily, sometimes more than one chapter, so if you've got feedback, I'd love to hear it!

This is like a prequel/crossover of A Malfoy In Gryffindor, but more improved and will have more details I forgot to add to A Malfoy In Gryffindor.